Nazism Is Taking Over America

As I explained, private property is allowed provided it's under the authority of the government, primarily serving the nation, rather than a capitalist class to the detriment of society. The economic policies of National Socialism, are socialistic, against the plutocratic oligarchy and cronyism, that are endemic to capitalism. The fact that National Socialism, allows private property doesn't take it out of the orb of socialism, it still qualifies due to the way it regulates private industry and property.

If there were National Socialists right now in the US Congress, they would be accused of voting for "socialist legislation" by right-wing conservative Republicans, similar to how they're always accusing AOC and other "progressive" Dems of being "commies". Under Hitlerist National Socialism, the economy is under the control of the state, and the capitalist class is but a steward of the private sector who also profit from it. Even though Hitler didn't adopt the Marxist concept of socioeconomic class struggle, he asserted that the capitalists must primarily serve the community or nation. The "bottom line" of business, isn't private capital accumulation, under Hitlerism, or National Socialism, it's what's good for the nation.

Hitler made a grave mistake invading the USSR. That was his downfall. He should've allied himself with Stalin and fought Western, Jewish-controlled plutocracies together with the USSR.

As far as my stance on politics and economics, I'm a right-wing Nazbol and anti-Semite. Due to my anti-Semiticism, I'm often accused of being a "Hitlerist" Nazi, but I'm not. I don't believe half of the bullshit about Hitler told to me by the Jewish-controlled media, Hollywood, and my Zionist-Jewish-occupied government and modern Western education, but I'm a Nazbol. I agree with some of the fascist elements of German Nazism, but I'm not a Neo-Nazi, flying a flag with a swastika. My flag has a hammer and sickle on it, not a swastika. I have my disagreements with both Hitler and Stalin while agreeing with them on other issues.

Here is a long quote from a very interesting book, titled "Stalin - The Enduring Legacy" by Kerry Bolton:

" In the early days of the Stalinist regime many on the German Right believed that the Soviet Union would transcend Marxism and become a nationalist state, which might form an alliance with Germany against the plutocratic powers. This was a primary position of the German National-Bolsheviks, a faction of the Right. Even the conservative historian Oswald Spengler saw the same possibility. From the Soviet side, Russian diplomats in Berlin were instructed to cultivate ties withmpro-Soviet elements in the Right-wing intelligentsia. After World War II, when the USA had fallen out with its Russian wartime ally and sought German assistance against the USSR in the Cold War, German Rightist war veterans, who had fought against Russia, refused to do so again under American direction. Major-General Otto Remer and the allegedly ‘neo-Nazi’ Socialist Reich Party regarded the USA as more dangerous to the soul and freedom of Germany and Europe than the USSR. In the USA a faction of the Right also regarded the USSR as having transcended Marxism in favour of cultural and political health, recognising that their own country was the real centre of international subversion and revolution.

This book examines how the legacy of Stalin has had a lasting impact upon the world, and why the course Russia took under Stalin continues to be relevant to the present and the future. It is not intended as an apologia for Stalin’s crimes, for the Katyn massacre or the Ukrainian famine, etc. The bandying about of moralistic clichés about ‘crimes against humanity’ is often nothing but strategies to demonise one’s political adversaries by those who are hardly innocent themselves. It is intended rather to realistically assess Stalin’s impact on the present and coming struggles for world power, based on the belief that Russia must and will play a pivotal role in the shaping of a new geopolitical and cultural bloc that again says ‘nyet’ to the ‘rootless cosmopolitans’.

Stalin’s Fight Against International Communism

The notion that Stalin ‘fought communism’ at a glance seems bizarre. However, the contention is neither unique nor new. Early last century the seminal German conservative philosopher-historian Oswald Spengler stated that Communism in Russia would metamorphose into something distinctly Russian which would be quite different from the alien Marxist dogma that had been imposed upon it from outside. Spengler saw Russia as both a danger to Western Civilisation as the leader of a ‘coloured world-revolution’, and conversely as a potential ally of a revived Germany against the plutocracies. Spengler stated of Russia’s potential rejection of Marxism as an alien imposition from the decaying West that, Race, language, popular customs, religion, in their present form… all or any of them can and will be fundamentally transformed. What we see today then is simply the new kind of life which a vast land has conceived and will presently bring forth. It is not definable in words, nor is its bearer aware of it. Those who attempt to define, establish, lay down a program, are confusing life with a phrase, as does the ruling Bolshevism, which is not sufficiently conscious of its own West-European, Rationalistic and cosmopolitan origin.[1]

Even as he wrote, Bolshevism in the USSR was being fundamentally transformed in the ways Spengler foresaw. The ‘rationalistic’ and ‘cosmopolitan’ origins of Bolshevism were soon being openly repudiated and a new course was defined by Zhdanov and other Soviet eminences.

