Navalny dies in putin jail

There were reports that Navalny was on a hunger strike. Wasn't he found guilty of insurrection?

Fox just mentioned Navalny's wife visited him prison on February 12. I don't follow how killing Navalny would benefit Putin. I can follow how killing Navalny benefits the US trying to force the endless funding of the Ukraine. So yeah the time is questionable.
The Nord Streams were blown up - they investigate for a year - they don't know anything, they close the investigation.
Navalny kicked the bucket - in the second it was known what happened and who was to blame.

That's the reason.

sure, Putin will simply check Navalny off his hit list. Done deal.

Prigozhin launched an abortive mutiny in late June, two months to the day before his death, that he said targeted Russia’s military leaders but embarrassed Putin and exposed the limits of his control, making a leader cast as a strong and reliable protector of the people look weak. Died in a plane crash on August 23.

April 17, 2003: Sergei Yushenkov, a veteran politician and leader of the anti-Kremlin party Liberal Russia, is shot in front of his Moscow home.

October 7, 2006: One of Russia's most prominent journalists and a persistent chronicler of rights abuses in Chechnya, Politkovskaya is shot dead in her apartment building, in an execution-style killing.

The list goes on.
November 23, 2006: The former Russian security agent dies in London after being poisoned with radioactive polonium-210. Litvinenko had fled to Britain in 2000 after accusing the FSB of plotting to kill oligarch Boris Berezovsky. He later co-authored a book blaming the agency for the 1999 apartment-building bombings.

July 16, 2009: The body of the renowned human rights activist, with bullet wounds to her head and chest, is found in Ingushetia, hours after her abduction near her home in the capital of Chechnya, Grozny.

November 16, 2009: The whistle-blowing lawyer who had implicated Russian officials in an alleged $230 million tax fraud dies one year after being jailed on similar charges. Sergei Magnitsky suffered from pancreatitis and was denied medical care in pretrial detention, conditions rights activists said were tantamount to torture. According to the Kremlin's own human rights council, he was badly beaten before his death.

February 27, 2015: The reformist former regional governor and deputy prime minister who was a rising political star in the 1990s but became one of Putin’s most vocal opponents is shot dead in a gangland-style killing on a bridge near the Kremlin, at age 55.

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