Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

2000 years from now in the Idiocracy:
" Duuuuude. Fucking Afgnaland and Iraq never even like, like existed man. Vietnam was one of these like, fucking antique console games an shit. It's all like bullshit man

Sounds about right. lol
At the same time, as far as I know, there are no Bible manuscripts before about 9-10 centuries, and even then this is only a small part. This suggests that the Scripture was compiled from various sources by the Franks during the expansion and creation of the Frankish state. It has a common root with the Islamic Scriptures too, it is Abrahamic literature with similar plots and rules.
The older, Roman Christianity apparently has nothing to do with this, there is not even the symbolism of the crucifixion. Partly there are the Mithraic cults of Rome, which apparently came there from the Parthians in the 4th century after the defeat of Rome

I wouldn't be certain of that; most of those stories can be massaged to appear similar by merely adopting the same language used to describe the Hebrew versions and adapt it to those stories, not to mention the reverse could be true as well; they could be adaptations of earlier stories themselves.

Everything in the NT is entirely consistent with the time, names, and places they are claimed to be from, no anachronisms, which would be extremely unlikely if they were made up by some Roman 300 years later, so at least the New Testament writings are concurrent with their times and social structures.
I wouldn't be certain of that; most of those stories can be massaged to appear similar by merely adopting the same language used to describe the Hebrew versions and adapt it to those stories, not to mention the reverse could be true as well; they could be adaptations of earlier stories themselves.

Everything in the NT is entirely consistent with the time, names, and places they are claimed to be from, no anachronisms, which would be extremely unlikely if they were made up by some Roman 300 years later, so at least the New Testament writings are concurrent with their times and social structures.
Nothing there corresponds, starting with the fact that it was not so long ago, and if there was a serious movement led by Christ, it would be reflected in many sources of other cultures, but it is only in Abrahamic literature and for a little from the Gnostics.
Until the Middle Ages, there are not even crucifixes. The concept of heaven and hell there is borrowed from Zoroastrianism, many plots are found in the Indian epic, sometimes Christ is compared to Krishna. The concept of monastic asceticism comes from Buddhism. BTW early christians had belive in reincarnation.
By the way, the crucifixion itself is also unreliable. There was no crucifixion as described in the Bible, it was a special type of execution, especially sophisticated, when a person was tied to two trees and slowly tore apart, this was the meaning of the execution on the cross. Nobody just hung there, it made no sense. There was no point in making a cross for this. Different icons and statues depict him in different ways, where there is a footrest and somewhere there is no cross at all, it hangs on a pole.
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Shelves appeared there to depict him on the Hungarian patriarchal cross. They drew their own cross for each nation.
And here it is very important that the execution of Christ in many respects reproduces the execution of Artakerxes Bess. There is a cross, and humiliation from the soldiers.
The Christians took the image of the horned devil from the good god of the Celts, the horned Saman.
The "witches" who were burned by the church were worshiping Saman.
The Feast of All Saints is just the Feast of Saman, altered by Christians in their own way
The word Devil comes from the ancient Aryan Dyaus Pitar, the heavenly father and its early Roman version of Jupiter.
And the word "God" is from Hades, the king of the underworld.
The transcription of this word in Slavic means reptiles: snake frogs and so on
It is rooted in chthonic cults. Before the arrival of the Aryans, snakes were worshiped in Europe and the Mediterranean. The Greek gods before Olympus are serpentine gods, Titan is a variant of the modern "python".
The Zoroastrians did the same. The word "Dev" originally meant heavenly gods, including Indra himself.
Just a colorful and intriguing story
It never happened
It’s just fable
Zero archeological evidence


Note! I was WRONG on my story, see BELOW.



That's what all the Archeologists and many thought up until less than a month ago....

Now, reported on August 12, 2021

A group of Marine Archeologists from Egypt, found a massive army, and a couple of chariots so far from the time of Akanakan at the bottom of the Red Sea, they've recovered 400-500 different skeletons so far, and they were stuck in the mud....

The Egyptians, who have always refuted the crossing and believed it was a myth are now saying this archaeological find gives truth to the Biblical story....

Yes, I know it is the World NUT Daily.... Let me find another link.


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MARCH 6, 2018

False story says archaeologists unearth Exodus evidence​

by The Associated Press
Archaeologists did not unearth the bones of Egyptian soldiers, weapons and chariots to prove the biblical account of the parting of the Red Sea, despite the false claims of many stories reporting otherwise.

A story first published by a satire site, World News Daily Report, and then picked up by many other outlets, claimed scientists led by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader of Cairo University found the bones, and chariots, in the Gulf of Suez.
The university says in an email to The Associated Press that it has no professor by that name and it hasn't been involved in any excavations there.
The original version of the story included a photo of divers holding a skull. It was taken from a 2014 National Geographic article about an ancient skeleton discovered in a flooded Mexican cave
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Nothing there corresponds, starting with the fact that it was not so long ago, and if there was a serious movement led by Christ, it would be reflected in many sources of other cultures, but it is only in Abrahamic literature and for a little from the Gnostics.
Until the Middle Ages, there are not even crucifixes. The concept of heaven and hell there is borrowed from Zoroastrianism, many plots are found in the Indian epic, sometimes Christ is compared to Krishna. The concept of monastic asceticism comes from Buddhism. BTW early christians had belive in reincarnation.

Well, that would be wrong; Romans used crucifixion pretty often, and nothing in the NT doesn't belong there in the 1st Century. As for plots, most of those could come from anywhere. They wouldn't have to steal crosses from Indian folklore.

Great Floods like the OT's Noah for instance would be easily derived from finding marine fossils far up mountainsides for thousands of years, and not have to be stolen from anybody either. Most of those alleged resurrection stories read a lot more like Frankstein type tales than real resurrections. They only resemble 'resurrections' when using terminology like 'resurrections' to explain them and dress them up to copy the NT version, which by the way wasn't an uncommon thing among pagans after the popularity of Christianity started emptying pagan and Jewish temples as well, in attempts to compete.

The Gnostic stuff is total rubbish, just attempts to compete with Christianity, and mostly antisemitic as well.
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That's what all the Archeologists and many thought up until less than a month ago....

Now, reported on August 2, 2021

A group of Marine Archeologists from Egypt, found a massive army, and a couple of chariots so far from the time of Akanakan at the bottom of the Red Sea, they've recovered 400-500 different skeletons so far, and they were stuck in the mud....

The Egyptians, who have always refuted the crossing and believed it was a myth are now saying this archaeological find gives truth to the Biblical story....

I've been following that, but didn't want to bring it up until they find out more about it.
Most of those alleged resurrection stories read a lot more like Frankstein type tales than real resurrections.
No, there is complete semantics of resurrection. By the way, this day itself is still called Easter.
rubbish or not, this is only material exept abraamic that include information about Christ.
The early fathers of Christianity were Gnostics and Neoplatonists

Ah no, they weren't, but we're used to people who wish that were so, so they can rewrite the theology to suit themselves. and pretend it's just as valid as the orthodoxy. It's not even close.

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