neo nazis storm children's event at Bay Area Library.

These men are playing dress up and shaking their asses at a children's event because they are attracted to children.

How do you know?

It sounds like you think you're rather experienced at this. Or you're just putting two and two together and coming up with whatever answer is most convenient for you.
How do you know?

It sounds like you think you're rather experienced at this. Or you're just putting two and two together and coming up with whatever answer is most convenient for you.

Their behavior suggest very negative explanations.

You know that. Stop shit talking.
It's not like this behavior just appeared today. Drag has been around at least since Shakespeare. It is kept from children. Children have not been this used, abused and debauched since the Egyptians. I have certainly seen drag. Drag used to be called female impersonation. It was always an adult entertainment.

SAN LORENZO, Calif. (KGO) -- A children's story time turned into a nightmare Saturday afternoon at the San Lorenzo library.

Bay Area drag queen, Panda Dulce, was co-hosting a kids' reading event in celebration of Pride Month when suddenly the unthinkable happened.

"Eight to ten Proud Boys marched in with their cameras blazing, point at me, jeering from the back," Dulce said.

A group of men believed to be affiliated with the far-right extremist Proud Boys group stormed the event.

How are the Proud Boys national socialists?

please explain……

this is the drag gueen at the SF library...that the 8 to 10 men went in to protest. Oh no. he's not interested in kids sexually. This is the drag queen guy that said he felt so unsafe with all those big old bad men in there protecting children.......from him.

this is the drag gueen at the SF library...that the 8 to 10 men went in to protest. Oh no. he's not interested in kids sexually. This is the drag queen guy that said he felt so unsafe with all those big old bad men in there protecting children.......from him.

They TOOK his picture. According to metalwolf, that is "unthinkable".


Is anyone really surprised that someone who is involved in direct efforts to sexually groom children turns out also to be interested in child pornography?

A pedophile is a pedophile, and I don't think it should ever be unexpected for someone who manifests one form of this evil to manifest another.
Are you going to try to claim that it is heterosexual men who are sexually abusing boys?
Look up Dennis Hastert.

If he was molesting little boys, then he's no heterosexual.

By definition, a heterosexual is only sexually interested in the opposite sex. If a heterosexuals man was also a pedophile, then he'd only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys.

In addition to being a childfucker, Hastert very clearly was also a faggot, or at least a demifaggot.

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