Mysterium Iniquitatis


Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
~ The mystery of evil ~

Abstract: Shadow projection, as the transference of personal inferiority, and the related concept of sin transference, lie at the heart of the mystery of evil. Destructive projection does not depend on "misunderstandings" in the micro-social context, nor on instinctual predatory instincts. It is an archaic method of ego emancipation by which the transgressor's unconscious suffering is transferred to the victim. It aims at maintaining ego firmness. Intellectuals often become subjects of shadow projection as they are capable of questioning the established order, due to their ability to think freely. It is analysed as the projection of Promethean guilt. An answer to the machinations of evil has been formulated in Christian theology. The ego's suffering is laid on the shoulders of Christ, who carries the sins of the world. The Christ figure is understood as the spiritual awareness of the inner self ("Christ liveth in me"). A regress to a pre-Christian cultural mentality implies the massive return of scapegoat psychology, as exemplified by the collective shadow psychology of the Third Reich. The Western world is undergoing transitions that undermine our notion of, and our awareness of, the spiritual self. If the sins aren't carried by Christ anymore, then they must be carried by other human beings, with foreseeable consequences.

Keywords: evil, the shadow, self, sin transference, group narcissism, intellectuals, scapegoatism.

Read the article here:
Mysterium Iniquitatis (The mystery of evil)

Mats Winther
~ The mystery of evil ~

Abstract: Shadow projection, as the transference of personal inferiority, and the related concept of sin transference, lie at the heart of the mystery of evil. Destructive projection does not depend on "misunderstandings" in the micro-social context, nor on instinctual predatory instincts. It is an archaic method of ego emancipation by which the transgressor's unconscious suffering is transferred to the victim. It aims at maintaining ego firmness. Intellectuals often become subjects of shadow projection as they are capable of questioning the established order, due to their ability to think freely. It is analysed as the projection of Promethean guilt. An answer to the machinations of evil has been formulated in Christian theology. The ego's suffering is laid on the shoulders of Christ, who carries the sins of the world. The Christ figure is understood as the spiritual awareness of the inner self ("Christ liveth in me"). A regress to a pre-Christian cultural mentality implies the massive return of scapegoat psychology, as exemplified by the collective shadow psychology of the Third Reich. The Western world is undergoing transitions that undermine our notion of, and our awareness of, the spiritual self. If the sins aren't carried by Christ anymore, then they must be carried by other human beings, with foreseeable consequences.

Keywords: evil, the shadow, self, sin transference, group narcissism, intellectuals, scapegoatism.

Read the article here:
Mysterium Iniquitatis (The mystery of evil)

Mats Winther

Apparently, Mats had too much free time on his hands. Lol.
Oh, perhaps this was this too difficult for you guys(?)


In order for the inferior psychic economy to operate, an enemy is required, who
can be made to suffer. It does not always suffice, as is commonly believed, to
rectify a misunderstanding between parties, making either party withdraw
projections in order to "integrate the shadow". If the foe cannot be singled out
he must be sought elsewhere, because there must always be an anatagonist, a
saboteur, and a traitor. Stalin needed victims, his purges satisfied an inner
need. When Montezuma, king of the Aztec, was asked, "why he had suffered the
republic of Tlaxcala to maintain her independence on his borders",
he replied,
"that she might furnish him with victims for his gods!" (Prescott, The World of
the Aztecs, p.59). This is why headmasters at schools often allow mobbing to go
on without taking measures against it. They know instinctually that it satisfies
a need and that it contributes to stability and order. Otherwise other victims
would soon be sought out, alternatively the school's fixtures be destroyed, and
the headmaster himself could be made to suffer.

The principal method of creating great damage and suffering is to throw
suspicion on people. If there is no enemy then he must be created, for instance,
by capitalizing on little "mistakes" in the wording of an intellectual text.
That could be enough to prove that the author is the archfiend. In relating to
the principle of evil one cannot expect to placate it, that is, to remove
whatever causes the projection, and thenceforth believe that the problem is
solved. The devil will only search out new hooks for projection. Whenever
possible, one should let the devil strike one on the other cheek, alternatively,
one should get away. But to bow down, to placate the devil, only allows him to
remain in his unconsciousness - his evil is strengthened, and his cockscomb grows
larger. One should contribute to an increased level of consciousness, and in due
time evil will hopefully destroy itself. To this end the introverted Promethean
intellect (the Epimethean corresponds to the extraverted intellect), is an
efficacious force, and this explains why the creative intellectual invokes such
fear and why he is time and again subject to persecution. There is nothing that
the devil fears more than enlightenment, the increase of consciousness.

Mats Winther

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