NAACP Requires Photo I.D. to See Holder Speak in State Being Sued Over Voter ID


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
NAACP Requires Photo I.D. to See Holder Speak in State Being Sued Over Voter ID

NAACP Requires Photo I.D. to See Holder Speak in State Being Sued Over Voter ID - Katie Pavlich

Earlier today, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the NAACP Nation Convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. What did media need in order to attend? That's right, government issued photo identification (and a second form of identification too!), something both Holder and the NAACP stand firmly against when it comes to voting. Holder's DOJ is currently suing Texas for "discriminatory" voter ID laws. From the press release:
It shows he is nothing but a pile of shit.

Photo ID required for a bar, library card, get on airplane/train, attend the NAALCP conference, etc....but not to vote in the USA......insane.
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It shows he is nothing but a pile of shit.

Photo ID required for a bar, library card, get on airplane/train, attend the NAACLP conference, etc....but not to vote in the USA......insane.

Black people apparently don't do any of the above, except vote. I think we need to start paying their gas to the polls. Making someone buy gasoline to travel to the polls is a poll tax. Then, if they are wearing cloths we need to buy those too. Of course they will need to have energy to vote so we need to supply food vouchers. Or if they want to not have these expenses then let them vote and home and we will pay for the stamps.
Max incongruity. Did Holder and 'Bam flunk geometry? You have to wonder how'd they both do putting square pegs into round holes. That was somethin their Democratic predecessor in office did easily and frequently during his spare time. "Mr President, exactly what are you holding there in your hand?"

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Thanks for pointing out the stupidity of you liberals.

So someone wants you to prove who you are to check out a $25 book, but to vote for the people that lead a state or the ID required.

You're fucking insane, and stupid.

It shows he is nothing but a pile of shit.

Photo ID required for a bar, library card, get on airplane/train, attend the NAACLP conference, etc....but not to vote in the USA......insane.

Yeah, because a library card and voting are exactly the same.

Holder and the NAALCP wants people to prove who they are to see him preach from the podium, because they fear some "white" people or certain media getting inside to hear him or counter him in any Q&A.

But he and the NAALCP wants states to let anyone vote because some black people are felons, some want to vote multiple times, etc so the voting booth should be open to anyone that can get a "ride" to the voting booth.
Obama and Holder are trying to impart the same political stigma on the voter ID requirement that the poll tax acquired, ergo, voting officials anywhere across the United States won't dare ask any prospective voter for ID when going to the polling booth, anywhere, anytime, except if you are white and appear well to do.
Doing so will open the doors to the Democrats being able to transport busload after busload of illegals, or undocumented voters from city to city and across statelines to voting booths anywhere guaranteeing Democratic electoral majorities as far as the eye can see.
If you catch 'em stuffin the boxes just remember how they used to treat horse thieves when they caught 'em during the 1870's in places like New Mexico, Arizona, Colorad, Oklahoma, and Texas. This is likely the last chance you'll have to save the integrity of the voting process if Obama & Co manage to get back in for another four years.

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