Nervy Jews.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
My Irish Catholic grandmother used to call them just that "Nervy Jews"
Yes, a lot different than Irish Protestants on this forum, who worship Jews.

Boy, it really is kind of true.

Speak of which.

When going to visit her on Christmas, Two Nervy Jews I said Merry Christmas to gave us silence & mean stares in response.

Another Nervy Jew she shared the Assisted living place with, would scream & curse people out for just saying "Hi"

In New Paltz, I said Hi, how are you to a Nervy Jew, who said "Who are you?" in response.

In Heritage Hills, Somers, playing Marco Polo in the pool, led to a Nervy Jew screaming "POLO" in response.

At summer camp, in Yorktown, a Nervy Jew punched me for no reason, telling me to get plastic surgery, when I got into a bike accident & fell on my face & had scarring.

A Nervy Jew doctor my Mother had for her eyes, always screamed at her.

A Nervy Jew doctor I had, who put me on temporary sleeping pills, scream at me, and told me I could no longer go to him, after I told him the sleeping pills made me feel knocked out.

A Nervy Jewish teacher I had, said that Jews were White Europeans such as Polish, Russian, and Germans, and weren't Semitic, it was a myth, but she then thought Jews were somehow entitled to Israel, and lied about Jews buying all of Israel with their money.

The Queen of the Nervy Jews, a Jewess in Pawling, I made a HUGE mistake giving her my phone number to because she wanted to see my Art Oil paintings, she calls me like 10 times a day.

Anyways, after visiting my house, ever since she saw we have money, she asks me EVERY DAMN TIME she sees me for a 10 thousand dollar loan, sometimes 10 times a day, IF I hang around, even when I told her No, and I can't do it, or that I'd stop hanging out with her for it.

Another time she wanted to go out to an expensive restaurant in town with me, she ordered, and then said she couldn't pay & thank you for paying.
So, I paid the tab, and ever since she CONSTANTLY tries to get me to buy her stuff.

Then that's not all, she throws her ciggarette butts in public, in the road, or sidewalk, EVEN WHEN there's ash trays or ash cans right there.

She leans on random peoples cars in town, because she feels like it.

She also asks me to carry her bags if she sees me.

If I don't carry her bags IF AROUND, she keeps having OCD persistent, desperate panic attacks, winging until I do it.
SAME with everything else.

She also CONSTANTLY talks about everything she needs.

She always demands to be driven around, to far away places.... Yes, will keep having OCD persisent panic attacks until she gets her way.

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