"Never Forget" Means: Remember "Their" Crimes, Forget "Ours."

If that middle east oil gets endangered we will know about it pretty quickly. Perhaps eve go back there for another round of wars.
Since it's the US military driving the instability in the Middle East, maybe we need a new way to prop up the US dollar?

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson

"Most of these countries in Asia get dollars from US military spending.

"They say, 'What are we going to do with the dollars?'

"They buy US Treasury bonds, which finance the military spending on the military bases that encircle them.

"So they’re financing their own military encirclement!"

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

it was a crime to give aid to a group of people (muslims) fighting leftist socialist invaders? that’s why they attacked us? how much since does that make?

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

I noticed the uninformed among us find this amusing. What a surprise.
We created 65 million refugees from Iraq,Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and wherever else.... if you don't think it will come back to haunt us, you've got another thing coming pal.
link, please
WW2 created MORE than than that ..so the US being in WW2 was wrong??????!!!!!!!

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

Your list of US "crimes" is silly. How is it bad to kill Iraqis who just rampaged and looted Kuwait? :cuckoo:
you are out of your mind
..the US helps the world the most-including:
carriers /chppers/LCACs/etc helping in natural disasters
The US economy gained a "free lunch" fifty years ago when Nixon abandoned the gold standard and the US dollar became the global reserve currency.

Ending the gold-exchange created a situation where US dollars thrown off by the US payments deficit end up in foreign central banks which then purchase Treasury Bills.

The more money the US spends killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East, the more foreign central banks end up financing the domestic US budget deficit.

When your economic surplus is based on killing civilians, you are NOT one of the "good guys."

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson
"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

Yeah, i'm sure Osama was really upset about something that happened in Chile when he was FUCKING 17.

You're gish gallop list is thus proven to be bullshit from top to bottom.

You lose, loser.
The US economy gained a "free lunch" fifty years ago when Nixon abandoned the gold standard and the US dollar became the global reserve currency.

Ending the gold-exchange created a situation where US dollars thrown off by the US payments deficit end up in foreign central banks which then purchase Treasury Bills.

The more money the US spends killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East, the more foreign central banks end up financing the domestic US budget deficit.

When your economic surplus is based on killing civilians, you are NOT one of the "good guys."

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson
another dumbass troll post by you --you are babbling
We created 65 million refugees from Iraq,Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and wherever else.... if you don't think it will come back to haunt us, you've got another thing coming pal.
if they are fleeing their country to the united states, didn’t their Govt create them? Didn’t Assad, the Taliban, ISIS create them? None of these people wanted to leave their homelands…they left escaping oppression.

One could argue that xiden helped create them by abandoning them and surrendering to the Taliban…but still the Taliban is largely to blame
if they are fleeing their country to the united states, didn’t their Govt create them? Didn’t Assad, the Taliban, ISIS create them? None of these people wanted to leave their homelands…they left escaping oppression.

One could argue that xiden helped create them by abandoning them and surrendering to the Taliban…but still the Taliban is largely to blame
The Iraq War sent 50 million Iraqi's fleeing to Syria and elsewhere after 2003......many of those refugees ended up in Europe.

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