MyPillowGuy is Broke

The dumb fucking animals are always gonna hate on their successful superiors.

This probably goes back to caveman days when Caveman A carved a new wheel and Caveman B was jealous because Caveman A was now getting top-tier pussy and wheeling around the village like a rock star. Caveman B is too stupid and uncoordinated to fashion his own wheel.

The parasites have nothing.... only shame and hate. They should always be completely shunned by normal people.
The dumb fucking animals are always gonna hate on their successful superiors.
This probably goes back to caveman days when Caveman A carved a new wheel and Caveman B was jealous because Caveman A was now getting top-tier pussy and wheeling around the village like a rock star. Caveman B is too stupid and uncoordinated to fashion his own wheel.
So you're a dumb, retired magaturd boomer that plays golf. :dunno: Sweet? I bet you believe you're a master of social media as well as a whiz at the 'ol stock market too, amirite? :113: Getting pussy by the truckload, I bet.

BTW: Today, in your silly scenario, Caveman A is the liberal. Caveman B is too stupid and uncoordinated to fashion his own wheel. Congratulations again for your populism. Can't wait to throw this shit right back in your face when the time comes.
The parasites have nothing.... only shame and hate. They should always be completely shunned by normal people.
Normal people being rich, white people, amirite Boomer? :113:

We're on the same page on this, no?
The guy was a genius marketing his product.

The product was never going to last forever because once the market was saturated the demand was going to be drastically reduced. People don't buy new pillows every year.

It was not politics that did him in. In fact that probably kept the product going longer than it should have. It was market saturation that did him him and it was bound to happen.
The guy was a genius marketing his product.

The product was never going to last forever because once the market was saturated the demand was going to be drastically reduced. People don't buy new pillows every year.

It was not politics that did him in. In fact that probably kept the product going longer than it should have. It was market saturation that did him him and it was bound to happen.
When he was a nice, cuddly guy his pillows sold

When he became a raving lunatic, consumers and retailers stayed away
My heart bleeds for him. Maybe if he'd put out a half-decent product, his "pillows" might still be selling okay and he'd actually have money.

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