Netflix going full SJW retard.

Hard to find a big corporation nowadays who doesn't see a marketing opportunity in pandering to snowflake sensibilities.
Hard to find a big corporation nowadays who doesn't see a marketing opportunity in pandering to snowflake sensibilities.

I think we could make a case for media that purposely does just that. I would love to see an animated flick where Curious George
Meets an Alligator. The little prick always gets away with the trouble he causes.


The phrase the industry uses for this genre is "Rom Com".

Is that somehow more respectful to women?
Netflix, Hulu and the others are no better than the networks and cable channels which are all controlled by Far Left Progressive who's sole purpose is to advance the Leftist agenda. Therefore, they must maintain their narrative.
I saw a movie last night called "Heaven is Waiting." It's a movie made with a Christian perspective, and it was nice to see women characters who didn't strut around like sluts, and men who didn't treat women like garbage. Maybe Netflix should try airing more movies like that.
Netflix Says Stop Calling Movies "Chick Flicks," Twitter Reacts

Chick flicks is sexist yall!

Ridiculous huh....

My Netflix is free with my mobile service. If it wasn't I wouldn't have it.

THIS is what's gonna keep you up all night?

I can't imagine how much work it must be to scrape the bottom of the barrel hard enough to actually think this is an "issue". :rolleyes:

It's annoying being lectured to, don't you agree?

Yes..this is my general reaction to it:

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Netflix Says Stop Calling Movies "Chick Flicks," Twitter Reacts

Chick flicks is sexist yall!

Ridiculous huh....

My Netflix is free with my mobile service. If it wasn't I wouldn't have it.

THIS is what's gonna keep you up all night?

I can't imagine how much work it must be to scrape the bottom of the barrel hard enough to actually think this is an "issue". :rolleyes:

It's annoying being lectured to, don't you agree?
He's a useful bitch for the left so no.
It should really come as no surprise that degenerate shysters in hollywood use their platform to promote their cultural marxism. What's even stranger is when the most mundane of consumer products get in on the act.

sjw brawny.jpg
It should really come as no surprise that degenerate shysters in hollywood use their platform to promote their cultural marxism. What's even stranger is when the most mundane of consumer products get in on the act.

View attachment 256394

OP's gonna need a truckload of those. Can you imagine, bawling your eyes out all night because freaking Netflix made a suggestion? Oh the horror. A shabby infamy. A gross obloquy. How will we ever go on. :crybaby:

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