My Whole Family Are Jews

Most "jews" oppose President Trump rather forcefully.

Of course, most "jews" are non-practicing. They are "cultural" jews, not religious jews.

It's only the Orthodox Jews who generally support the President. A rather small percentage.
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
The reason most Jews lean Left I believe is that most Jews are atheists/agnostic.

And you will find that most atheists/agnostic type people lean Left.

Why is this? I think it is because all of us are wired to look up to a higher authority and leader. Really we were wired to be led by a king, which is why in the US system the Executive Branch has assumed so much power over the years to becoming the Fourth Branch of government that dominates the other two. Now the Executive is free to pass regulations on a whim which are just as good as a law, but without all of the democracy stuff attached to it. Just Executive edicts, which we are now dominated by with Covid.

So you either make God your king or a man. Conservatives don't need another king and are rubbed the wrong way when one tries to assume that role. My guess is that you are then a person of faith. Am I right?

As for the across the board accusations of conservatives being racists, bigoted, hating women, anti-semitic etc., it's all idiotic nonsense that no one pays much attention to anymore.

It reminds me of Dennis Prager who is a conservative Jew. His detractors treat him the same way they treat all of their political opponents, which includes calling him anti-Semitic. He just laughs and says, "Yea, I wonder if they even know I'm a practicing Jew"

You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
The reason most Jews lean Left I believe is that most Jews are atheists/agnostic.

And you will find that most atheists/agnostic type people lean Left.

Why is this? I think it is because all of us are wired to look up to a higher authority and leader. Really we were wired to be led by a king, which is why in the US system the Executive Branch has assumed so much power over the years to becoming the Fourth Branch of government that dominates the other two. Now the Executive is free to pass regulations on a whim which are just as good as a law, but without all of the democracy stuff attached to it. Just Executive edicts, which we are now dominated by with Covid.

So you either make God your king or a man. Conservatives don't need another king and are rubbed the wrong way when one tries to assume that role. My guess is that you are then a person of faith. Am I right?
Congress can get rid of EO's by legislature if they so desire.
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
The reason most Jews lean Left I believe is that most Jews are atheists/agnostic.

And you will find that most atheists/agnostic type people lean Left.

Why is this? I think it is because all of us are wired to look up to a higher authority and leader. Really we were wired to be led by a king, which is why in the US system the Executive Branch has assumed so much power over the years to becoming the Fourth Branch of government that dominates the other two. Now the Executive is free to pass regulations on a whim which are just as good as a law, but without all of the democracy stuff attached to it. Just Executive edicts, which we are now dominated by with Covid.

So you either make God your king or a man. Conservatives don't need another king and are rubbed the wrong way when one tries to assume that role. My guess is that you are then a person of faith. Am I right?
Congress can get rid of EO's by legislature if they so desire.
Congress gave the Executive all their power a long time ago by allowing unelected bureacrats the right to pas regulations that are essentially laws. They made that decision long ago, and once you give power up, it's gone forever.

As for the Left, they are the ones who hate Jews. Don't let them fool you.

And who caused the Holocaust? Yep, National Socialists who coveted the financial affluence of Jews in Europe.

That is at the heart of anti-Semitism. Hating the rich folk.

But just like the propaganda Hitler put out, the key is accusing your adversaries of what you are guilty of.
Of course, most "jews" are non-practicing. They are "cultural" jews, not religious jews.
They 'practice' the culture of Circumcision whether or not it has any religious justification or not.
It's only the Orthodox Jews who generally support the President.
'Orthodox' is a Greek word for the 'right teaching.' The Greeks didn't circumcise, but I don't see how that can be said of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?

President Trump isn't an antisemite at all. His own daughter is a devout Jew, as well as his beloved son-in-law and some of his grandchildren. In fact, it was liberal antisemitism that provoked the attack on the Jewish temple in Pittsburgh a couple of years ago. The gentleman got enraged at the President, influenced by the liberal media, and exploded in rage. Yet, the Fake News Media accepted no responsibility for what happened.
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
The reason most Jews lean Left I believe is that most Jews are atheists/agnostic.

And you will find that most atheists/agnostic type people lean Left.

Why is this? I think it is because all of us are wired to look up to a higher authority and leader. Really we were wired to be led by a king, which is why in the US system the Executive Branch has assumed so much power over the years to becoming the Fourth Branch of government that dominates the other two. Now the Executive is free to pass regulations on a whim which are just as good as a law, but without all of the democracy stuff attached to it. Just Executive edicts, which we are now dominated by with Covid.

So you either make God your king or a man. Conservatives don't need another king and are rubbed the wrong way when one tries to assume that role. My guess is that you are then a person of faith. Am I right?

As for the across the board accusations of conservatives being racists, bigoted, hating women, anti-semitic etc., it's all idiotic nonsense that no one pays much attention to anymore.

