Nearly 3,000 Votes Disappeared From Florida’s Recount. That’s Not Supposed to Happen

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It does when the people COUNTING are almost All DemonRATS!

Nearly 3,000 votes effectively disappeared during the machine recount of Florida’s midterm races, according to election records, calling into question whether officials relied on a flawed process to settle the outcome of three statewide contests.

With extremely narrow gaps separating candidates in the still-undeclared races for both governor and United States Senate, the results of the machine recount of all votes cast in the Nov. 6 election, posted by the Florida secretary of state’s office, showed 900 fewer votes than those reported in the original statewide tally.

The discrepancy was expected to grow by an additional 2,000 votes when updated numbers from Broward County, whose results initially were disqualified because they came in two minutes late, are added to the statewide results on Sunday.

None of the discrepancies would be enough to affect the outcome of the three statewide and three local elections that are still waiting for a winner to be called. But they come as at least three Florida counties — two of them Democratic strongholds whose results could be decisive — have reported problems counting their shares of the more than 8.1 million ballots cast across the state.

In one of the most serious cases, Palm Beach County found “dozens of precincts missing a significant number” of votes during the machine recount, according to the supervisor of elections, Susan Bucher, causing the county to conclude that entire boxes of ballots may not have been counted.

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This is a big deal,” said E. John Sebes, founder of Open Source Election Technology, a nonprofit group in San Francisco that promotes accuracy and security in the vote-counting process. “If you have an election margin of 0.21 percent and a variance of 0.12 percent, the variance of your machine count is half the margin you are trying to correct.
I'm sure those votes will show up in some bizarre place as soon as the Democrats get done fixing them. Even if the races are settled before they can finish doctoring them, they'll still turn up somewhere and they'll all be for the Dem candidates, then they can cry foul and use it for it's propaganda value.
The people that are having their votes over ridden by illegal votes should begin a class action law suit against Broward and Palm Beach county......
The people that are having their votes over ridden by illegal votes should begin a class action law suit against Broward and Palm Beach county......
And why is that vote stealing bitch Snipes still employed and still in control of counting votes?
Geesus, what a bunch of whiny, insecure and hysterical losers. Your candidates will win and you still bitch and wail and bitch and sob...endlessly

Don't you guys ever get tired of hearing yourselves piss and moan?

There is no better is any evidence of no voter fraud then the fact that your candidates have won. Human mistakes may occur but those errors are not fraud, as determined by the FDLE and Florida courts, except to the hysterical Trumper.
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Florida is becoming a Turd World country. Democrats (Johnlaw) have no problem with it. It's the only way they win.
Ever notice when Democrats win an election, thousands of ballots never mysteriously turn up afterwards?

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