Need Help with Science Experiment


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I've been challenging the Warmers to show us a laboratory experiment demonstrating the effect of a 200PPM increase in CO2 on temperature and so far have rung lemons.

Let's take 2 10 gallon fish tanks side by side. In the first is air. In the second we add 200PPM CO2.

Here's the problem, 200PPM is less than a whiff, it's a barely perceptible increase, so how can I make sure I only add 200 PPM? (See, when the Warmers do this experiment they often put in 200,000 - 600,000 PPM but we're only going to add 200PPM.)

Let's see -- how many ounces in 10 gallons? There are 128 fluid ounces to a gallon so there are 1280 total fluid ounces in a 10-gallon tank. We want to add 200 PPM, which is .02% (I said it was a tiny number) so therefore we add about 1/4 ounce of CO2, but that's do I adjust for the gaseous state of air?

Can I just drop in 1/4 oz of dry ice or is that too much by volume?
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I have been trying to find an easy way to turn lead into gold...

Does anyone have any hints?
Here's a new experiment. What happens, if you remove 200 ppm? Do you think you could get back to us on that after the TG break, thanks? :eusa_whistle:
I have been working on a perpetual motion machine. I figure if I build these birds to be 50ft tall and place them by the ocean, they will bob forever. This will solve our energy needs

So all of the Liberal scientists and there's not a single coherent answer. I'm so shocked. Old Rocks? Konrad? RW?

Here's the problem, to add 1/4 oz by volume puts far too much CO2 into the tank because it's a solid and not a gas. If we were to add 1/4 oz by volume, not weight, of neutron star we would also be putting far to many molecules in the tank.

We need to adjust for the difference in density between solid CO2 and the far fewer molecules needed to add 200PPM of CO2 to the gas (air) in the tank.

All you Warmers and Liberal Intellectual Elites knew that, right?
I've been challenging the Warmers to show us a laboratory experiment demonstrating the effect of a 200PPM increase in CO2 on temperature and so far have rung lemons.

Let's take 2 10 gallon fish tanks side by side. In the first is air. In the second we add 200PPM CO2.

Here's the problem, 200PPM is less than a whiff, it's a barely perceptible increase, so how can I make sure I only add 200 PPM? (See, when the Warmers do this experiment they often put in 200,000 - 600,000 PPM but we're only going to add 200PPM.)

Let's see -- how many ounces in 10 gallons? There are 128 fluid ounces to a gallon so there are 1280 total fluid ounces in a 10-gallon tank. We want to add 200 PPM, which is .02% (I said it was a tiny number) so therefore we add about 1/4 ounce of CO2, but that's do I adjust for the gaseous state of air?

Can I just drop in 1/4 oz of dry ice or is that too much by volume?

If you exhale one breath into the hi-CO2 tank, that should just about do it.
I've been challenging the Warmers to show us a laboratory experiment demonstrating the effect of a 200PPM increase in CO2 on temperature and so far have rung lemons.

Let's take 2 10 gallon fish tanks side by side. In the first is air. In the second we add 200PPM CO2.

Here's the problem, 200PPM is less than a whiff, it's a barely perceptible increase, so how can I make sure I only add 200 PPM? (See, when the Warmers do this experiment they often put in 200,000 - 600,000 PPM but we're only going to add 200PPM.)

Let's see -- how many ounces in 10 gallons? There are 128 fluid ounces to a gallon so there are 1280 total fluid ounces in a 10-gallon tank. We want to add 200 PPM, which is .02% (I said it was a tiny number) so therefore we add about 1/4 ounce of CO2, but that's do I adjust for the gaseous state of air?

Can I just drop in 1/4 oz of dry ice or is that too much by volume?

You lost me when you started talking about gallons. The atmosphere and carbon dioxide is are gases at 1 atmosphere and 32 degrees F. What do fluid ounces have to do with a gaseous state?
I've been challenging the Warmers to show us a laboratory experiment demonstrating the effect of a 200PPM increase in CO2 on temperature and so far have rung lemons.

Let's take 2 10 gallon fish tanks side by side. In the first is air. In the second we add 200PPM CO2.

Here's the problem, 200PPM is less than a whiff, it's a barely perceptible increase, so how can I make sure I only add 200 PPM? (See, when the Warmers do this experiment they often put in 200,000 - 600,000 PPM but we're only going to add 200PPM.)

Let's see -- how many ounces in 10 gallons? There are 128 fluid ounces to a gallon so there are 1280 total fluid ounces in a 10-gallon tank. We want to add 200 PPM, which is .02% (I said it was a tiny number) so therefore we add about 1/4 ounce of CO2, but that's do I adjust for the gaseous state of air?

Can I just drop in 1/4 oz of dry ice or is that too much by volume?

You lost me when you started talking about gallons. The atmosphere and carbon dioxide is are gases at 1 atmosphere and 32 degrees F. What do fluid ounces have to do with a gaseous state?

