neo-nazis and american

Don't be stupid, fellow. The U.S. will make any Muslim country glow for the next several lifetimes if Israel is destroyed. You are letting your deepest hopes unbalance your reasoning. Be very, very careful what you wish for. Just as scary would be the backlash against Muslims here in America. I am not kidding. We have a 100 millions of Christians who would go bonkers.
Would the resident Hitler Jugend and S.A wannabe's here think it terribly rude of me, if I suggested you take your discussions of your admiration for dear old Uncle Adolf and your dreams of the Fourth Reich over to Stormfront, where you might perchance find sympathetic ears among your Nazi compatriots? I do hate to complain, but the constant heel-clicking and that sound of marching jackboots is becoming a bit annoying...and besides, it's beginning to stink in here - a bit much Blut und Eisern, ja?

Reminds me of a little poem I heard some years ago; I think it went something like this:

The Nazi, who we once abhorred, is now Gemutlichkeiter;
For - when he isn't making war - no one could be politer.
He woos Miss Liberty with zeal; he bows, with grace and rigor;
To kiss the hand, and click the heel....before he clicks the trigger!
Originally pósted by Gadfly
the resident Hitler Jugend and S.A wannabe's here think it terribly rude of me, if I suggested you take your discussions of your admiration for dear old Uncle Adolf and your dreams of the Fourth Reich over to Stormfront, where you might perchance find sympathetic ears among your Nazi compatriots? I do hate to complain, but the constant heel-clicking and that sound of marching jackboots is becoming a bit annoying...and besides, it's beginning to stink in here - a bit much Blut und Eisern, ja?

What about the posters defending the jewish state?? The political entity - racist to the core - that mirrors the german state in every respect except genocide...

Are they allowed to stay or have to leave too?
No, Jose, it is you that mirrors the fascist, not the Jew.
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No, Jose, it is you that mirrors the fascist, not the Jew.

I'm not the one erecting these walls, Jake.

Listen, midget, you are not tall, only clever. The Jews are not fascists.
If Hitler had been trying to exterminate Muslims instead of Jews, would you still be saying this about him?

If germany has won the war, the muslimic countries were been sooner or later on his list. Not blonde and blue-eyed=not lifeworthy. THat´s ayran way of thinking. And don´t think that he woul made any contracts with the oil sheikhs. Saudi arabia would be a german outpost now.

Thats what I don't understand, Muslims tend to like the Nazis because of their shared hatred for the Jews, but like you said sooner or later if Germany had won the Muslims would have been next. The enemy of my enemy is my friend doesn't apply to this, Muslims were not humans in the eyes of the fuhrer.

there are no humans at all in an inhuman philosophy.
The Fuhrer did not think in terms of "humanity." I don't believe that he even knew what that meant. He was evil in human clothing.
The Fuhrer did not think in terms of "humanity." I don't believe that he even knew what that meant. He was evil in human clothing.

Oh, bullshit. Adolf Hitler was a 20th Century fascist European leader who wanted to take over half of Europe and establish a "Third Reich." In this, he was hardly different from a hundred others throughout time. He was ethnocentric, to be sure, but so is Ariel Sharon -- why isn't he "evil in human clothing"? He was violent, but so is every nation on Earth but Switzerland.

SORRY 'bout that, not much magic to Hitler but what the Jews have cloaked him with.
William Joyce, either your naive, stupid, or malignant. Hitler is uncloaked, his evil to behold for all time.
This is not a discussion of his uniqueness, WJ, simply of his evilness and its impact on a few weird Americans.
sometimes when I watch the shows on the discovery channel about white supremacy which includes neo-nazis that claim that they are patriotic americans. I am somewhat confused about their statements. how can they claim they are patriotic americans when they embraced an ideology that many americans died fighting during ww2? also, are these neo-nazis decendants from former german pow's?

I believe the claim is that white Americans settled this country and are the true Americans. They also relate this to Hitler's Nazi ideology to a pure race and therefore claim it as their own, ignoring all the the baggage that that ideolgy brings with it. Their patriotism is that the white man is being discriminated against because of all the laws and regualtions put down since the 60's. Many of these people have no conception of history and those that do, do it selectively, picking only what supports their position.
This is precisely why I do not wish to see these people silenced, here, or anywhere else. I don't want them driven underground, or hiding in some dark corner, because that is exactly where this kind of evil grows and festers. I want this vile, hateful garbage out in the open, where everyone can clearly see it for exactly what it is; I want it exposed where the full reeking madness of it cannot be ignored. Where it hides behind a thin veneer of "patriotism", I want to see that front and center, so that none of us need question precisely what it is we are confronting.

This poison is born of ignorance, and the worst instincts of the human soul, and that is what it appeals to. It has always cloaked itself in nationalism, or patriotism, in an attempt to shield its true nature from honest inquiry. As ugly and repulsive as it is, having to look at it, having it shock our conscience, is the best guarantee against it ever rising to power again. That can only happen where the people are complacent enough to allow its lies to stand unchallenged.
Are you fucking INSANE???
Hitler was a patriotic German and only wanted the very best for his adopted country.

He knew, as did all Germans; that the Jews, Communists, and other subversives were trying to destroy German morals and values.

Maybe he got off track towards the end.

But, I believe he truly wanted the best for his his nation.

I only wish some of our politicians would love America as much as Hitler loved Germany. :cool:
Hitler was a patriotic German and only wanted the very best for his adopted country.

He knew, as did all Germans; that the Jews, Communists, and other subversives were trying to destroy German morals and values.

Maybe he got off track towards the end.

But, I believe he truly wanted the best for his his nation.

