NBC News Reports 10 People Indicted

State level prosecutions must frighten trump the most. If convicted by a federal court, the 2024 GOP presidential nominee would be obligated, to secure trump Nazi support, to promise to pardon serial grifter trump. If convicted in a state court, trump must rely on a governor's pardon. While this is likely in Georgia this is not so in New York, where he was first indicted.

In a New York trial, trump's only hope to avoid prison is a hung jury due to a trump Nazi on the panel voting to acquit.

Georgia's trial is absolutely the strongest of all the criminal indictments, but it is also large and complex and therefore unlikely to be resolved before the presidential election.

The timeline of the New York case probably offers what is likely the earliest possible detention or incarceration for Trump, but it's a much weaker case. It may be in a left-leaning jurisdiction, but that doesn't mean they're going to find 12 jurors who would put Trump away for conduct that is fraud largely in the technical sense, but is probably not the sort of conduct that the original authors of NY's fraud statute had in mind when they wrote it.
Boo hoo. Well, in fact, many do believe he did exactly that, thus, indictment. And now he's in a position to defend against the charges.
The damage is done by the allegations... it has hurt the dems chances in 24 and almost has ensured a GOP victory.....
Georgia's trial is absolutely the strongest of all the criminal indictments, but it is also large and complex and therefore unlikely to be resolved before the presidential election.

The timeline of the New York case probably offers what is likely the earliest possible detention or incarceration for Trump, but it's a much weaker case. It may be in a left-leaning jurisdiction, but that doesn't mean they're going to find 12 jurors who would put Trump away for conduct that is fraud largely in the technical sense, but is probably not the sort of conduct that the original authors of NY's fraud statute had in mind when they wrote it.

What They did to Ruby Freeman. and her daughter is what I want blood for. And a pound of flesh.

I want to see Ruby and her daughter become mutimillionaires through a civil suit, while the sleazeball white men that did it to them, sit their pansy asses in a prison cell.
The unreasoning anger in this one grows and grows
This legal action against Trump is being done to coordinate with bad Biden crime family news.... the Biden white house is scared to death of Trump because they know Trump won in 2020 and will win again in 24... and this time they don't have covid election rules in place....
I don't care which fake media you're being spoon-fed, they're all parroting the same thing. You're not as informed as you'd like to believe, actually you're pretty fucking ignorant.
lol. Because you said so.

Once again, the difference here is that we all knew what was coming. You remain ignorant even though it has been released.

And then tell everyone else they are ignorant. We all know what is actually going on in the real world and you remain utterly clueless, the very definition of being ignorant. The real problem here is that you WANT to remain so, you embrace idiocy on purpose. And you will remains so even after he looses his case. It would be funny if it were not so damn pathetic.

I have said so before but the lot of you do not even understand what the terms proof, evidence and fact even mean. It has gone so far that Trumpsters in general cannot differentiate between fact and pure fiction. It is amazing that anyone can remain so mired in fantasy and still be able to operate in the real world.
What They did to Ruby Freeman. and her daughter is what I want blood for. And a pound of flesh.

I want to see Ruby and her daughter become mutimillionaires through a civil suit, while the sleazeball white men that did it to them, sit their pansy asses in a prison cell.

Most important thing is to vote against him, and encourage anyone who listens and respects your opinion to do the same. And by vote against him, I mean vote Democratic up and down the ballot. No independents. No Greens. No "No Labels"

Trump fears a decline in the polls and losing another election more than anything else. Voters are the one thing that ensure he gets the justice he and his cohorts deserve. It's up to us. We either succeed at keeping him out of office, or this country begins a rapid descent into the abyss in January 2025.
It has gone so far that Trumpsters in general cannot differentiate between fact and pure fiction.

They can't and social media and right wing media are a huge reason why.

MAGAs have innate biases, which make them human. The rest of us have biases, too, but the rest of us watch news to get new information, whereas they use it to reinforce their biases.

I think if social media and mass media had been around in the 18th Century, the freedom of the press would look a little different than it does now.
The social media of the last twenty years has created a communications network that has resulted in 30 million Americans joining into conspiracy theory that has develop into mass oppositional defiant personality disorder, a mass group of millions of unbalanced loonies. It reinforces their confirmation bias craziness.
They can't and social media and right wing media are a huge reason why.

MAGAs have innate biases, which make them human. The rest of us have biases, too, but the rest of us watch news to get new information, whereas they use it to reinforce their biases.

I think if social media and mass media had been around in the 18th Century, the freedom of the press would look a little different than it does now.
^^ sounds like lefty projection to me.

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