I'm trying to do a real experiment that can be repeated anywhere you have 2 10 gallon fish tanks. How much dry ice do you add to the second tank to get a 200 PPM increase?
So all of the Liberal scientists and there's not a single coherent answer. I'm so shocked. Old Rocks? Konrad? RW?

Here's the problem, to add 1/4 oz by volume puts far too much CO2 into the tank because it's a solid and not a gas. If we were to add 1/4 oz by volume, not weight, of neutron star we would also be putting far to many molecules in the tank.

We need to adjust for the difference in density between solid CO2 and the far fewer molecules needed to add 200PPM of CO2 to the gas (air) in the tank.

All you Warmers and Liberal Intellectual Elites knew that, right?

Answer to what? You haven't posed a coherent question that I can see and your "experiment" doesn't make much sense. All you have to do is put two different concentrations of CO2 into a spectrophotometer and show that the higher absorbs more infra-red radiation. That may not be able to be done "anywhere", but at least it shows something! Unlike the fish tank experiment, where you don't even say how you're going to measure an increase. Here's a hint. That small a volume is unlikely to be able to absorb enough energy to provide you with a measurable increase in temp and are there unsatisfactory as a model for the atmosphere.
I have been trying to find an easy way to turn lead into gold...

Does anyone have any hints?

Yes I know how to do that.

Take about a pound of lead birdshot and put it into a sock.

Vigorously apply that lead birdshot sock to the cranium of a person with gold.

Repeat as needed until your lead has turned his gold into your gold.

Hereabouts we call that the philosopher's sock.
I have been trying to find an easy way to turn lead into gold...

Does anyone have any hints?

Yes I know how to do that.

Take about a pound of lead birdshot and put it into a sock.

Vigorously apply that lead birdshot sock to the cranium of a person with gold.

Repeat as needed until your lead has turned his gold into your gold.

Hereabouts we call that the philosopher's sock.


I'll let you know how it turned out
You need to think volume, not liquid. Measure your tank and find the volume in cubic centimeters. To get your CO2, take a jar and drop a chunk of dry ice in it, a cubic inch piece should be more than enough.
CO2 is heavier than air and will displace the air in the jar as it becomes gaseous. When the dry ice is nearly gone, extract the calculated amount of CO2 with a syringe and inject it into your aquarium environment.
You should be within 2% or so of your desired concentration.

There are many other problems with your experiment, but you're on your own there.
I have been trying to find an easy way to turn lead into gold...

Does anyone have any hints?

I used to have the recipe...but I can never remember whether it is eye of newt, or ear of frog...

Careful: one produces gold, the other hope and change.

I don't know about lead, but I've managed to convert work into gold.
You need to think volume, not liquid. Measure your tank and find the volume in cubic centimeters. To get your CO2, take a jar and drop a chunk of dry ice in it, a cubic inch piece should be more than enough.
CO2 is heavier than air and will displace the air in the jar as it becomes gaseous. When the dry ice is nearly gone, extract the calculated amount of CO2 with a syringe and inject it into your aquarium environment.
You should be within 2% or so of your desired concentration.

There are many other problems with your experiment, but you're on your own there.

Perfect! That's an answer!.

I was also hopeful that someone would come up with a way to measure our CO2 in ppm from a CO2 cartridge like the ones used to blow dust off the keyboard.

10 gallon tanks = 1280 oz = 37854.118 cm * 200ppm = 7.5cm.

OK kids, now you have a real man made global warming science experiment that you can use to amaze the class!

One tank = air

Second tank = air + 7.5cm CO2.

Sit them both under a lamp

Measure each tank. Supposedly the second tank should see a 3-6 degree increase, at least that what the articles OR posts seem to indicate
So all of the Liberal scientists and there's not a single coherent answer. I'm so shocked. Old Rocks? Konrad? RW?

Here's the problem, to add 1/4 oz by volume puts far too much CO2 into the tank because it's a solid and not a gas. If we were to add 1/4 oz by volume, not weight, of neutron star we would also be putting far to many molecules in the tank.

We need to adjust for the difference in density between solid CO2 and the far fewer molecules needed to add 200PPM of CO2 to the gas (air) in the tank.

All you Warmers and Liberal Intellectual Elites knew that, right?

Answer to what? You haven't posed a coherent question that I can see and your "experiment" doesn't make much sense. All you have to do is put two different concentrations of CO2 into a spectrophotometer and show that the higher absorbs more infra-red radiation. That may not be able to be done "anywhere", but at least it shows something! Unlike the fish tank experiment, where you don't even say how you're going to measure an increase. Here's a hint. That small a volume is unlikely to be able to absorb enough energy to provide you with a measurable increase in temp and are there unsatisfactory as a model for the atmosphere.

How do you suppose we measure increases in temperature? Would a thermometer work?

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