Nearly a million jobs could be lost annually due to Obama's regulations. ..

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.

The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.
Don't worry, he will balance it out with good government ones! :redface:
Maobama has missed two required reports on the economic impact of proposed regulations, why because the could have cost him the election. Government regulations are supposed implement existing law and if they overreach there are two ways to counter them, in the courts or congress can negate them by legislation. Now, do you really think prince Harry will allow his dear leaders chosen words to be stricken by the house, dream on. That leaves only the courts.

The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.

I think that link doth stink. (dead)

The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.

I think that link doth stink. (dead)

Try this link:New EPA Regulations To Be Released After Election

Ozone Rule: The administration wants to tighten the ozone standard which the EPA itself estimated that its ozone standard would costs $90 billion a year while other studies have projected that the rule could cost upwards of a trillion dollars and destroy 7.4 million jobs.

Coal Ash: The EPA proposes a coal ash rule that could cost $70 to $110 billion over 20 years, destroying 183,900 to 316,000 jobs

Boiler MACT Rule: The rule has been projected to reduce US GDP by as much as 1.2 billion dollars and will destroy nearly 800,000 jobs.

Add those 3 job killing Rules and it is 8.5 MILLION jobs DESTROYED!!!
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The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.

I think that link doth stink. (dead)

Wow. It was working two hours ago. Guess a mod should just kill the thread unless someone can find a suitable link.

The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.

I think that link doth stink. (dead)

Wow. It was working two hours ago. Guess a mod should just kill the thread unless someone can find a suitable link.

See my comment as I found the actual report linkage!
And it shows nearly 8 million jobs will be destroyed by Obama's EPA ALONE!

The link is a bit old but I didn't feel like searching further on my phone as its a pain when googling.
Anyhow this news is quite disturbing as it suggests that these new regulations will also come at a high economic cost of 300 to 400 billion as well as spiking gas and home heatinh prices once they are fully implemented.
The senator also implies that Obama broke the law by not releasing the projected costs and details by certain dates as required.
Obviously I'm unfamiliar with regulatory law so I dunno if he is accurate but either way the projected costs should be the immediate concern.

The report was published by National Economic Research Associates.
Sue him.
FOXNEWS radical right wing rhetoric scare mongering. Go figure.

What new regulations? There has been 5 million jobs created in the last four years and economist projected 12 million jobs will be created by 2016.

Fact Check: Romney’s 12 million jobs
Mitt Romney’s ‘new math’ for his jobs plan doesn’t add up - The Washington Post

Still stocking up on "duck tape?" grampa.
Does congress have any oversight on regulations or does the administration have full authority?

Instead of learning how our government works, the rw's just run around, pulling at their hair, screeching about the sky falling.

Why don't you fools EDUCATE yourselves about things like how our laws are made, the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling?
You might also consider reading actual news sites.

Or, you could just continue believing the shit you get from fox, britebart, drudge, beck and, the titular head of the GObP, limbaugh.
What is it with these fucking right wingers and their bullshit.

Obama has had fewer regulations than Bush.

Never trust Arab owned Fox.

It was under Bush that millions of jobs were moved to China and tens of thousands of factories closed.

Republicans wanted to elect a "pioneer in outsourcing" to become president.

There are millions of jobs available now that uneducated Republicans aren't qualified for.

Need Work? US Has 3.2 Million Unfilled Job Openings

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs - Bloomberg

Republicans are so stupid, they think ending the minimum wage and busting unions will create high paying jobs.

And they bitch at me for my threads. Ignorant, just plain ignorant. Qualified for nothing and blaming that on others.


Oh wait, school is for snobs.
You might also consider reading actual news sites.

Or, you could just continue believing the shit you get from fox, britebart, drudge, beck and, the titular head of the GObP, limbaugh.

Are you saying your dear leader did file the reports, required by law, on the economic impact of proposed regulations last year?
Does congress have any oversight on regulations or does the administration have full authority?

Instead of learning how our government works, the rw's just run around, pulling at their hair, screeching about the sky falling.

Why don't you fools EDUCATE yourselves about things like how our laws are made, the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling?

I know a bit beyond the basics and that's plenty. I'm sure you know everything though huh?

Pompous jackass
Does congress have any oversight on regulations or does the administration have full authority?

Instead of learning how our government works, the rw's just run around, pulling at their hair, screeching about the sky falling.

Why don't you fools EDUCATE yourselves about things like how our laws are made, the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling?

I know a bit beyond the basics and that's plenty. I'm sure you know everything though huh?

Pompous jackass

I am 100% confident that that pompous jackass you described does NOT know these FACTS!
Obamacare was to make healthcare available for everyone.. which would mean that to do that would mean a shortfall of $100 billion in Federal/State/Local taxes.
It would mean 400,000 more people out of work and instead of paying payroll taxes and (something this "pompous jackass" doesn't EMPLOYERS match employees taxes!) will have to collect unemployment benefits!
Do you think that "jackass" knows that???
Do you think the ANTI-Profit jackasses of the world KNOW that STATES require some businesses to MAKE A Profit or they are according to states' laws must not be in business?
Do you think the ANTI-Business jackasses KNOW that the ACA(Obamacare) required companies to do something that MOST of them already do i.e. spend 80%+ on healthcare!
But do you think these Jackasses KNOW that Obama/Congress received $300 million from a group of millionaires that make $100 billion a year and are directly responsible for over $650 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests,specialists' referrals,etc... i.e. "Defensive Medicine"...and refused to attack these millionaires... yet DID tax tanning salons because they cause cancer!
What is it with these fucking right wingers and their bullshit.

Obama has had fewer regulations than Bush.

Never trust Arab owned Fox.

It was under Bush that millions of jobs were moved to China and tens of thousands of factories closed.

Republicans wanted to elect a "pioneer in outsourcing" to become president.

There are millions of jobs available now that uneducated Republicans aren't qualified for.

Need Work? US Has 3.2 Million Unfilled Job Openings

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs - Bloomberg

Republicans are so stupid, they think ending the minimum wage and busting unions will create high paying jobs.

And they bitch at me for my threads. Ignorant, just plain ignorant. Qualified for nothing and blaming that on others.


Oh wait, school is for snobs.

And the things they say about healthcare really take the prize. Medical bills were already the number on cause of bankruptcy. How much worse will it be for those right wingers who are only qualified for unskilled labor?

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