Never Hillary! (?)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Regressives have no problem voting for a criminal
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I guess you don't see the distinction between a Democratic candidate who embodied all the Democratic beliefs her entire life compared to a liberal huckster from New York who was a pro-choice, cut and run registered Democrat who is PRETENDING to be a conservative Republican.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Regressives have no problem voting for a criminal
And, apparently, neither did you pseudocons.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Regressives have no problem voting for a criminal
And, apparently, neither did you pseudocons.

What crime did Trump commit?
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Regressives have no problem voting for a criminal
And, apparently, neither did you pseudocons.

What crime did Trump commit?
Trump's one and only "crime" is that he's not been a part of Establishment and Deep State. Deep State is used to have their puppets for US presidents (like Clinton, Bush and Obama) and was sure to have another Clinton, but American people said "NO!"
You still won't see or hear them criticize that waste of skin.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

I am a liberal. I was very vocal about not voting for Hillary because she has a track record. I didn't vote for her. We knew exactly what her foreign policy looked like. We knew she was a huge fan of H1B visas. We knew what her health care looked like. Hillary has been around for a long time. We knew these things before the DNC shenanigans. There were a lot of Bernie supporters that refused to vote for her or chose not to vote at all. So, no, they didn't "fall in line". If you re looking for "media" then you won't find it.

The Democrats refused to address problems that went back as far as 2006. Their supporters insisted on focusing on national rather than local. Further, the national news comes from media conglomerates and they were expecting some type of truth. They blindly followed information that came from the 1990s on issues (while ignoring other information) and they fought for rights that were already in existence-for a feel good moment. AND allowed the political instability stemming from the exact same tactics the US has used in other countries to hit our soil. All for ego stroking. The Democrats lost this last election due to the election before it. It really is that simple.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I guess you don't see the distinction between a Democratic candidate who embodied all the Democratic beliefs her entire life compared to a liberal huckster from New York who was a pro-choice, cut and run registered Democrat who is PRETENDING to be a conservative Republican.
Why must must you continually make false claims that you know nothing of? What point is there? Why lie all the time about a person you only know through what the media has fed you?
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I guess you don't see the distinction between a Democratic candidate who embodied all the Democratic beliefs her entire life compared to a liberal huckster from New York who was a pro-choice, cut and run registered Democrat who is PRETENDING to be a conservative Republican.

She embodied absolute corruption yet the left lover her.
The regressive wing of the democrat party can not, and will not ever own up to any of their faults. Hillary was exactly the feral, hate-spewing embodiment of their agenda, and they ran with her.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I guess you don't see the distinction between a Democratic candidate who embodied all the Democratic beliefs her entire life compared to a liberal huckster from New York who was a pro-choice, cut and run registered Democrat who is PRETENDING to be a conservative Republican.

I think that is exactly the reason they would not vote for Hillary.

They knew what they would get.

With Trump, there was a chance they might get something good.

So far.....he's proven them right.
I would say that it's likely that Clinton voters mostly despise Harvey Weinstein and his notorious actions. (My side also mostly despises the creep by the way.)

However, they were ready to fully support a woman that tried to silence women who came forward with stories about her misogynistic husband.
The rise of Donald Trump gave birth among Republicans to a large and vociferous "Never Trump" movement. National Review, the ideological "Vatican City" of Conservatism, was at least 80% in this camp from the time Trump announced through election day. Never Trumpers vowed not to vote at all rather than vote for either HRC or The Donald because of his personal history, political history, and very sketchy personality. Even outside National Review, some of the most prominent and influential Republicans preached Never-Trumpism from the highest rooftops throughout the primary and general campaigns. George Will? Ben Shapiro? Hell, Will is still a Never Trumper.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character. A liar, cheat, criminal, hack politicians who would be chasing ambulances in Chicago were it not for the stud she married. A person who openly pleaded with women to vote sexist - "Vote for me because I'm a woman!" - while wailing that men who voted on the basis of gender were sexist pigs. A true follower of the Worst President Ever: the Worst Candidate Ever.

So Why was there no "Never Hillary" movement? Not even a tiny one?

Bernie's voters had the goods on HRC, but in the end they all fell into line. But where were the "principled" Leftists who simply could not go so far as to support Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

But where was the "Never Hillary" counterpart on the Left? She was - and remains - a truly odious character.

Where was the "never Hillary"counterpart????

Did you forget Bernie?

Hillary was and is a very poor choice for the DNC, but don't be an idiot and "claim" that many democrats leaned far to the left in backing Sanders.

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