Nevada Mayor John Lee Says He Left Democratic Party Over 'Senseless Devotion to Cancel Culture'


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
he mayor of Nevada's third-largest city said he left the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans this week, claiming "card-carrying socialists" won local seats and now there's "no place left for a pro-life, pro-gun, Christian" like himself.

North Las Vegas John Lee penned a Fox News op-ed Thursday that accused newly elected Democrats of having one clear goal: "ending the America we know and love." He repeatedly stated in separate interviews during the past week that "cancel culture" has become his biggest problem with politics.

"I will not let the America I love be hijacked by an extremist left-wing mob that blacklists, bans, shouts down and cancels anyone who disagrees with them," the Democratic Party defector wrote. "That is why I am switching to register as a member of the Republican Party. Though I've been a registered Democrat on paper, I made the switch in my heart a long time ago, because on some things, there's simply no compromise."

They have become an overly obnoxious little group of elitists. I can understand why people would not want to be associated with them.
Well, well, well, what do you know? The Dems reneged on their gambling debts in Las Vegas and Reno. So now they're after the third largest city in Nevada.

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