Contemporary with Spengler in Weimer Germany, there arose among the ‘Right’ the ‘National Bolshevik’ faction one of whose primary demands was that Germany align with the Soviet Union against the Western plutocracies. From the Soviet side, possibilities of an alliance with the ‘Right’ were far from discounted and high level Soviet sources cultivated contacts with the pro-Russian factions of the German Right including the National Bolsheviks.[2]

German-Soviet friendship societies included many conservatives. In Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Studium der Sowjetrussichen Planwirtschaft (Arplan)[3] Conservative-Revolutionaries and National Bolsheviks comprised a third of the membership. Bund Geistige Berufe (BGB)[4] was founded in 1931 and was of particular interest to Soviet Russia, according to Soviet documents, which aimed ‘to attract into the orbit of our influence a range of highly placed intellectuals of rightist orientation’.[5]

The profound changes caused Konstantin Rodzaevsky, leader of the Russian Fascist Union among the White Russian émigrés at Harbin, to soberly reassess the USSR and in 1945 he wrote to Stalin:

Not all at once, but step by step we came to this conclusion. We decided that: Stalinism is exactly what we mistakenly called ‘Russian Fascism’. It is our Russian Fascism cleansed of extremes, illusions, and errors.[6]

In the aftermath of World War II many German war veterans, despite the devastating conflagration between Germany and the USSR, and the rampage of the Red Army across Germany with Allied contrivance, were vociferous opponents of any German alliance with the USA against the USSR. Major General Otto E Remer and the Socialist Reich Party were in the forefront of advocating a ‘neutralist’ line for Germany during the ‘Cold War’, while one of their political advisers, the American Spenglerian philosopher Francis Parker Yockey, saw Russian occupation as less culturally debilitating than the ‘spiritual syphilis’ of Hollywood and New York, and recommended the collaboration of European rightists and neo-Fascists with the USSR against the USA.[7] Others of the American Right, such as the Yockeyan and Spenglerian influenced newspaper Common Sense, saw the USSR from the time of Stalin as the primary power in confronting Marxism, and they regarded New York as the real ‘capitol’ of Marxism.

What might be regarded by many as an ‘eccentric’ element from the Right were not alone in seeing that the USSR had undergone a revolutionary transformation. Many of the Left regarded Stalin’s

Russia as a travesty of Marxism. The most well-known and vehement was of course Leon Trotsky who condemned Stalin for having ‘betrayed the revolution’ and for reversing doctrinaire Marxism. On the other hand, the USA for decades supported Marxists, and especially Trotskyites, in trying to subvert the USSR during the Cold War. The USA, as the columnists at Common Sense continually insisted, was promoting Marxism, while Stalin was fighting it. This dichotomy between Russian National Bolshevism and US sponsored international Marxism was to having lasting consequences for the post-war world up to the present.

Stalin Purges Marxism

The Moscow Trials purging Trotskyites and other veteran Bolsheviks were merely the most obvious manifestations of Stalin’s struggle against alien Marxism. While much has been written condemning the trials as a modern day version of the Salem witch trials, and while the Soviet methods were often less than judicious the basic allegations against the Trotskyites et al were justified. The trials moreover, were open to the public, including western press, diplomats and jurists. There can be no serious doubt that Trotskyites in alliance with other old Bolsheviks such as Zinoviev and Kameneff were complicit in attempting to overthrow the Soviet state under Stalin. That was after all, the raison d’etre of Trotsky et al, and Trotsky’s hubris could not conceal his aims.[8]

