NDAA On Hold For 60 Days


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Lead plaintiff Chris Hedges offers this take on US District Judge Katherine Forrest's 68 page opinion that ruled Section 1021 of the NDAA was unconstitutional: "...every once in a while the gods smile on the damned."

Chris elaborates:

"We had none of the resources of the government. (Attorneys) Mayer and Afran worked for weeks on the case without compensation.

"All of us paid for our own expenses. And few people, including constitutional lawyers of Glenn Greenwald’s caliber, thought we had a chance.

"But we pushed forward. We pushed forward because all effort to impede the corporate state, however quixotic, is essential..."

"This law was, after all, not about foreign terrorism. It was about domestic dissent. If the state could link Occupy and other legitimate protest movements with terrorist groups (US Day of Rage suffered such an attempt), then the provisions in the NDAA could, in a period of instability, be used to 'disappear' U.S. citizens into military gulags, including the government’s offshore penal colonies.

"And once there, stripped of due process, detainees could be held until, in the language of the law, 'the end of hostilities.' In an age of permanent war that would be a lifetime."

Chris Hedges: A Victory for All of Us - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
Chris's final words on this particular subject:

"It is not going to get better.

"The climate crisis alone will assure that. The corporate state knows what is coming. Globalization is breaking down. Our natural resources are being depleted. Economic and political upheavals are inevitable.

"And our corporate rulers are preparing a world of masters and serfs, a world where repression will be our daily diet, a world of hunger and riots, a world of brutal control and a world where our spirits must be broken. We have to stop asking what is reasonable or practical, what the Democratic Party or the government can do for us, what will work or not work.

"We must refuse now to make any concessions, large or small. We must remember that the lesser of two evils is still evil. We must no longer let illusions pacify us.

"Hell is truth seen too late.

"In large and small ways we are called to resist, resist, resist, as we race heedlessly into the abyss."

Chris Hedges: A Victory for All of Us - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

"The corporate state knows what is coming."
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