NASA scientists compare twins’ DNA after one of them went to space


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Two years ago, NASA sent one of two identical twins to space. Yesterday, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration informed the results of an experiment never performed before.

Scott and Mark Kelly were gathered and recruited by NASA to see what differences they would have if one of them spent a long time in space. Both twin brothers accepted and decided that Scott should be the one to make the space journey. He was sent to the International Space Station for a year, while Mark stayed on the ground.
NASA scientists compare twins' DNA after one of them went to space

I wonder why they would not have them eat the same foods.
The article didn't get into much detail about the change in DNA nor did it give the height change information.

But isn't it wonderful to see the universe in action? We come as a computer would come with a program that can be changed. But instead of the 1s and 0s of the computer the human brain functions with brain cells able to store in 4s. Much more complex. I remember reading that the next step in computer memory was using brain cells. Have not heard anything about it since.

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