NC Lawmaker: Adult Sexual Attraction To Children Is A Orientation, Like Homosexuality

I am so sick of ignorant people comparing the two, because it is idiotic. The worst part is that anyone who tries to connect the two knows it is idiotic. These idiots will say, in jest of course, that if we are okay with homosexuality then we should be okay with pedophilia also, because it is just a sexual orientation.

For the last time, homosexual behavior takes place between two consenting individuals. Pedophiles rape innocent children who are not capable of giving their consent. Anyone who cannot comprehend this should just go crawl into a hole and stay there, because nothing they say can be taken seriously.
The medical and scientific community says it's an orientation. Therefore it is an orientation. Just like homosexuality.
The medical and scientific community says it's an orientation. Therefore it is an orientation. Just like homosexuality.

Doesn't matter whether it is or not; it's okay for a person to act on their homosexual behavior with another consenting adult, if they are gay. It is not okay for a pedophile to act on their "orientation" regardless of the reasoning. There are some who try to make the claim that we should because they can't stand homosexuals.
I am so sick of ignorant people comparing the two, because it is idiotic. The worst part is that anyone who tries to connect the two knows it is idiotic. These idiots will say, in jest of course, that if we are okay with homosexuality then we should be okay with pedophilia also, because it is just a sexual orientation.

For the last time, homosexual behavior takes place between two consenting individuals. Pedophiles rape innocent children who are not capable of giving their consent. Anyone who cannot comprehend this should just go crawl into a hole and stay there, because nothing they say can be taken seriously.

I will endeavor to explain. Homosexuals may or may not be pedophiles. Just like heterosexuals may or may not be pedophiles. When homosexual deviant behavior is accepted as a normal sexual orientation, all sexual orientations become normal. Just another sexual orientation. This normalizes not only homosexual pedophila but heterosexual pedophila as well.
What seems to be amiss here is the point that has been made over and over and about the genetic makeup of an individual or the mental or whatever it is that triggers the homosexual urge being considered as the same disconnect for sexual deviants such as pedophiles. The main argument is not about's about urge and desire.

It's not about rape of a child. It's about the attraction to them. I would dare say that there have been countless victims of gay rape in history...

So, don't muddy the issue with technical arguments that don't apply.

Katzndogz is correct where the orientation position is made.
The medical and scientific community says it's an orientation. Therefore it is an orientation. Just like homosexuality.

Doesn't matter whether it is or not; it's okay for a person to act on their homosexual behavior with another consenting adult, if they are gay. It is not okay for a pedophile to act on their "orientation" regardless of the reasoning. There are some who try to make the claim that we should because they can't stand homosexuals.

Why is it not okay?
The medical and scientific community says it's an orientation. Therefore it is an orientation. Just like homosexuality.

Doesn't matter whether it is or not; it's okay for a person to act on their homosexual behavior with another consenting adult, if they are gay. It is not okay for a pedophile to act on their "orientation" regardless of the reasoning. There are some who try to make the claim that we should because they can't stand homosexuals.

Explain how you come to the conclusion that I can't stand homosexuals?
The medical and scientific community says it's an orientation. Therefore it is an orientation. Just like homosexuality.

Doesn't matter whether it is or not; it's okay for a person to act on their homosexual behavior with another consenting adult, if they are gay. It is not okay for a pedophile to act on their "orientation" regardless of the reasoning. There are some who try to make the claim that we should because they can't stand homosexuals.

Why is it not okay?

I believe he already explained that.
Since I know many on the far left will not read the actyual article and just start spouting talking points:

From the article:

In response, Stam handed out a sheet listing what he said were 30 different sexual orientations. He argued the definition of sexual orientation must be narrowed, otherwise it would include masochism, sadism, pedophilia, along with homosexuality and heterosexuality.

"Sexual orientation is not defined anywhere," he said. "Many, many sexual orientations are not the ones you want to have teaching kids in schools," he said. "You may think you know what you mean by this but you don't."
Doesn't matter whether it is or not; it's okay for a person to act on their homosexual behavior with another consenting adult, if they are gay. It is not okay for a pedophile to act on their "orientation" regardless of the reasoning. There are some who try to make the claim that we should because they can't stand homosexuals.

Why is it not okay?

I believe he already explained that.

Actually, he didn't. Consent aside, why is it not okay for a pedophile to want to have sex with a child?
Since I know many on the far left will not read the actyual article and just start spouting talking points:

From the article:

In response, Stam handed out a sheet listing what he said were 30 different sexual orientations. He argued the definition of sexual orientation must be narrowed, otherwise it would include masochism, sadism, pedophilia, along with homosexuality and heterosexuality.

"Sexual orientation is not defined anywhere," he said. "Many, many sexual orientations are not the ones you want to have teaching kids in schools," he said. "You may think you know what you mean by this but you don't."

And again, I ask the question.... WHY would you not want other orientations taught in schools?
Since I know many on the far left will not read the actyual article and just start spouting talking points:

From the article:

In response, Stam handed out a sheet listing what he said were 30 different sexual orientations. He argued the definition of sexual orientation must be narrowed, otherwise it would include masochism, sadism, pedophilia, along with homosexuality and heterosexuality.

"Sexual orientation is not defined anywhere," he said. "Many, many sexual orientations are not the ones you want to have teaching kids in schools," he said. "You may think you know what you mean by this but you don't."

And again, I ask the question.... WHY would you not want other orientations taught in schools?

Sexual orientation should not be taught in the government school systems. Nor should the government be in the business of "Marriage".
Bigots are really obsessed with the sex lives of homosexuals. They have visions of pole smoking and butt humping dancing in their heads.

Gee, let's see if we can figure out what is wrong with these incessant attempts to equate homosexuality with pedophilia in a pathetic attempt to create a slippery slope fallacy.

Here's homosexuality: Two consenting adults in a relationship.

Here's pedophilia: An adult molesting a non-consenting child.

Hmmm...I am stumped. I can't see the difference!

I guess we need to ban consenting adults from marrying.

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I am so sick of ignorant people comparing the two, because it is idiotic. The worst part is that anyone who tries to connect the two knows it is idiotic. These idiots will say, in jest of course, that if we are okay with homosexuality then we should be okay with pedophilia also, because it is just a sexual orientation.

For the last time, homosexual behavior takes place between two consenting individuals. Pedophiles rape innocent children who are not capable of giving their consent. Anyone who cannot comprehend this should just go crawl into a hole and stay there, because nothing they say can be taken seriously.

I will endeavor to explain. Homosexuals may or may not be pedophiles. Just like heterosexuals may or may not be pedophiles. When homosexual deviant behavior is accepted as a normal sexual orientation, all sexual orientations become normal. Just another sexual orientation. This normalizes not only homosexual pedophila but heterosexual pedophila as well.

No it does not. What is it that you do not understand about mutual consent versus rape? Are you really that frickin stupid?

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