Never Forget

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Never Forget
Posted on December 8, 2019

The zman rips into cuckservative inc..enjoy


One of the odd results of the mass media culture is a sort of collective amnesia in which we forget things almost as fast as they happen. The Jeffrey Epstein murder was a big deal and then it was forgotten. The fake investigation was forgotten while it was happening, as by now everyone knows the drill. The result of the communications revolution is that the public lives in a permanent state of now. Yesterday and tomorrow no longer exist, as they are not in the frame of the permanent now.

The phrase “conspiracy theory” now applied to anyone dredging up old scandals or old controversies. You can be sure that next year, anyone mentioning the FBI spying scandal will be called a conspiracy theorist. This happened with the white wash of the Clinton e-mail scandal. Within the frame of the present, the event happened, the good guys won and the event was moved out of the frame. Anyone bringing it back up is treated like a lunatic talking about how they saw Big Foot.

As dangerous and taboo as the recent past may seem, there are useful lessons to be drawn from the last decade or so. For example, there was a representative from Illinois way back in the far away times of 2014. His name was Aaron Schock and he was considered a rising star in politics. All the right people liked him, because he was an extreme open borders globalist. Peter Singer was a big supporter. Schock used to make videos like this one where he promoted demographic replacement.

Schock had to resign his seat when it was learned he was stealing money from his campaign to finance his unusual lifestyle. He was charged with 24 criminal counts in Federal court related to his theft from his campaign. Despite his pro-family positions, he kept turning up at gay bars and in photos with gay dancers. In other words, he was a complete fraud, a paid actor hired to fool the voters. These are the types of people hired by guys like Paul Singer to corrupt and subvert conservatives.

You’ll note that Conservative Inc. has developed a real taste for sexual deviancy over the last decade. Charlie Kirk is fond of hanging around openly gay men at his college speaking tours. The most fruitful lines of attack thus far by the groypers was simply pointing out that TP-USA looks like gay disco. Kirk, standing in front of a sign that reads culture war, next to a flamboyant homosexual, while mocking normal young males is a great visual. It brings it all home to people.

Of course, Paul Singer is just one guy, so he is somewhat limited in what he can do with his billions to warp the political process. Even billionaires are limited in how much they are allowed to give the actors they hire for these roles. That’s where operations like American Enterprise come into the mix. In case it has been forgotten, they were the ones helping poison millions of America with the opioid crisis. At this point, calling it a holocaust is not unreasonable, given the numbers.

American Enterprise, in addition to housing Jonah Goldberg, is also big into promoting sexual deviancy. They have a whole section dedicated to it. They also have a tranny in senior management. Giselle Donnelly used to be Thomas Donnelly until he decided to reintroduce himself to Washington as a trans woman. AEI, by the way, is a big supporter of Ben Sasse and was a big supporters of Aaron Schock. Also of note, Paul Singer, the small town killer, is a major donor to American Enterprise.

As scary as it seems, this is why it is useful to rummage around in the recent past, particularly when it comes to Conservative Inc. These scoundrels have been able to hide in plain sight, because they can rely on their media organs to constantly shift the focus to the next thing. That’s the role of talk radio and right-wing rage heads like FNC’s Sean Hannity. They fill the air with noise over the latest outrage, so no one takes notice of what their paymasters are doing in the shadows.

The great scandal of Conservative Inc. is not that these people were just stuffing their pockets with donor cash. It’s not that they took bribes to promote the sale of opiates to unsuspecting Americans. It is not a case of an institution becoming corrupted by material temptations. The real scandal is that Conservative Inc. was always this corrupt and dishonest. It was always a bust-out. It was always just another tentacle of a ruling class that hates and despises the people it rules.

Never Forget | The Z Blog
Being able to have sex the way you want in your own bed room is part of being free. Why do you want more government?
I think all forms of adult consensual sex should be allowed worldwide!

Uh boy
That has nothing to do with the authors opinion or the article you're way off topic

What do I care what consenting adults do in private ?

Who is calling for government intervention ?
The author hasn't ...I'm not
Being able to have sex the way you want in your own bed room is part of being free. Why do you want more government?
Not sure why you think h e wants the government to do anything, but maybe I missed that part.

What I dont want is to be led by perverts. They can screw dogs for all I care, but I dont want such warped individuals to lead us as they are not like us in terms of their values.

How does a guy that is a closet homo serve cultural conservatism well? He doesnt. He is a tool and a fraud.

If this Kirk guy is real a closet homo then he should step aside and let someone who lives the life of a cultural conservative lead.

While I myself am not perfect, there are still reasonable limits and I am not fit to lead anything anyway.

The only real question here is:

Is Turning Point USA a Trojan Horse?
Being able to have sex the way you want in your own bed room is part of being free. Why do you want more government?
Not sure why you think h e wants the government to do anything, but maybe I missed that part.

What I dont want is to be led by perverts. They can screw dogs for all I care, but I dont want such warped individuals to lead us as they are not like us in terms of their values.

How does a guy that is a closet homo serve cultural conservatism well? He doesnt. He is a tool and a fraud.

If this Kirk guy is real a closet homo then he should step aside and let someone who lives the life of a cultural conservative lead.

While I myself am not perfect, there are still reasonable limits and I am not fit to lead anything anyway.

The only real question here is:

Is Turning Point USA a Trojan Horse?

It doesnt even really matters that hes gay ...trump could be a flamer I'd still vote for him ....its when they start pushing the establishment pc narratives.....they're the dems fake opposition always have been always will be

It's one big happy Globo homo uniparty

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