Nazism Is Taking Over America

Was that supposed to be an insult?
That's what I figured. You actually have no idea if anything he posted was wrong.
I did not commit the crap to memory. It was hours ago---
and there has been similar crap on this board for MONTHS
and crap in the streets, the church basement jelly bean slut
lessons and pamphlets full of the same that I encountered
incessantly since I was six years old
1930s all over again.

1. The New REAL Nazis are not white
..but Brown radical Muslim mostly Arab immigrants.

2. Then you have the radical left who bow to these thugs and have their own version of revolution.

3. And of course idiots who don't even know what they're "protesting..." who also "help" in the toxic mess.

The garbage cocktail.

dem Party lr.jpg
That's what I figured. You actually have no idea if anything he posted was wrong.
It's their own rabbis saying what I'm saying. And then the facts about how Jews are behind all of the social movements that are anti-family, anti-Christian, pro-secular nihilism, pro-feminism, pro-LGBTQ++++, pro-Zionism, pro-war...etc. The Jewish neocons and liberals fucking everything up for everybody. They're really in control of EVERYTHING. They're 3% of the population and they're in control of everything. Literally.

Hollywood, all of the major studios, all of the mainstream news outlets, major newspapers, online social networks, top positions in government, the presidents of major universities, at the head of education, everywhere, with their Zionism or their liberal, postmodernist shit. They're decimating America and Europe because for them we're "Edom". So-called "Amalek", an enemy of the Jews, with an irrational hatred for them. They're experts in gaslighting everyone who disagrees with them or doesn't like them. If you don't like the Jews, you're a fucking murderer. Holocaust! You're a genocidal maniac if you don't like them. Those are the Jedi mind-tricks these Jews play on everyone. How dare you not like the Jews!? You don't like Jews!?!?



I don't like Jews, am I a genocidal maniac? No, I just don't like Jews. Do I have a right not to like Jews?

They always blame non-Jews for kicking them out of their countries. Maybe they had good reason to kick them out. Has anyone ever considered that? It's always supposedly the non-Jews's fault for kicking them out or not liking them. Maybe some people have a good reason for not liking them, or their religion and culture. I don't like them, so what? Supposedly, I'm a Nazi because I don't like Jews and their culture. OK? When they call me a Nazi, I say, "OK I'm a Nazi". So what? After studying Hitler's life, I admire him. He was a good man, trying to save Germany from both the Jews and the Western capitalist powers under their control.
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I did not commit the crap to memory. It was hours ago---
and there has been similar crap on this board for MONTHS
and crap in the streets, the church basement jelly bean slut
lessons and pamphlets full of the same that I encountered
incessantly since I was six years old
Maybe you should listen and encourage your fellow Jews to reject all of that shit. Stop trying to destroy European civilization, and tell your Orthodox rabbis who insert baby penises in their mouths to stop that shit.
Maybe you should listen and encourage your fellow Jews to reject all of that shit. Stop trying to destroy European civilization, and tell your Orthodox rabbis who insert baby penises in their mouths to stop that shit.
the 'shit' of an outdated form of Hemostasis has nothing to do with
EUROPEAN---""civilization"" Both christians and muslims have depended
on JEWISH MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE since their inceptions. Try researching
the disgusting mess that christians and muslims have made of medical science historically. ----and their propensity for sexual perversions historically and
the 'shit' of an outdated form of Hemostasis has nothing to do with
EUROPEAN---""civilization"" Both christians and muslims have depended
on JEWISH MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE since their inceptions. Try researching
the disgusting mess that christians and muslims have made of medical science historically. ----and their propensity for sexual perversions historically and

Is that an excuse?
the 'shit' of an outdated form of Hemostasis has nothing to do with
EUROPEAN---""civilization"" Both christians and muslims have depended
on JEWISH MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE since their inceptions. Try researching
the disgusting mess that christians and muslims have made of medical science historically. ----and their propensity for sexual perversions historically and
You're screwed up. How can you justify rabbis inserting baby penises in their mouths and killing babies with herpes and several other infections? This isn't the "Shit on Christians and Muslims" thread. I shit on everybody, I'm "equal opportunity" when it comes to criticism. I criticize Christians and Muslims all of the time. Both of them circumcise little girls in Africa. Some have even been caught doing it here in the US. I condemn that too. As a man of European descent, I condemn the rabbis who are constantly, with glee, telling us in their lectures, on video, that Europe and the United States, including Latin America, is "Edom", or "Amalek" and we're going to be destroyed by their Jewish tribal god. They love the illegal immigration into "Edom".

