Never forget your identity!


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
It's the one thing you have that can't be taken from you.

The modern world wants to convince you otherwise, that you are just a generic "citizen of the world", a replaceable worker cog in the machine, etc.

Not true!

You have a unique racial and cultural identity. Don't give it up for anybody. And never for one moment think you belong to another group, that is the sure way to ruin.
It's the one thing you have that can't be taken from you.

The modern world wants to convince you otherwise, that you are just a generic "citizen of the world", a replaceable worker cog in the machine, etc.

Not true!

You have a unique racial and cultural identity. Don't give it up for anybody. And never for one moment think you belong to another group, that is the sure way to ruin.
Given that race is an artificial construct, then we don't have to consider it.
It's the one thing you have that can't be taken from you.

The modern world wants to convince you otherwise, that you are just a generic "citizen of the world", a replaceable worker cog in the machine, etc.

Not true!

You have a unique racial and cultural identity. Don't give it up for anybody. And never for one moment think you belong to another group, that is the sure way to ruin.
Given that race is an artificial construct, then we don't have to consider it.

So is gender ;)

I wish I could change the deeper sex too but that isn't true for that. Sadly.
It's the one thing you have that can't be taken from you.

The modern world wants to convince you otherwise, that you are just a generic "citizen of the world", a replaceable worker cog in the machine, etc.

Not true!

You have a unique racial and cultural identity. Don't give it up for anybody. And never for one moment think you belong to another group, that is the sure way to ruin.
Given that race is an artificial construct, then we don't have to consider it.

So is gender ;)

I wish I could change the deeper sex too but that isn't true for that. Sadly.

The issue with gender is that one side is equipped physically with a set of sex organs while another is equipped with another set of sex organs. This is real. Skin toe is not the same thing. Race came about as a construct as result of e people like Kant who made it up during what some call the enlightenment. Men and women had been here for millions of years by that time.
It's the one thing you have that can't be taken from you.

The modern world wants to convince you otherwise, that you are just a generic "citizen of the world", a replaceable worker cog in the machine, etc.

Not true!

You have a unique racial and cultural identity. Don't give it up for anybody. And never for one moment think you belong to another group, that is the sure way to ruin.
Given that race is an artificial construct, then we don't have to consider it.
Not it isn´t. Can´t be denied. But it is a result of identity as most people find partners within their people. That´s why the gene pools of different countries develop differently.
Another example for race is skin color. Black color is better to block the sun because of the pigments. But newborn blacks don´t become black under the African sun but everywhere.

How this does matter, is the actual question
It doesn't matter. Neither does identity. We are citizens of he world. And we are unique In that fact because there are no other worlds with human llfe on it. If there is any identity to have then it's that of humans.
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It doesn't mater.
Depends on if your boss is a racist

Neither does identity. We are citizens of he world.
Your identity: citizen of the world. Not impressing and you won´t pass anywhere with it.
Identity matters. It is one of the most important things, in fact. For example a football fan running around with his favorite team´s jersey and scarf who tells me identity doesn´t matter will be discarded as clown. Yes, identity is all we are.

And we are unique I that fact because here is no other world with human llfe on it.
How do you know?
It doesn't mater.
Depends on if your boss is a racist

Neither does identity. We are citizens of he world.
Your identity: citizen of the world. Not impressing and you won´t pass anywhere with it.
Identity matters. It is one of the most important things, in fact. For example a football fan running around with his favorite team´s jersey and scarf who tells me identity doesn´t matter will be discarded as clown. Yes, identity is all we are.

And we are unique I that fact because here is no other world with human llfe on it.
How do you know?

Not really all that concerned with impressing.

Identity does not matter. We are citizens of this world. We live here don't we? We are all humans. That is our identity. What's the difference between someone from France and someone from Italy? Why should we be concerned with holding on to a nationalist identity? What good has that done? Are you going to stop being human if you are not recognized as British? O Swedish? Or German? Or American?

What. you going to forget that you are a man or woman because your culture is not recognized as something special?This is not about a sport. And to your last question, have you seen another world with other humans or for that matter any other life living on it yet? People have been trying to find one for centuries and none have yet been found.
It doesn't mater.
Depends on if your boss is a racist

Neither does identity. We are citizens of he world.
Your identity: citizen of the world. Not impressing and you won´t pass anywhere with it.
Identity matters. It is one of the most important things, in fact. For example a football fan running around with his favorite team´s jersey and scarf who tells me identity doesn´t matter will be discarded as clown. Yes, identity is all we are.

And we are unique I that fact because here is no other world with human llfe on it.
How do you know?