The purging of these anti-Stalinist co-conspirators was only a part of the Stalinist fight against the Old Bolsheviks. Stalin’s relations with Lenin had not been cordial, Lenin accusing him of acting like a ‘Great Russian chauvinist’.[9] Indeed, the ‘Great Russians’ were heralded as the well-spring of Stalin’s Russia, and were elevated to master-race like status during and after the ‘Great Patriotic War’ against Germany. Lenin, near death, regarded Stalin’s demeanour as ‘offensive’, and as not showing automatic obedience. Lenin wished for Stalin to be removed as Bolshevik Party General Secretary. "
ok i see whats going on here. You think that socialism is regulation of private industry and property. Actually socialism can be thought of democracy in the workplace, where workers have collective power. This power can be distributed in other ways, such as publicly or collectively by the community.
Where capitalism has the employer / employee relationship, feudalism has a lord / serf, and slavery has slave / master. Socialism attempts to have the employees collectively take the role of the employer. Hitler opposed this, and supported the employer / employee model of capitalism. This is proven by Hitler's opposition to the Strasser brothers.
ok i see whats going on here. You think that socialism is regulation of private industry and property. Actually socialism can be thought of democracy in the workplace, where workers have collective power. This power can be distributed in other ways, such as publicly or collectively by the community.
Where capitalism has the employer / employee relationship, feudalism has a lord / serf, and slavery has slave / master. Socialism attempts to have the employees collectively take the role of the employer. Hitler opposed this, and supported the employer / employee model of capitalism. This is proven by Hitler's opposition to the Strasser brothers.
Are you restricting socialism to labor cooperatives? I would identify anarchism, Marxism, and "third-way" fascism, as socialist ideologies. The fact that Hitler gave some autonomy to capitalists, provided their businesses serve the nation's interests, doesn't imply that the "Socialism" of "National Socialism" is just in name only, there are indeed socialistic aspects to Hitlerism. Like I said, if there were some National Socialists in our US Congress, all of the conservative Republicans would be accusing them of being socialists, due to the legislation they vote for and the bills they submit.

If you're a member of the US Congress, and offer a bill that would dictate to major industries or the so-called "commanding heights of the economy", rules and regulations that force it to serve the nation's interests, and prohibit it from closing down factories and moving them abroad..etc. The Republicans and even many Democrats would lose their freaking minds, shouting "Communism!", "You're all a bunch of commies!".

Autarky and Four-Year Plan: The Nazis aimed for economic self-sufficiency (autarky) and prepared for war through the Four-Year Plan initiated in 1936. This plan led to increased state control over industries like steel and iron production, chemicals, and other sectors crucial for military readiness. The state dictated production quotas, controlled raw material distribution, and set prices, effectively controlling these industries without necessarily nationalizing them outright.
  • Key Industries:
    • Armaments and Military Production: The regime exerted control over armament industries, which were crucial for their war efforts. Companies like Krupp and IG Farben remained privately owned but operated under strict government regulations and directives.
    • Aviation and Aerospace: The aviation industry, including manufacturers like Heinkel and Messerschmitt, was directed by the state to focus on military aircraft production. While not fully nationalized, these industries were under strict state control and planning.
    • Energy: The production and distribution of energy were strategically important and thus subject to significant state control, though not fully nationalized.
  • Agriculture: The agricultural sector was regulated through the Reich Food Estate, which controlled agricultural pricing and output, although farms remained privately owned.
  • Banking and Finance: The banking sector was not nationalized but was tightly controlled through regulations and the influence of the Reichsbank, which was already nationalized in 1924 (before the Nazis took power) and further integrated into the regime's economic policies.
  • Public Services:
    • Transportation: The Reichsbahn (German National Railway) was nationalized in 1920 (also before the Nazi era) and remained a state-run entity under the Nazis, who used it for both civil and military transport needs.
    • Communications: The communications sector, including postal services and telecommunication, was under state control, operating as vital components of the national infrastructure.
  • Retail and Distribution: While not nationalized, the retail trade was subject to state oversight, with the Nazis establishing organizations to control the distribution and pricing of consumer goods to manage the economy and war effort.
Try to do all of the above here in the US, and see how you'll get labeled a socialist, "isolationist".
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yea ok, but Hitler didnt have any socialist ideals. There was a socialist wing of the nazis when it was forming. It was called Strasserism, but Hitler eliminated it in the early 1930's.

and yes, we would all do better to understand Marx's critique of capitalism.
Marx didn't understand economics, sociology, or history. Any valid criticism of capitalism he had was purely accidental.
Marx didn't understand economics, sociology, or history. Any valid criticism of capitalism he had was purely accidental.
Plutocracy and internationalist, capitalist imperialism, is endemic to capitalism. In Germany, capitalists were strictly under the heal of the state, which emphasized the interests of the Deutsches Volk, or the German People. In capitalism the "bottom-line" is private capital accumulation through profits, not serving the nation's interests, not charity, not being in line with the government's plans. It's just profits, whereas National Socialism makes sure capitalism serves society. That's what the Chinese government is doing now. They haven't nationalized everything, but industry is under the heel of the Chinese Communist Party.

