Name the accomplishments of Reagan

1. Turn American enterprise back over to US entrepreneurs through lower taxes and regulations
2. Defeated Soviet Communism
3. Freed Eastern Europe

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Alan Greenspan admitted that deregulation was a mistake.

Published: October 23, 2008

WASHINGTON — For years, a Congressional hearing with Alan Greenspan was a marquee event. Lawmakers doted on him as an economic sage. Markets jumped up or down depending on what he said. Politicians in both parties wanted the maestro on their side.

CNBC Video: Greenspan Testimony
Greenspan Prepared Remarks

But on Thursday, almost three years after stepping down as chairman of the Federal Reserve, a humbled Mr. Greenspan admitted that he had put too much faith in the self-correcting power of free markets and had failed to anticipate the self-destructive power of wanton mortgage lending.

“Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholders’ equity, myself included, are in a state of shocked disbelief,” he told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


I'll let you know when you make a point worthy of a response.
Reagan's biggest accomplishment was he made fantasy reality and many believed. Sadly 'W' believed as he gave speeches on the 'axis of evil,' but nothing happened! No wall collapsed this time, he should have waited 50 years.

I do sympathize with republicans as who else is there? Lincoln would be no republican today, so who do you look to: Coolidge? Hoover? GW? all complete and total nincompoops.

But having seen Reagan's start of the destruction of the middle class, I personally rate him our worst contemporary president. His lack of respect for the American worker gave corporate crooks the wonderland key hole to the early thirties - when Coolidge and Hoover failed. One can only wonder how someone, anyone, can govern when the thing they govern is what they see as wrong?

I was glad when I saw this article.

OpEdNews - Article: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country." Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (9780393059304):

Kim Phillips-Fein: Books
"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism."

The Left's bitterness and hatred of Reagan embrace of America Entrepreneurship is palpable.

All that hate can't be good for you.

FDR hated the middle class, Hussein Obama hates the middle class. You really are a useful idiot
Reagan's biggest accomplishment was he made fantasy reality and many believed. Sadly 'W' believed as he gave speeches on the 'axis of evil,' but nothing happened! No wall collapsed this time, he should have waited 50 years.

I do sympathize with republicans as who else is there? Lincoln would be no republican today, so who do you look to: Coolidge? Hoover? GW? all complete and total nincompoops.

But having seen Reagan's start of the destruction of the middle class, I personally rate him our worst contemporary president. His lack of respect for the American worker gave corporate crooks the wonderland key hole to the early thirties - when Coolidge and Hoover failed. One can only wonder how someone, anyone, can govern when the thing they govern is what they see as wrong?

I was glad when I saw this article.

OpEdNews - Article: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country." Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (9780393059304):

Kim Phillips-Fein: Books
"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism."

The Left's bitterness and hatred of Reagan embrace of America Entrepreneurship is palpable.

All that hate can't be good for you.

FDR hated the middle class, Hussein Obama hates the middle class. You really are a useful idiot
Reagan did everything he could to abolish the middle class.
Before Reagan, a family could survive, buy a home and put kids through college on one salary.
Raygun had little or nothing to do with the break down of the Soviet Union. The SU started crumbling long before Raygun came to power....

There was a general panic in the USSR when Reagan announced Star Wars Missile defense. They assumed that sine the POTUS was announcing it, it was ready to be deployed.

Just out of curiosity, why is the failed economy the fault of GWB because it happened on "his watch", but the fall of Communism had nothing to do with Reagan?

Why did Reagan run against Carter's economy if presidents don't have anything to do with the ups and downs of the economy?

Reagan ran against the bad economy because it was bad. Carter had no clue on what to do about it or, presumably, he would have done something about it. Like it or not, the guy in the Oval office gets blame or credit for what's happening around the country.

Unless the blamer is a partisan hack. In that case, his guy only gets credit and the other guy only gets blame.

Political campaigns are aimed at the perceptions of the population. The Big 0 ran a campaign which addressed current perceptions without actually revealing what he would do if elected. His goal was to get elected, which he has accomplished. Those who elected him are only now realizing what his goals to govern are.

He managed to get through the campaign without ever revealing them. Clever boy.

