NBC News stonewalls inquiries regarding David Gregory and “active investigation” by D


Nov 13, 2012
William A. Jacobson

As previously reported, last Sunday David Gregory held up what he described as high capacity AR-15 ammunition magazine, which would violate the District of Columbia’s gun law if the magazine were real.

My multiple attempts last Sunday to obtain a response from NBC News as to whether the magazine was real were with stone cold silence. None of the three senior communications executives with responsibility for Meet the Press responded.

Now there is news via Breitbart.com (h/t Drudge) that the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department is investigating. I spoke with Officer Alali, the spokesman on duty today at the MPD, who refused any further comment except to confirm that there is an “active investigation.”

It may be even worse for Gregory and NBC News. According to an e-mail received by The Patriots Perspective website, which originally broke the Gregory story, NBC News had inquired whether it was permitted to use the magazine and was told that it was not permitted. The authenticity of the email has not been verified.

Approximately two hours ago I emailed the same three senior communications executives at NBC News asking for them to confirm or deny this information, but none has responded.

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» NBC News stonewalls inquiries regarding David Gregory and “active investigation” by D.C. Police - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Bob Costas must be "fired"...

Piers Morgan must be "deported"...

David Gregory must be "arrested" ...

See the pattern.
The smug ass David Gregory sends his children to the same well armed, well guarded school as Obama's kids.
Bob Costas must be "fired"...

Piers Morgan must be "deported"...

David Gregory must be "arrested" ...

See the pattern.
The first two, I don't give a shit about. Well, I will comment on Morgan: Although I won't be signing any petition concerning some limey tabloid hack, folks have a right to petition to government....for now.

Gregory must be arrested if he broke a gun control law. The Metro PD are currently investigating, so we will see.
Obaboon will see to it that nothing is done to his pal gregory just like he tells millions of illegals they can brazenly break the law and stay here. Rule of Law has been abandoned under obaboon.
The left has a terrific gun related blueprint for stonewalling...

At least conservatives are consistent in their contempt for due process and the doctrine of presumption of innocence.
The guy did it on live TV and the video went viral.

But don't worry, He'll do the Liberal thing and blame someone else.

"I didn't know it was illegal, I thought it was just a prop! My Executive Producer gave it to me, honest! Arrest HIM!"
At least conservatives are consistent in their contempt for due process and the doctrine of presumption of innocence.
The guy did it on live TV and the video went viral.

But don't worry, He'll do the Liberal thing and blame someone else.

"I didn't know it was illegal, I thought it was just a prop! My Executive Producer gave it to me, honest! Arrest HIM!"

What happened to the mag?. Do the cops have it?. If so they'll be paid to replace it with a wooden prop.
Bob Costas must be "fired"...

Piers Morgan must be "deported"...

David Gregory must be "arrested" ...

See the pattern.
Adding to the list:

ABC's Brian Ross must be fired.

MSNBC's Ed Shultz must be fired.

Tim Russert must be killed...


And don't forget chris matthews. He should have been fired for saying he was glad hurricane sandy hit and helped obozo win the election!!!!
Bob Costas must be "fired"...

Piers Morgan must be "deported"...

David Gregory must be "arrested" ...

See the pattern.
Adding to the list:

ABC's Brian Ross must be fired.

MSNBC's Ed Shultz must be fired.

I guess I missed those calls-to-action but I knew it wasn't a comprehensive list. I kind of like having a diversity of verbs though. Aren't there more? We haven't used "treason" yet, if that helps...

Rupert Murdoch muzzled on his own network
What say you, G-nutz? What should we do with Rupert Murdoch? Boil him in Vegemite?
Interesting But Not The Best Of Ideas​

By: John Richardson
26 December, 2012 |

By now you may have read about the DC Metropolitan Police Department's active investigation into David Gregory. The host of NBC's Meet the Press thoughtBy: a 30 round AR magazine would make a cool prop to shake in the face of Wayne LaPierre this past Sunday. What Gregory didn't think about was the DC law which forbids the mere possession of any magazine that is capable of holding more than 10 rounds. If he did think about the law, he obviously assumed it didn't apply to "esteemed journalists" such as himself.

Now conservative attorney Aaron Walker is offering to defend Gregory on Second Amendment grounds in a challenge to the DC law. Walker, who blogs and tweets as "Aaron Worthing", made the offer yesterday on Twitter. Twitchy has aggregated the tweets by Walker on the subject here. Walker is better known for the whole Brett Kimberlin saga.

While at first blush it sounds like a great idea challenging the DC law on Second Amendment grounds to get a gun hater off, in this case it is rather short sighted. As Alan Gura has pointed out many times in many venues, Second Amendment litigation needs to be strategic. Case law needs to built bit by bit and precedents set. It is a cumulative process where the success of the current case depends upon earlier positive precedents. This is the same process that Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund used over time to defeat both de jure and de facto segregation by race.


Read more:
No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money: Interesting But Not The Best Of Ideas

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