Russia after the collapse of the USSR was subjected to capitalist "shock therapy", instantly forced into the "free market", and neo-liberalism, and got raped. Putin appeared on the scene in 2000 implemented some socialist policies and saved Russia. China didn't subject itself to shock therapy, it highly regulated and continues to regulate capitalism heavily.
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Are you restricting socialism to labor cooperatives? I would identify anarchism, Marxism, and "third-way" fascism, as socialist ideologies. The fact that Hitler gave some autonomy to capitalists, provided their businesses serve the nation's interests, doesn't imply that the "Socialism" of "National Socialism" is just in name only, there are indeed socialistic aspects to Hitlerism. Like I said, if there were some National Socialists in our US Congress, all of the conservative Republicans would be accusing them of being socialists, due to the legislation they vote for and the bills they submit.

If you're a member of the US Congress, and offer a bill that would dictate to major industries or the so-called "commanding heights of the economy", rules and regulations that force it to serve the nation's interests, and prohibit it from closing down factories and moving them abroad..etc. The Republicans and even many Democrats would lose their freaking minds, shouting "Communism!", "You're all a bunch of commies!".

Autarky and Four-Year Plan: The Nazis aimed for economic self-sufficiency (autarky) and prepared for war through the Four-Year Plan initiated in 1936. This plan led to increased state control over industries like steel and iron production, chemicals, and other sectors crucial for military readiness. The state dictated production quotas, controlled raw material distribution, and set prices, effectively controlling these industries without necessarily nationalizing them outright.
  • Key Industries:
    • Armaments and Military Production: The regime exerted control over armament industries, which were crucial for their war efforts. Companies like Krupp and IG Farben remained privately owned but operated under strict government regulations and directives.
    • Aviation and Aerospace: The aviation industry, including manufacturers like Heinkel and Messerschmitt, was directed by the state to focus on military aircraft production. While not fully nationalized, these industries were under strict state control and planning.
    • Energy: The production and distribution of energy were strategically important and thus subject to significant state control, though not fully nationalized.
  • Agriculture: The agricultural sector was regulated through the Reich Food Estate, which controlled agricultural pricing and output, although farms remained privately owned.
  • Banking and Finance: The banking sector was not nationalized but was tightly controlled through regulations and the influence of the Reichsbank, which was already nationalized in 1924 (before the Nazis took power) and further integrated into the regime's economic policies.
  • Public Services:
    • Transportation: The Reichsbahn (German National Railway) was nationalized in 1920 (also before the Nazi era) and remained a state-run entity under the Nazis, who used it for both civil and military transport needs.
    • Communications: The communications sector, including postal services and telecommunication, was under state control, operating as vital components of the national infrastructure.
  • Retail and Distribution: While not nationalized, the retail trade was subject to state oversight, with the Nazis establishing organizations to control the distribution and pricing of consumer goods to manage the economy and war effort.
Try to do all of the above here in the US, and see how you'll get labeled a socialist, "isolationist".
The US has over a hundred thousand pages of business regulations. And that's just at the federal level. Republicans squawk about these regulations all the time, but when they're in power they rarely get rid of any. In fact, they normally add to them. The reason is that big corporations love regulations because they make it more difficult for smaller businesses to compete. They can also flout the regulations because they know the fines will be small compared to their incomes.
The US has over a hundred thousand pages of business regulations. And that's just at the federal level. Republicans squawk about these regulations all the time, but when they're in power they rarely get rid of any. In fact, they normally add to them. The reason is that big corporations love regulations because they make it more difficult for smaller businesses to compete. They can also flout the regulations because they know the fines will be small compared to their incomes.
It depends on what type of regulations are being enforced. I agree, that large corporations want to make the cost of entry into their market as expensive and difficult as possible, passing laws that eliminate competition and increase their share and control of the market. The type of laws that National Socialism imposes on capitalists forces them to do business in line with the government's plan and what serves the nation, rather than what serves them. The priority of business under National Socialism is to serve the country, in tandem with the government's plan.
Plutocracy and internationalist, capitalist imperialism, is endemic to capitalism. In Germany, capitalists were strictly under the heal of the state, which emphasized the interests of the Deutsches Volk, or the German People. In capitalism the "bottom-line" is private capital accumulation through profits, not serving the nation's interests, not charity, not being in line with the government's plans. It's just profits, whereas National Socialism makes sure capitalism serves society. That's what the Chinese government is doing now. They haven't nationalized everything, but industry is under the heel of the Chinese Communist Party.
As a fascist I'm quite sympathetic to this view. However, nationalizing businesses is not the answer. Nor is micromanaging them. Of course the opposite extreme of laissez-faire is only somewhat less of a disaster. Thus I favor things like corporatism (neo-guildism), distributive economics, and cooperatives.