Reagan made no secret of his beliefs, his goals, his idealogy, his fiscal positions or his rock solid belief in the goodness of the American people and state. The Big 0 kept his positions on all of these things secret. Clever boy.

So, do you pick and choose which president is responsible which things that occur on "his watch"? Is the Big 0 not responsible for the fastest run up of debt in the history of the Republic? Unemployment? Reduced confidence? Is he responsible for the improved situation in Iraq? Israelies building homes in the Palestinian areas? A nuclear Iran? Immigration? Drugs? Poverty? Joblessness?

Maybe not so clever.
Reagan's biggest accomplishment was he made fantasy reality and many believed. Sadly 'W' believed as he gave speeches on the 'axis of evil,' but nothing happened! No wall collapsed this time, he should have waited 50 years.

I do sympathize with republicans as who else is there? Lincoln would be no republican today, so who do you look to: Coolidge? Hoover? GW? all complete and total nincompoops.

But having seen Reagan's start of the destruction of the middle class, I personally rate him our worst contemporary president. His lack of respect for the American worker gave corporate crooks the wonderland key hole to the early thirties - when Coolidge and Hoover failed. One can only wonder how someone, anyone, can govern when the thing they govern is what they see as wrong?

I was glad when I saw this article.

OpEdNews - Article: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country." Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (9780393059304):

Kim Phillips-Fein: Books
"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism."

The Left's bitterness and hatred of Reagan embrace of America Entrepreneurship is palpable.

All that hate can't be good for you.

FDR hated the middle class, Hussein Obama hates the middle class. You really are a useful idiot
Reagan did everything he could to abolish the middle class.
Before Reagan, a family could survive, buy a home and put kids through college on one salary.

Yeah, make stuff up, that's the ticket.

Things were great under Carter and Nixon.
You don't need to be genius to figure this out. The whole country liked what this man was doing when he was doing it. The Liberal elite did not get it then and don't get it now.

Of course they did. Everyone believes the snake oil salesman. That's why snake oil sells.

That might work for the first election. The re-election is the one that he got the huge landslide. At that point, it's not the snake oil, it's the actual cure.

Were you there?
There was a general panic in the USSR when Reagan announced Star Wars Missile defense. They assumed that sine the POTUS was announcing it, it was ready to be deployed.

Just out of curiosity, why is the failed economy the fault of GWB because it happened on "his watch", but the fall of Communism had nothing to do with Reagan?

Why did Reagan run against Carter's economy if presidents don't have anything to do with the ups and downs of the economy?

Reagan ran against the bad economy because it was bad. Carter had no clue on what to do about it or, presumably, he would have done something about it. Like it or not, the guy in the Oval office gets blame or credit for what's happening around the country.

Unless the blamer is a partisan hack. In that case, his guy only gets credit and the other guy only gets blame.

Political campaigns are aimed at the perceptions of the population. The Big 0 ran a campaign which addressed current perceptions without actually revealing what he would do if elected. His goal was to get elected, which he has accomplished. Those who elected him are only now realizing what his goals to govern are.

He managed to get through the campaign without ever revealing them. Clever boy.

Reagan made no secret of his beliefs, his goals, his idealogy, his fiscal positions or his rock solid belief in the goodness of the American people and state. The Big 0 kept his positions on all of these things secret. Clever boy.

So, do you pick and choose which president is responsible which things that occur on "his watch"? Is the Big 0 not responsible for the fastest run up of debt in the history of the Republic? Unemployment? Reduced confidence? Is he responsible for the improved situation in Iraq? Israelies building homes in the Palestinian areas? A nuclear Iran? Immigration? Drugs? Poverty? Joblessness?

Maybe not so clever.

Reagan took office and 6 months later the country plunged into a 16 month recession. Deficits soared to unprecedented peacetime levels under Reagan. Reagan cut and ran from Lebanon. Reagan raised social security payroll taxes. Reagan gave illegal immigrants amnesty. And then of course there was Iran/Contra.

If Carter had been re-elected and THE SAME EXACT THINGS HAD HAPPENED, conservatives would be using them as their proof that Carter was the worst president in modern history.
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Ah right. It's only Democrats that get blamed for recessions.

