neo classical economics- looked good on paper

^ what are you doing here? Its obviously not to discuss the topic like an adult. Go back to the Bundy thread/s :thup:
it is pointed out in the documentary that the last generation or two forgot the preamble to the Constitution:

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

they'd much rather wring every cent out of this great nation for themselves and screw future generations.
it is pointed out in the documentary that the last generation or two forgot the preamble to the Constitution:

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

they'd much rather wring every cent out of this great nation for themselves and screw future generations.
No that would be Democrats, who have yet to propose any serious spending reductions. You do understand how that works right? Dems promise generous social benefits today, borrowed with money that our grandchildren will have to pay back, thus screwing them in the process.
predatory (neo classical) capitalism is not the answer. Just watched key parts of the documentary again.

Feel free to comment IF you've watched the documentary :) Otherwise :anj_stfu:
"Predatory" economics destroys old inefficient businesses and allows new efficient ones to take their place. Works for me. Otherwise you end up with E.Germany.
I've studied it up close by owning a business for 27+ years. A video will change that? How many years have you run your business?
what kind of business & what volume? If it was < $5 MILLION/quarterly, stop wasting my time. This thread is about the REALLY RICH criminals..... errr.....people who own the pols in Washington. Take your school yard taunts elsewhere trollboi :bye1:[/quote]The answer then is zero. You have no business experience but you feel qualified to lecture people on economics. Interesting. The thread is about neo-classical economics, no mention of 5 mil quarterly minimums. We are discussing theory, not business volume. The rich will always have greater access to governments and competition in the free market place is the answer. Not more Keynesian bullshit we're experiencing now. Posting videos from commie sources don't make your case.

I actually saw that video on Putin News about a month ago. He worked part time as a stock broker when they were in full scam mode and you think that makes him an economics genius? I thought he had ODed drugs and didn't make it all the way back. Interesting that you think commies are experts on capitalism though.
what did I do to get a content-free troll like you to infest my thread :banghead:
Your thread is based on bs, pointing it out apparently hurts your feelings. Develop thicker skin if you are going to toss out half baked ideas, I saw that second video from Kaiser, is this the same guy?
What rocks are the Bitcoin pumper's hiding under today? Where are the likes of Max Keiser and his RT Newspeak disinformation brainwashing hogwash TV show today? Or are they as I suspect suffering from collective amnesia, instead now pumping out sales pitches and propaganda disguised as sterile warnings surrounding bitcoins when at the time that they should have been warning they were busy pumping bitcoins in show after show after show!

First he pumped Silver then it crashed, then he pumped Bitcoins and well - it crashed. Now he's pumping ?
Watched 30 seconds of trailer 2 and they're railing against' "Wall Street".

The OWS Kids got their Dad's video camera and made a movie

Wowie Zowie
so one of you sheeple watched the trailer & the other two didn't watch anything. AGAIN, STFU unless you read/watch the cited mat'l. Otherwise it makes you look like a rw hack trying to score cheap political points :thup:
had you watched the documentary you fucktard you'd know that the pols in D.C. are merely doing what their masters (wall st banksters & the FED [their creature]) are telling them to do. :banghead:
had you watched the documentary you fucktard you'd know that the pols in D.C. are merely doing what their masters (wall st banksters & the FED [their creature]) are telling them to do. :banghead:

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama are subjects of wall st banksters?

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