Not really all that concerned with impressing.

Identity does not matter. We are citizens of this world. We live here don't we? We are all humans. That is our identity. What's the difference between someone from France and someone from Italy? Why should we be concerned with holding on to a nationalist identity? What good has that done? Are you going to stop being human if you are not recognized as British? O Swedish? Or German? Or American?

What. you going to forget that you are a man or woman because your culture is not recognized as something special?This is not about a sport. And to your last question, have you seen another world with other humans or for that matter any other life living on it yet? People have been trying to find one for centuries and none have yet been found.
Leave the people their identities. They don´t matter to you but to others they do. Of course, there were wars and all but humans make groups and that groups will confront each other. The benefit of nations shall not be underestimated. Once your one world turns into a cruel regime, and it will, you´ll remember my words.

Humankind has not explored a single percent of the known universe. And of course, as the law of nature is the same everywhere in the universe, the most likely intelligent being on another world is a human-like being.
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All identities have done is create war and crazy beliefs that some identities are superior to others. We only have one world that we live in. The cruel regimes have been created now because of this belief in identity. This seems to have been a European problem. So while they have seen absolutely no problem in destroying cultures all over the world while forcing people out of their own identities, we see them constantly whining about how they need to keep theirs.. So really the only identity we need is that we are humans.

As for our last couple of sentences, one would think that if there was another planet with life like ours on it, we would have gotten a visit by now after millions of years of us existing here.
All identities have done is create war and crazy beliefs that some identities are superior to others. We only have one world that we live in. The cruel regimes have been created now because of this belief in identity. This seems to have been a European problem. So while they have seen absolutely no problem in destroying cultures all over the world while forcing people out of their own identities, we see them constantly whining about how they need to keep theirs.. So really the only identity we need is that we are humans.
Cruel regimes have been created. In all of human history. This is not about identity but about humans. Some are cruel. The problem with a cruel one world regime is that nobody can remove it.

As for our last couple of sentences, one would think that if there was another planet with life like ours on it, we would have gotten a visit by now after millions of years of us existing here.
Now you get funny. At first, we didn´t visit other worlds, populated or not. Second, the distances are that huge that you simply cannot bridge them, not even at speed of light which would still require you 40 years of nonstop flight to the next planet out of our solar system. Why couldn´t there be another civilization some 4 billion light years away? Scientists say that the change for a civilization is low but the amount of planets unimaginably large. Imagine, we are here, we exist. And besides this, if there is a god or something, he can make another world whenever he wants.
No excuses. All this identity stuff has done is cause problems and it has infected the foreign policies of most western nations. Understand that you nor anyone else from Europe should be complaining abut losing identities and cultures. You want to see people whose identities and cultures were destroyed?

Go visit Africa, South America, some paces in Asia, Australia, and visit any reservation in the US.

Why weren't and aren't their identities considered?

Net me end this by asking you that if you can't believe in a god you can't see then what makes you believe there are other planets with life out there which you haven't seen either? Maybe God decided to make only one planet with life.. After all he is God and can do whatever he wants.
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No excuses. All this identity stuff has done is cause problems and it has infected the foreign policies of most western nations. Understand that you nor anyone else from Europe should be complaining abut losing identities and cultures. You want to see people whose identities and cultures were destroyed?

Go visit Africa, South America, some paces in Asia, Australia, and visit any reservation in the US.

Why weren't and aren't their identities considered?
The European countries bought the African regions from tribal leaders. In exchange for worthless rubbish they agreed to apply their administration. The tribal leaders signed the contracts with Xes or fingerprints in lack of written language.

Net me end this by asking you that if you can't believe in a god you can't see then what makes you believe there are other planets with life out there which you haven't seen either? Maybe God decided to make only one planet with life.. After all he is God and can do whatever he wants.
Did I say anywhere that I beliefe in extrasolar civilizations? I only said your outright denial is baseless.
Individuals have identities beyond being a faceless member of some arbitrary 'group' that this or that one insists on classifying a person as and thereby limiting them to.
"Citizen of the world" crap is empty semantics signifying nothing.
I know a saying "Was der Bauer nicht kennt mag er nicht" thats german and I heard some people say it, that means "What the farmer doesnt know he doesnt like", for example there are people who reject going to McDonalds or eating a döner kebab because its "foreign". I on the other hand am open to other cultures, would like to visit other countries (but spend time with the average people being one of them sitting with them at their table not just like a ignorant tourist) etc. In that sense Im a "world citizen". I like american pop culture which is pretty universal nowadays in the whole world etc. Nothing wrong, if someone wants to stick to tradition and traditional life its his right too.

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