I only wish some of our politicians would love America as much as Hitler loved Germany. :cool:

Correct on all points.

The targetting of Jews in Germany is always presented as, "well, the Nazis just picked the poor Jews out at random." Does this make any sense? You're trying to fight a multi-front war, but for kicks on the side, you're going to round up the Jews for no good reason? No, the Jews were actively working under the cover of "communism" to bring Germany to its knees.

There are two sides to the "Nazis v. Jews" story, but if you dare pointing this out, you're "fucking insane" according to the brainwashed.

The reason Hitler is held up as the world's biggest example of evil is because he had the Jews figured out. He correctly observed that they were a significant threat to the health and well-being of the country and its people.

Rounding them all up and killing them? Eh, maybe that's a little extreme, assuming that's what actually happened. But the conflict is still there. Look at what they've done to the United States: opened our borders and flooded us with non-whites, gotten us into wars in the Middle East and put us in the line of fire, saturated our culture with "if it feels good do it", abortion, pornography, divorce, overlawyering, rotten values from Hollywood, a media that hates the white culture, you name it.
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Hitler was a patriotic German and only wanted the very best for his adopted country.

He knew, as did all Germans; that the Jews, Communists, and other subversives were trying to destroy German morals and values.

Maybe he got off track towards the end.

But, I believe he truly wanted the best for his his nation.

I only wish some of our politicians would love America as much as Hitler loved Germany. :cool:

Correct on all points.

The targetting of Jews in Germany is always presented as, "well, the Nazis just picked the poor Jews out at random." Does this make any sense? You're trying to fight a multi-front war, but for kicks on the side, you're going to round up the Jews for no good reason? No, the Jews were actively working under the cover of "communism" to bring Germany to its knees.

There are two sides to the "Nazis v. Jews" story, but if you dare pointing this out, you're "fucking insane" according to the brainwashed.

The reason Hitler is held up as the world's biggest example of evil is because he had the Jews figured out. He correctly observed that they were a significant threat to the health and well-being of the country and its people.

Rounding them all up and killing them? Eh, maybe that's a little extreme, assuming that's what actually happened. But the conflict is still there. Look at what they've done to the United States: opened our borders and flooded us with non-whites, gotten us into wars in the Middle East and put us in the line of fire, saturated our culture with "if it feels good do it", abortion, pornography, divorce, overlawyering, rotten values from Hollywood, a media that hates the white culture, you name it.
Sadly, the average America does not have a clue as to why we are in the shape we are in. :evil:
Hitler was a patriotic German and only wanted the very best for his adopted country.

He knew, as did all Germans; that the Jews, Communists, and other subversives were trying to destroy German morals and values.

Maybe he got off track towards the end.

But, I believe he truly wanted the best for his his nation.

I only wish some of our politicians would love America as much as Hitler loved Germany. :cool:

Correct on all points.

The targetting of Jews in Germany is always presented as, "well, the Nazis just picked the poor Jews out at random." Does this make any sense? You're trying to fight a multi-front war, but for kicks on the side, you're going to round up the Jews for no good reason? No, the Jews were actively working under the cover of "communism" to bring Germany to its knees.

There are two sides to the "Nazis v. Jews" story, but if you dare pointing this out, you're "fucking insane" according to the brainwashed.

The reason Hitler is held up as the world's biggest example of evil is because he had the Jews figured out. He correctly observed that they were a significant threat to the health and well-being of the country and its people.

Rounding them all up and killing them? Eh, maybe that's a little extreme, assuming that's what actually happened. But the conflict is still there. Look at what they've done to the United States: opened our borders and flooded us with non-whites, gotten us into wars in the Middle East and put us in the line of fire, saturated our culture with "if it feels good do it", abortion, pornography, divorce, overlawyering, rotten values from Hollywood, a media that hates the white culture, you name it.
"Assuming that's what happened"? ASSUMING? It happened, alright, and there's plenty of evidence to prove it! Yes, Hitler and his crew were even stupid enough to divert trains from carrying troops to carrying Jews (and others) to the extermination camps. Ask the surviving Wehrmacht soldiers who sat in trains on the sidings and watched, their trains held up, while the trains to Auschwitz, and Ravenssbruck and Bergen-Belsen rolled on. "A little extreme"? Yes, I think I'd call making lampshades out of human skin "a little extreme."

Yes, I'm aware of Stalin's crimes and Mao's, as well as Hitler's; but don't try rationalizing any of them as acceptable; murder, barbarism, and genocide are the same no matter who commits them; the existence of other inhuman regimes does not justify ANY of them, or make their actions any less criminal!

As to your last statement, are you seriously trying to convince people here that the Jews of America are directly responsible for everything from illegal immigration, to a decline in moral values, to the deterioration of our popular culture? One percent of America, and they did all that; one vast Jewish-Red conspiracy, huh? I lived through the heyday of the counterculture, and the New Left, and the vast majority of dope-smoking, draft-dodging, free-love, burn-it-down leftist radicals were White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, NOT Jews. The majority of the Left in America today are NOT Jews. We have a declining culture and declining morals not because the media serves up the swill, but because WE, the American people, choose to consume the garbage. Most of the politicians of both parties who refuse to enforce America's immigration laws are NOT Jews, and most of the corporations and individuals who benefit from cheap illegal labor aren't Jews, either. Jewish Conspiracy, my arse! You want to know who's responsible? Then look in the mirror, because the people who have enabled this state of affairs look just like your Aryan self, Ubermensch! I'd tell you to shut up, but the way I see it, I think it's better if you just keep on running that keyboard, spewing hate and Nazi apologia; at least that way every rational person here will have no doubt as to what you are, and what you stand for!

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