Netherlands to return treasures to Indonesia and Sri Lanka

Lagos is as accessible as London if you want to see them.

Good grieve. What an horror idea to have to travel to London or to Kenya. .... Ahm Sorry. What was the name? Afghanistan? Mali? Ah no: Nigeria - and now "Lagos". Where for heavens sake is this Lago S and what lake is it? Is any musem here in the near telling me something about this region of the world?

Good grieve. What an horror idea to have to travel to London or to Kenya. .... Ahm Sorry. What was the name? Afghanistan? Mali? Ah no: Nigeria - and now "Lagos". Where for heavens sake is this Lago S and what lake is it? Is any musem here in the near telling me something about this region of the world?

Why do you cite London as a departure point ? Lagos is easier to reach by everyone in Africa.
They can see their art treasures stolen by britain. Fantastic.
Why do you cite London as a departure point ? Lagos is easier to reach by everyone in Africa.

Okay - we can send some of our Sowosama bushmen into this region of Asia .., ah sorry Africa ... ¿Lagos is in Africa? ... to report us what is going on there.

They can see their art treasures stolen by britain. Fantastic.

Who is "they"? And why do you not bring them to Britain if they like to see their "treasures" which you stole? By the way: Why has Germany to give "back" what you stole and what we bought from you? And how many thousand tons of grain from the Ukraine are they able to send to the Sahel zone with such "treasures" (=world heritage)?

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... Without the abhorrent actions of the crown, there would have been no holocaust. ...

Do you like to buy a concentration camp? We could make one for you, superidiot, with the sign "Arbeit macht frei" in any language of the world.

It nights the blue ... sorry


The night is blue, the stars are twinkling
Snowflakes softly descend.
On noble little firs green treetop
A small, white tip piles up.
And there, from the window, breaks through
the dark fir a warm light.

In the forester's lodge kneels by candlelight
the forester's wife s in the master's room.
On this beautiful night
she killed the forester.
He had been in her way for a long time

when she cared for their home
Therefore she agreed with herself:
It must be on St. Nicholas' Eve.

And when the little deer went to rest
the little rabbit closed its eyes,
she shot - directly from the front -
the husband over the rim and the grain.
Woken by the bang, only the rabbit wrinkels
two, three, four times the sniffing nose
and rests further sweetly in the dark
while the stars twinkle in peace.

And in the good room inside,
the forester's blood runs from there.
Now the forester must hurry,
to cut up her husband cleanly.
Quickly she has cut him to the bone
according to the hunting custom.
Full of care, she lays limb upon limb,
which the husband avoided until now,
retains a piece of tenderloin
as a festive roast piece
and packs on it - it goes on four -
the leftovers in wrapping paper.

From far away it sounds like silver bells,
in the village one hears dogs barking.
Who is it, who in such late night
still makes his rounds in the snow?
Knecht Ruprecht comes with a golden sleigh
rides up on a stag.
"Hey, good woman, do you still have things..,
that bring joy to poor people?"

The forester's house is covered deep in snow,
but his wife is already ready:
"The six packages, holy man,
'tis all I can give."

The silver bells ring softly,
Knecht Ruprecht sets off on his journey.
In the forester's house the candle burns,
a little star twinkles - it's Advent!
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Okay - we can send some of our Sowosama bushmen into this region of Asia .., ah sorry Africa ... ¿Lagos is in Africa? ... to report us what is going on there.

Who is "they"? And why do you not bring them to Britain if they like to see their "treasures" which you stole? By the way: Why has Germany to give "back" what you stole and what we bought from you? And how many thousand tons of grain from the Ukraine are they able to send to the Sahel zone with such "treasures" (=world heritage)?

You are insane.
You are insane.

Unsere Welt ist die wahre Welt; verrückt, verlogen, verschroben und illusorisch sind nur die Welten der anderen.
Paul Watzlawick

= Our world is the true world; only the worlds of others are crazy, mendacious, twisted and illusory.

Let me say again somehting about the Benin Bronces. When Germans bought them from Great Britian your people saw in such sculptures practically only scrap metal. Germany took care and gave them to museums. Before they had been given back to the black murderers and black slave traders who had collaborated with "you" 160 of this sculptures had had a estimated price of about 60 million Euro. ~5000 - all of them without any exception - had been given back. If they all had a comparable price then we speak about more than 1.5 billion Euro which unknown people took from all Germans and put this money onto the pockets of a few criminals who had been descendents of the criminals who had wiped out Benin and the people of Benin - because "you" like to undo this crime where Great Britain had been envolved.

Question: Who is not insane who has to do with all this criminal games and since when make new crimes old crimes undone only because some very few people are "moral" do-gooders without any real feeling for real moral but a high energy for new corruption?

Fredl Fesl - the singer and poet which you called together with me "insane" - suffers by the way Parkinson and I had absolutelly not any problem if we had sold all this Benin Bronces wordwide in private and public hands of innocent people who honor this arts and had given the 1.5-2 billion Euro for research against the sickness Parkinson. I'm sure not only Africa had made in this case a much better business, undear British moralist, very wrong one.

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Unsere Welt ist die wahre Welt; verrückt, verlogen, verschroben und illusorisch sind nur die Welten der anderen.
Paul Watzlawick

= Our world is the true world; only the worlds of others are crazy, mendacious, twisted and illusory.

Let me say again somehting about the Benin Bronces. When Germans bought them from Great Britian your people saw in such sculptures practically only scrap metal. Germany took care and gave them to museums. Before they had been given back to the black murderers and black slave traders who had collaborated with "you" 160 of this sculptures had had a estimated price of about 60 million Euro. ~5000 - all of them without any exception - had been given back. If they all had a comparable price then we speak about more than 1.5 billion Euro which unknown people took from all Germans and put this money onto the pockets of a few criminals who had been descendents of the criminals who had wiped out Benin and the people of Benin - because "you" like to undo this crime where Great Britain had been envolved.

Question: Who is not insane who has to do with all this criminal games and since when make new crimes old crimes undone only because some very few people are "moral" do-gooders without any real feeling for real moral but a high energy for new corruption?

Fredl Fesl - the singer and poet which you called together with me "insane" - suffers by the way Parkinson and I had absolutelly not any problem if we had sold all this Benin Bronces wordwide in private and public hands of innocent people who honor this arts and had given the 1.5-2 billion Euro for research against the sickness Parkinson. I'm sure not only Africa had made in this case a much better business, undear British moralist, very wrong one.

Dealing in stolen goods is an offence. Insanity is no excuse.

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