A conservative blaming a recession on insufficient REGULATION. That's a kneeslapper.

So you retard, you are claiming that there was no problem with Freddy and Fanny and the Banking loan business in regards to the Housing market? You gonna stick with that?

Deregulation of the entire banking system was the problem. That and the fact that recessions happen after expansions; it's called the business cycle.

The banking system was not deregulated. The sub prime loans that were made were regulated into existance.

The fact of the matter is that the sub prime borrowers were required by law to be given loans that they could not afford to repay. If the banks had qualified loans from the 80's forward as they had from the 70's backward, the "Toxic Assets" would never have come into existance. If the banks had rejected these loans instead of approving them, they'd have been subject to civil and criminal law suits.

Regarding the business cycle, you are right. That is why the cash scheme called the stimulus is such a disgrace. If the stimulus had not been approved, we'd be out of the woods right now. The thieves in DC assumed that the golden goose would start laying eggs again even after they neutered it.

Let's hope that we get to the mid terms before any more damage is done.
Why did Reagan run against Carter's economy if presidents don't have anything to do with the ups and downs of the economy?

Reagan ran against the bad economy because it was bad. Carter had no clue on what to do about it or, presumably, he would have done something about it. Like it or not, the guy in the Oval office gets blame or credit for what's happening around the country.

Unless the blamer is a partisan hack. In that case, his guy only gets credit and the other guy only gets blame.

Political campaigns are aimed at the perceptions of the population. The Big 0 ran a campaign which addressed current perceptions without actually revealing what he would do if elected. His goal was to get elected, which he has accomplished. Those who elected him are only now realizing what his goals to govern are.

He managed to get through the campaign without ever revealing them. Clever boy.

Reagan made no secret of his beliefs, his goals, his idealogy, his fiscal positions or his rock solid belief in the goodness of the American people and state. The Big 0 kept his positions on all of these things secret. Clever boy.

So, do you pick and choose which president is responsible which things that occur on "his watch"? Is the Big 0 not responsible for the fastest run up of debt in the history of the Republic? Unemployment? Reduced confidence? Is he responsible for the improved situation in Iraq? Israelies building homes in the Palestinian areas? A nuclear Iran? Immigration? Drugs? Poverty? Joblessness?

Maybe not so clever.

Reagan took office and 6 months later the country plunged into a 16 month recession. Deficits soared to unprecedented peacetime levels under Reagan. Reagan cut and ran from Lebanon. Reagan raised social security payroll taxes. Reagan gave illegal immigrants amnesty. And then of course there was Iran/Contra.

If Carter had been re-elected and THE SAME EXACT THINGS HAD HAPPENED, conservatives would be using them as their proof that Carter was the worst president in modern history.

Reagan's biggest accomplishment was imbuing Americans with a sense of optimism again. He reminded Americans that they were a great nation. Americans took it from there.

Also, deregulation.

Reagans greatest accomplishment. He took a country that had lost faith in itself after VietNam and the Iran Hostage Crisis. We had lost our swagger and were in the midst of a severe recession.
Reagans speeches to the nation made us feel good about being an American again. His "Its morning in America" political ad was dead on. It felt good again to say you were an American
I did look it up and what I found is that Reagan's submitted budgets made up far more of the increases than anything added on by the Congress during that time. When you take the additional funds added to what he proposed it amounts to $112 billion. The growth in the government Reagan asked for in his budgets was $264 billion during his tenure.

As you have looked it up, please post the source data, which if it supports your claim, will break out the programs actually suggested by Reagan from the entitlements that were put in place during prior administrations. Also, please distinguish what was driven by the Democratically controlled Congress.

Thank you.

Google is your friend. "Reagan proposed budget 1982, '83, '84 ..." "1982, '83, '84... federal budget passed"

This link doesn't work.
So you retard, you are claiming that there was no problem with Freddy and Fanny and the Banking loan business in regards to the Housing market? You gonna stick with that?

Deregulation of the entire banking system was the problem. That and the fact that recessions happen after expansions; it's called the business cycle.

The banking system was not deregulated. The sub prime loans that were made were regulated into existance.