We essentially have what is called a "fifth column" i.e. Refers to a group of people who undermine a larger group, such as a nation or a city, from within. The term is typically used in the context of espionage, subversion, or treason, especially when this group supports a foreign invader), in the United States comprised of Jewish Zionists, who are secular and non-secular, who hate Western civilization because they associate it with Christianity and Rome ("Edom" according to them). Why the hell do we have people like this in our society? A freaking "fifth column" of saboteurs, trying to undermine our Western civilization?

I don't dislike Jews because they're supposedly inherently evil, or inferior to us Europeans. I actually acknowledge the genius of many Jews:

  1. Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677) - A philosopher during the Enlightenment, Spinoza laid the groundwork for 18th-century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism. His philosophy espoused an early form of pantheism and contributed significantly to modern political philosophy and ethics.
  2. Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786) - Often considered the father of the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah), Mendelssohn advocated for the integration of Jewish and European culture, encouraging Jews to learn secular subjects and languages, while also arguing for religious tolerance and rationalism.
  3. Karl Marx (1818–1883) - A philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Marx's theories about society, economics, and politics—collectively understood as Marxism.
  4. Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) - The founder of psychoanalysis, a method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Freud's development of theories such as the Oedipal complex, libido, and the unconscious mind, had a lasting impact on both psychology and Western culture.
  5. Albert Einstein (1879–1955) - A theoretical physicist, Einstein developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). His E=mc^2 equation has been dubbed "the world’s most famous equation," influencing the development of energy production and atomic theory.
  6. Niels Bohr (1885–1962) - Bohr's mother was Jewish. He was a foundational figure in quantum theory, proposing the Bohr model of the atom, which introduced the theory of electrons traveling in orbits around the atom's nucleus, with the chemical properties of the element being largely determined by the number of electrons in the outer orbits.
  7. Jonas Salk (1914–1995) - Best known for developing the first successful polio vaccine. His contributions to medical science and public health saved countless lives and diminished the threat of one of the most feared diseases of the 20th century.
  8. Richard Feynman (1918–1988) - A physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as his work in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model.
  9. Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958) - Although she passed away before much of her work was widely recognized, Franklin was instrumental in understanding the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite. Her X-ray diffraction images of DNA led to the discovery of the DNA double helix.
  10. Robert Aumann (1930–) - An Israeli-American mathematician and a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. He is a prolific writer on the mathematical theory of game theory and its applications in economics and studying repeated games.
Above are cases of Jewish genius being used for good. But I also recognize that there are some really fucked up Jews, with some really bad ideas and values. These people are hurting Western civilization, and I've already posted on this thread, ample evidence in several of my previous posts of this so I shouldn't have to do it here again. With the Jews, like with every other group, there's the good, the bad, and the ugly. The Jewish bad and ugly is undermining American society. If you want me to re-post evidence I will.
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Many Jewish students are protesting against Israel's actions in Gaza at Colombia University. How would that be possible if all of the protestors or most of them were Nazis?

No longer a 'Christian Man'? Since you never were one to begin with, probably a good move. Love your sig, nothing like quoting Marx to show your true alliances.
He did that to the Marxists, not all socialists. Most of the Marxists in Germany and all their leadership were Jewish. Hitler was a nationalist-socialist (i.e. National Socialism). He was a socialist, keeping the capitalist under his heel, making industry serve the nation, and its people rather than capitalists and their insatiable pursuit of profits. Capitalism under National Socialism, must primarily, above all, serve the public good. The Nation. Hitler was a socialist, he just wasn't a Marxist-atheist-materialist socialist, who believed the family is an impediment to human evolution and progress..etc.

He was more of a socialist-social conservative. Similar to Stalin, who banned abortion, criminalized open homosexuality, and enacted the "Soviet Family" policies. Hitler got greedy and wanted all of Russia's natural resources under Germany's control, that's what did him in—his lust for power.

Sounds like you admire him, sick.

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