Nearly a quarter of Boston public high school students not logging into classes daily as course failure rates rise

I suspect this is probably much the case for public Universities and private ones as well.

So now it all comes out, we have a two tier society, just like our rulers want. If you can't afford the finest, you will remain . . . well, not economically viable.

Of course employers and colleges are not going to want folks that have been educated on-line versus in person. . . this is only common sense.

. . . and only parents who have scads of money are going to be able to afford private institutions that are immune to these lock-down decrees.

My son's university was out this last semester but he will be on campus the next semester. He is out of state for that one. In state is looking about the same both public and private. We are going to see a lot of universities either fold or come really dang close to folding.

There are multiple people that are having difficulty getting a solid connection to do online courses. Like, people with cattle ranches )or other farms) that it's going to take a lot of money to get wifi in their area. The "hot spot" isn't worth a damn. It's frustrating.
Guilt-ridden white liberals will tell you its racist white America that is preventing the black kids from logging on
We had 8 years of it under obama and 4 more during lib attacks on trump

hating whites has been a 12 year hobby for liberals
We can't just give up on these students. This is going to have long-term repercussions for an entire generation of students - at least.
Reopen the damn schools

whats so difficult for libs to understand about that?

I regret that it will allow the lib teachers to resume brainwashing the kids again

But at least they can get some education which is better than none
Not to worry.

If a senior was not able to attend school in person or by video this horrible year, the powers-that-be will probably decide to send a 100-question final exam to his/her home. After s/he returns the exam, those students who pass it will be given a high school degree so that s/he can enter a university or the armed forces.

P.S. Of course, students will be warned that they are strictly forbidden to get any kind of help when filling out the exam at home. And based on the sterling behavior of many election workers on November 3, we can be assured that students will be 100% honest.
Not to worry.

If a senior was not able to attend school in person or by video this horrible year, the powers-that-be will probably decide to send a 100-question final exam to his/her home. ...

Unlikely. If a student is having trouble accessing remote learning, there are procedures in place to help them with that.
There was no program of "brainwashing" before the virus anyway.
There was no single program that every lib educator followed

but the brainwashing definitely exists

Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently
There was no program of "brainwashing" before the virus anyway.
There was no single program that every lib educator followed

but the brainwashing definitely exists

Nope, it does not. What you should be concerned with is a much bigger and more insidious societal problem. You're staring at a fingernail and ignoring the fist punching you in the face. Leftist ideology has been creeping into our society over the past 70+ years through a variety of means. Part of it is a factor of the views of Americans slowly changing over time, and that's fine. However, the problem comes when these shifting views are weaponized in the hands of a pervasive media and political machine and are wielded as a tool of intolerance against traditional ideas and social institutions that helped forge and propel this great nation for so long. If you don't wake up to the larger threat, all your whining will be for naught. The past four years have scraped the scab off of some of this, but there is still a lot of work to do and a lot of vigilance to exercise.
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently

You don't see anything. You imagine things.
Leftist ideology has been creeping into our society over the past 70+ years through a variety of means.
The tip of the spear is education

Which is a prime target of communist china, btw
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently

You don't see anything. You imagine things.
Unlike you who has your eyes closed

most Americans know something is seriously wrong with education in America

but cant bring themselves to admit the cancer is in their own local school system
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently

Why do you lie? In my state, the teachers come from primarily two state universities. I did not, and was a member of a tiny minority because I attended a state school in Florida for my teacher certification and Master's degree when I was teaching there.
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently

Why do you lie? In my state, the teachers come from primarily two state universities. I did not, and was a member of a tiny minority because I attended a state school in Florida for my teacher certification and Master's degree when I was teaching there.
I still disagree

And I hope you wont cancel my shore leave over this
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently

You don't see anything. You imagine things.
Unlike you who has your eyes closed

most Americans know something is seriously wrong with education in America

but cant bring themselves to admit the cancer is in their own local school system

Yes, something is wrong with education in America. Parents have abdicated all responsibility for education to the teachers, and we cannot force a horse to drink water after we lead them to it.
Only in lib dominated cities and states. You and other members of this board have been told this many times, but indoctrination as you call it, does not happen in most of flyover country. There are too many Republicans in office there.
Practically all the educators spill out of the same universities with the same indoctrination and predisposition

whether they wind up in Boston or a small town in texas they are the same people

I wish it were possible to agree with you on this but see it differently

Why do you lie? In my state, the teachers come from primarily two state universities. I did not, and was a member of a tiny minority because I attended a state school in Florida for my teacher certification and Master's degree when I was teaching there.
I still disagree

And I hope you wont cancel my shore leave over this

You can disagree all you want, but the facts say you are dead wrong and you willingly lie about it.

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