The fact of the matter is that the sub prime borrowers were required by law to be given loans that they could not afford to repay. If the banks had qualified loans from the 80's forward as they had from the 70's backward, the "Toxic Assets" would never have come into existance. If the banks had rejected these loans instead of approving them, they'd have been subject to civil and criminal law suits.

Regarding the business cycle, you are right. That is why the cash scheme called the stimulus is such a disgrace. If the stimulus had not been approved, we'd be out of the woods right now. The thieves in DC assumed that the golden goose would start laying eggs again even after they neutered it.

Let's hope that we get to the mid terms before any more damage is done.

Please stop. No bank in this country, even the ones that failed, were ever forced to make loans to unqualified borrowers against the wishes of the banks.
Tell us what the man did well for the country. Give us an honest list of his achievements here.

In his re-election, Reagan came within 0.95% of the votes in Minnesota of carrying all 50 states. He carried a record number of Electoral Votes and would have carried Minnesota if his opponent was not a very popular multi term Senator from that state.

Mondale carried only 40.6% of the popular vote. Given the numbers of the declared Republicans in the country, that % of popularity demands that Reagan carried all of the Republicans and all of the Independants and some of the Democrats.

You don't need to be genius to figure this out. The whole country liked what this man was doing when he was doing it. The Liberal elite did not get it then and don't get it now.

Give us an honest list of the achievements of your father. Only those things that can be quantified and have been recorded by the national media. Was he a positive influence on you or not? Enriching the spirit, fulfilling your hopes, applauding your success and ability, making you laugh, finding your strength and building your charachter are things that can't be measured by the NYT.

You sure do know it when it's happening. You sure do remember ti when the going gets tough.

I was there and I remember how it felt when Carter 1.0 was failing as a leader. It feels the same as Carter 2.0 feels today. I voted for Carter. After 4 years, I voted for Reagan and then voted for him again.

A leader leads. It is his followers who achieve. What did Eisenhower do to win WW2?

Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That November, Reagan was re-elected, winning 49 of 50 states.[159] The president's landslide victory saw Mondale carry only his home state of Minnesota (by 3800 votes) and the District of Columbia. Reagan won a record 525 electoral votes, the most of any candidate in United States history,[160] and received 58.8% of the popular vote to Mondale's 40.6%.[159]
I see, you can name no accomplishments of Reagan.

Well, maybe this will help you. About 60% of the American population seemed to think he did a pretty good job. I realize that results are a foreign concept to many, but to me, results is all that really maters.

Lincoln said words to the effect that 1000 angels singing his praises would mean nothing if he failed. Lincoln understood that results were the measure of success, not meaningless statistics or claimed credit.

If you were not employed at the time and trying to make a life for yourself you have no idea what what happening when Reagan came into office. You have no idea the effect he had on everything in the country. You have no idea how bleak the prospect of the country was under Carter.

Stay alert. You'll begin to understand bleak in a couple more months.

The United States Misery Index By Year
Deregulation of the entire banking system was the problem. That and the fact that recessions happen after expansions; it's called the business cycle.

The banking system was not deregulated. The sub prime loans that were made were regulated into existance.

The fact of the matter is that the sub prime borrowers were required by law to be given loans that they could not afford to repay. If the banks had qualified loans from the 80's forward as they had from the 70's backward, the "Toxic Assets" would never have come into existance. If the banks had rejected these loans instead of approving them, they'd have been subject to civil and criminal law suits.

Regarding the business cycle, you are right. That is why the cash scheme called the stimulus is such a disgrace. If the stimulus had not been approved, we'd be out of the woods right now. The thieves in DC assumed that the golden goose would start laying eggs again even after they neutered it.

Let's hope that we get to the mid terms before any more damage is done.

Please stop. No bank in this country, even the ones that failed, were ever forced to make loans to unqualified borrowers against the wishes of the banks.

You are welcome to believe what you believe.
Tell us what the man did well for the country. Give us an honest list of his achievements here.

Mike Wallace: Mr. President, how many of the country's problems do you personally take any blame for?

President Reagan: Well Mike, all of them. I was once a Democrat.
He made a laughing stock out of the USA and made a fortune for comedians and impersonators.
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