name some better things we could do than watch the speech of the fake president

name some better things we could do than watch the speech of the fake president​

popping zits on a nerve
pulling out a splinter
Salmonella poisoning
testing positive for COVID
pulling a nail out of your foot
scrubbing the toilet after eating chili
having shingles
cutting your finger off with a buzz saw
stubbing your little toe on a metal table leg
watching your house burn down
having a severe migraine
dropping a cinder block on your foot
hitting the gas instead of the brake, and going thru the garage door
finding a toenail on your pizza
I've got another one....

Post again and again and again on a thread about how you're not going to watch a speech because you don't care.
I've got another one....

Post again and again and again on a thread about how you're not going to watch a speech because you don't care.
why should a person care what a fake, usurper president has to say (esp one who hates 1/2 of his own people)?

hardly anyone voted for him, the rest were fake ballots

cue Twilight Zone music

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