Russia after the collapse of the USSR was subjected to capitalist "shock therapy", instantly forced into the "free market", and neo-liberalism, and got raped. Putin appeared on the scene in 2000 implemented some socialist policies and saved Russia. China didn't subject itself to shock therapy, it highly regulated and continues to regulate capitalism heavily.
This shock therapy consisted off selling off state owned assets to the Russian oligarchs (mostly Jewish) for rubles on the kopeck, so to speak. Putin may indeed have saved Russia from the incompetence of his drunk predecessor, but at the end of the day he's still a Zionist/WEF puppet who does really care about the well being of the Russian people.
As a fascist I'm quite sympathetic to this view. However, nationalizing businesses is not the answer. Nor is micromanaging them. Of course the opposite extreme of laissez-faire is only somewhat less of a disaster. Thus I favor things like corporatism (neo-guildism), distributive economics, and cooperatives.

This shock therapy consisted off selling off state owned assets to the Russian oligarchs (mostly Jewish) for rubles on the kopeck, so to speak. Putin may indeed have saved Russia from the incompetence of his drunk predecessor, but at the end of the day he's still a Zionist/WEF puppet who does really care about the well being of the Russian people.
True Russia is currently controlled by Jewish money.
0.2% of the world controls everything including the weather!
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No, stop misrepresenting what I said. They control or have tremendous influence over EVERYTHING in the Western World, with respect to government, finance, the press media, entertainment, education, social movements..etc. So you're being dishonest, misrepresenting what I'm saying.
Like I said, you think 0.2% control EVERYTHING.
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In the Western World, especially the United States, the Jews practically control everything. They have the most money, most influence lobbying the US government through AIPAC, and the ability to take action and politically destroy politicians who don't align themselves with Zionist Jewish interests. The fact that Jews are about 2.4% of the US population, is irrelevant, hence making you the "stupid" one.

The wealthy capitalist elites (6% of the US population) in this country have more control over our government and media, than 94% of the population, who are of the working class, with 1% of the capitalists being the ones with the most money, influence and power. The ones at the very top of the hierarchy are Jews.
















In the Western World, especially the United States, the Jews practically control everything. They have the most money, most influence lobbying the US government through AIPAC, and the ability to take action and politically destroy politicians who don't align themselves with Zionist Jewish interests. The fact that Jews are about 2.4% of the US population, is irrelevant, hence making you the "stupid" one.

The wealthy capitalist elites (6% of the US population) in this country have more control over our government and media, than 94% of the population, who are of the working class, with 1% of the capitalists being the ones with the most money, influence and power. The ones at the very top of the hierarchy are Jews.

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Did you know Jews have secret electronics in all keyboards and phones and sends everything you do to Mossad?
Did you know Jews have secret electronics in all keyboards and phones and sends everything you do to Mossad?
I didn't say that, so that's more bullshit strawmen. Jews like you (or brainwashed slaves of Jews like you), ignore all of the evidence showing how criminal and wrong these Jewish supremacists are. Why? Because you're a piece of shit. I don't respond to your posts to convince you of anything, I do it to propagate the truth about the Jewish religion, culture, and its evil plans and actions against humanity.
Who’s the nazis

To say that Hitler understood the value of language would be an enormous understatement. Propaganda played a significant role in his rise to power. To that end, he paid lip service to the tenets suggested by a name like National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but his primary—indeed, sole—focus was on achieving power whatever the cost and advancing his racist, anti-Semitic agenda.

After the failure of the Beer Hall Putsch, in November 1923, Hitler became convinced that he needed to utilize the teetering democratic structures of the Weimar government to attain his goals.
You validate the OP, NAZI.

Do you think Christian Nationalism is liberal?

The Trumpies wants a Dominionism.

To say that Hitler understood the value of language would be an enormous understatement. Propaganda played a significant role in his rise to power. To that end, he paid lip service to the tenets suggested by a name like National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but his primary—indeed, sole—focus was on achieving power whatever the cost and advancing his racist, anti-Semitic agenda. After the failure of the Beer Hall Putsch, in November 1923, Hitler became convinced that he needed to utilize the teetering democratic structures of the Weimar government to attain his goals.

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