Nevada Caucus underway


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Bout the only time I watch MSNBC lol...entrance polls are giving Sanders a huge lead but that doesn't mean much...I do wonder if Biden lands 3rd or worse does he drop out?
People voting for a socialist in America.

We fucked up when we allowed democrats to bring these people in and take control over academia, still there could not be a more poetic end to the anti-American party. Brilliant to see them swallowed by their own creation.
Bout the only time I watch MSNBC lol...entrance polls are giving Sanders a huge lead but that doesn't mean much...I do wonder if Biden lands 3rd or worse does he drop out?

Nope, he is NOT going to drop! The DNC is going to circuitously route him funds to keep him in the race, to insure a brokered convention.

Watch what they do to BERNARD, and I am NOT a BERNARD fan.

You want to see totalitarian politics? Watch the DNC-)
Bout the only time I watch MSNBC lol...entrance polls are giving Sanders a huge lead but that doesn't mean much...I do wonder if Biden lands 3rd or worse does he drop out?
Biden isn’t going anywhere until after super Tuesday... that will be the point where we will see most the candidates pull the plug
Bout the only time I watch MSNBC lol...entrance polls are giving Sanders a huge lead but that doesn't mean much...I do wonder if Biden lands 3rd or worse does he drop out?

Nope, he is NOT going to drop! The DNC is going to circuitously route him funds to keep him in the race, to insure a brokered convention.

Watch what they do to BERNARD, and I am NOT a BERNARD fan.

You want to see totalitarian politics? Watch the DNC-)

While Bernard is the only true socialist - they are all acting like socialists.
Bout the only time I watch MSNBC lol...entrance polls are giving Sanders a huge lead but that doesn't mean much...I do wonder if Biden lands 3rd or worse does he drop out?
Biden isn’t going anywhere until after super Tuesday... that will be the point where we will see most the candidates pull the plug

Who's going to pull mayor Pete's plug?
Here's the funny part ... Bernie will win caucus after caucus ... and Bloomberg will get the nomination.


Democracy in action.
Bernie will win

Disagree, with a caveat.

Only way BERNARD wins is--------------->if there internal polls show that they have little chance of beating Trump. Then they will allow BERNARD to win, and blame it on him they got their a** kicked!

It is right in front of our faces! The powers that be in the DNC, are going to put forth he/she who has the best chance of winning; unless they can't. In that case, they will put forth the person(s) they want to destroy, so their way of thinking is REMOVED from the platform.

It is called, POLITICS!

We on both sides think we know what is going on. We do NOT! Internal polls have already told both party's who is going to win unless something dramatically changes. If you can NOT figure this out, then you do not know POLITICS!

The last time there was an error in choosing, was when nobody ran for President on the DNC side, and Clinton won! It can/could happen!

Still, as of this moment, the DNC is thinking DOWNBALLOT. They are NOT thinking about who/whom will pull them up, but rather afraid who/whom will pull the whole shebang down.

Any Leftist who does NOT understand this, is wet behind the ears, plain and simple!
Deep State has a problem. We aren't going to vote socialism into this country. Bernie can't win this. A gaff a day, Biden isn't going to win either. The butt hurt Bernies will stay home on election day if he isn't the nominee. Dems have witnessed a ringer, Bloomberg, implode. And they watch the crowds, waiting for days to get a glimpse of President Trump at his massive rallies.
They are desperate to rewind the clock and undo what Trump has done to their policies, foreign and domestic. If Trump wins again, I fear for his safety...
Another tactic just occurred to me ... but I haven't don any math on this.

Nominating Bernie will keep voter turnout low ... there are only so many unemployed and art majors these days. Even Republicans will stay home because the vote won't even be close,

A low turnout will give Democrats a better chance of manipulating state races. A plan to take the Senate?
Democrats counting the votes in the Moon Bat Primary in Nevada. What could possibly go wrong?
Anybody know what's going on in the Republican caucus?
They aren't holding a caucus for the GOP.

Correct. They cancelled it. As did Kansas, South Carolina, Arizona, Alaska and Hawaìi if memory serves.

"Superdelegates" is one level of rigging. Canceling the whole thing takes it to a whole 'nother level. It's like, yanno what, let's not bother to run the Daytona 500, let's just declare Richard Petty the winner. It'll save gas.

I've still got one here in the other Carolina, if they don't cancel it. They're running scared.

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