It reminds me of Dennis Prager who is a conservative Jew. His detractors treat him the same way they treat all of their political opponents, which includes calling him anti-Semitic. He just laughs and says, "Yea, I wonder if they even know I'm a practicing Jew"

Most Jews lean left because they are afraid of the far right. They also do it because the Democratic Party is a tradition among many Jewish communities.
Most "jews" oppose President Trump rather forcefully.

Of course, most "jews" are non-practicing. They are "cultural" jews, not religious jews.

It's only the Orthodox Jews who generally support the President. A rather small percentage.

Many Jews are naive. They believe the Democratic Party propaganda about Trump being an antisemite. It's total nonsense.
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?

Why should Jews not be idiots? Did you take a look at the voters of Trump? Useful idiot, criminal or criminal idiot - that is the question for me in case of the person Donald Trump. Perhaps I'm not just to say so - but is Trump? - and the risks are high. And to be the destructor of the western world is for me personally not the traditional role of a president of the USA.
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You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
The reason most Jews lean Left I believe is that most Jews are atheists/agnostic.

And you will find that most atheists/agnostic type people lean Left.

Why is this? I think it is because all of us are wired to look up to a higher authority and leader. Really we were wired to be led by a king, which is why in the US system the Executive Branch has assumed so much power over the years to becoming the Fourth Branch of government that dominates the other two. Now the Executive is free to pass regulations on a whim which are just as good as a law, but without all of the democracy stuff attached to it. Just Executive edicts, which we are now dominated by with Covid.

So you either make God your king or a man. Conservatives don't need another king and are rubbed the wrong way when one tries to assume that role. My guess is that you are then a person of faith. Am I right?

As for the across the board accusations of conservatives being racists, bigoted, hating women, anti-semitic etc., it's all idiotic nonsense that no one pays much attention to anymore.

It reminds me of Dennis Prager who is a conservative Jew. His detractors treat him the same way they treat all of their political opponents, which includes calling him anti-Semitic. He just laughs and says, "Yea, I wonder if they even know I'm a practicing Jew"

Most Jews lean left because they are afraid of the far right. They also do it because the Democratic Party is a tradition among many Jewish communities.

Not necessarily true. The noted Jewish American entertainer, the Tremendous Sammy Davis Jr., was an outstanding Republican.

You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
The reason most Jews lean Left I believe is that most Jews are atheists/agnostic.

And you will find that most atheists/agnostic type people lean Left.

Why is this? I think it is because all of us are wired to look up to a higher authority and leader. Really we were wired to be led by a king, which is why in the US system the Executive Branch has assumed so much power over the years to becoming the Fourth Branch of government that dominates the other two. Now the Executive is free to pass regulations on a whim which are just as good as a law, but without all of the democracy stuff attached to it. Just Executive edicts, which we are now dominated by with Covid.

So you either make God your king or a man. Conservatives don't need another king and are rubbed the wrong way when one tries to assume that role. My guess is that you are then a person of faith. Am I right?

As for the across the board accusations of conservatives being racists, bigoted, hating women, anti-semitic etc., it's all idiotic nonsense that no one pays much attention to anymore.

It reminds me of Dennis Prager who is a conservative Jew. His detractors treat him the same way they treat all of their political opponents, which includes calling him anti-Semitic. He just laughs and says, "Yea, I wonder if they even know I'm a practicing Jew"

Most Jews lean left because they are afraid of the far right. They also do it because the Democratic Party is a tradition among many Jewish communities.

There is no question that many fear the "right" due to the propaganda, or even know what the "right" really is.

In school, state education taught you a political spectrum of Communism on the far left and Nazism on the far right


But this political spectrum is based upon what exactly? If it is based upon collectivism, then the communist model and fascist model belong together.

The US was based upon limited government and Federalism, which is a distribution of power within the Federal government, state, and local governments instead of a top down dictatorial system. But during the Progressive era, power was centralized to the Federal government, especially the Executive Branch which now has an entire fourth branch of unelected bureaucrats making edict after edict, known as regulations that are as good as laws. Progressives have adopted the Nazi/communist collectivist model.
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?
Just know that the Holocaust came from Left leaning Europe.

The US is really the only country on earth Jews have had to run to for safety, which is a result of the Founding Fathers provisions, provisions that conservatives adhere to and the Left rejects.

Today, the Left wishes to repeal much of the Constitution. We all know they want to trash the second amendment, the right to bear arms, but what many probably don't know is they don't like the First Amendment either, which includes such things as freedom to religion, assembly, and speech

In fact, about half of Americans now wish to ban free speech if it is "offensive".

As for being able to assemble, today you can assemble together if you are providing abortions or selling alcohol, but not if you want to go to church or even get a hair cut
You think I'd support Trump if he were an antisemite?

Considering most Zionists want to see Jesus come and make the Jews kneel or burn

Yes i do

Most zionists are anti semites by any ratinoal defintion

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