My take on the debates


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Rick won the first. Not that that is saying much.. Christie only could say "don't vote democrat"
On the main stage :
Carly : Did very well. This was her best performance
Bush : Why is he still there? Amnesty and big govt are his strong suits. Did anyone notice on the last debate how he said" I fully support small govt" then went on to say how he wants the govt to regulate online sports betting? LOL
Paul : Did well. I like how he was calling people out
Rubio : Did well
Trump : He did terrible. I think he handled some issues ok but his remark on Carly was uncalled for. Glad he got booed. He should be done before too long
Kasich : He did ok but his arrogance is almost too much
Carson : I have seen people say he won, but I don't agree. He should be dropping down low soon enough
Cruz : He did ok.
I think the winner is somewhere between Carly and Rand
None of the campaigns want to really fix immigration. That bothers me a lot. Amnesty, deportations and "make them follow the law" wont hold up. Eliminate their want to be here. That is OBVIOUSLY the only way.
Amnesty doesn't work and the people wont want to register. They never do. Stop the INSANE immigration crap we have been practicing for 5 or 6 decades. FFS, there is even a poll that illegals don't want to become citizens. They just want a right to work!
THINK people
Overall, I thought it was a good debate besides Trumps clowning. lol
It is very diverse and full of substance last night.
Looking forward to Sat night. I am sure it will just be the same rhetoric and them saying the same thing lol
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.
Right now, Carson is leading in anti-media sentiment, with Cruz second. Fiorina made a good presentation but gets hung up on terminology like Zero Base Budgeting. Rubio's prepared mini-speeches are getting too predictable. Rand Paul's isolationism doesn't play well, nor does Kasich's rerun of "compassionate conservatism." Trump has peaked and will drift downwards. Bush is trying to remain above the fray, but he is no Romney LOL.
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.
that's fair

Mr Harley.........we should thank our lucky stars that we have such a diverse group of successful people running for President. The ratings are very, very, good; and trust me, they are not tuning in to see Bush or Kasich, lol.

What everyone needs to understand is..............because many of these people are NOT considered Republicans, and others are considered anti-establishment, people will at least LISTEN to what they have to say, as opposed to just disregarding it out of hand.

Hell, trust me when I say that a load of blue collar union democrats are watching these people, because they want to find out if they believe any of these people can pull this off, and stop illegal alien competition from suppressing their wages. They are NOT dumb, they understand the logic of what is being said, and why it adversely affects them.

In all honesty, it is the pointy headed ideologue liberal who has no clue that many of his base are fleeing his/her jurisdiction.

Let me put it to you this way my lefty you see the exponential rise in ratings for the repub debates? It is because people are interested in alternatives to establishment dem, and repub policies. Now if we even think that the rise did NOT vote last time, or have been CONVERTED which is why they are watching, depending upon where they are, Obama would now have lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, check it out-) Hillary is NOT Obama-) We have months more to convert more of yours as they continue to watch logic in debates-)

Worried, not us; I do not know about you guys, but I kinda like the way things are going.

We know we will NEVER convert you paid posters, or far lefties; but we don't have to. All we need do is get people to vote who despise current policies, AND Hillary. Doesn't sound hard to me, lololol-)
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?

SMH! You are the reason this country is so fucked up. If you make $1 million per year, by God you ought to pay more in taxes than someone making $100,000 or $10,000 per year. What kind of stupid are you?
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?

SMH! You are the reason this country is so fucked up. If you make $1 million per year, by God you ought to pay more in taxes than someone making $100,000 or $10,000 per year. What kind of stupid are you?

I'm the one that's stupid? Really?? LOL!! The person making $1,000,000 WILL be paying more you stupid idiot.
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?

SMH! You are the reason this country is so fucked up. If you make $1 million per year, by God you ought to pay more in taxes than someone making $100,000 or $10,000 per year. What kind of stupid are you?

I'm the one that's stupid? Really?? LOL!! The person making $1,000,000 WILL be paying more you stupid idiot.

In dollars. That's a big no shit Sherlock. So according to your ingenious thinking the person making $10,000 should be taxed at a rate of 100% while the person making $1 million should be taxed at 1% to make everything fair. You're a fucking twit.
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?

SMH! You are the reason this country is so fucked up. If you make $1 million per year, by God you ought to pay more in taxes than someone making $100,000 or $10,000 per year. What kind of stupid are you?

I'm the one that's stupid? Really?? LOL!! The person making $1,000,000 WILL be paying more you stupid idiot.

In dollars. That's a big no shit Sherlock. So according to your ingenious thinking the person making $10,000 should be taxed at a rate of 100% while the person making $1 million should be taxed at 1% to make everything fair. You're a fucking twit.

No dumbass, it's not MY plan. It's Ted Cruz's plan. It's also a FLAT tax of 10% across the board. Those making less will pay 10% and those making more would pay 10%. You really are some special kind of stupid aren't you?
Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?

SMH! You are the reason this country is so fucked up. If you make $1 million per year, by God you ought to pay more in taxes than someone making $100,000 or $10,000 per year. What kind of stupid are you?

I'm the one that's stupid? Really?? LOL!! The person making $1,000,000 WILL be paying more you stupid idiot.

In dollars. That's a big no shit Sherlock. So according to your ingenious thinking the person making $10,000 should be taxed at a rate of 100% while the person making $1 million should be taxed at 1% to make everything fair. You're a fucking twit.

No dumbass, it's not MY plan. It's Ted Cruz's plan. It's also a FLAT tax of 10% across the board. Those making less will pay 10% and those making more would pay 10%. You really are some special kind of stupid aren't you?

You forget about the VAT tax he wants, which is the tax that will generate the bulk of all revenue. VAT taxes are regressive in nature, meaning the less you earn, the greater percentage of your income you will pay in taxes. VAT taxes also tend to reduce consumption as prices are driven much higher. This is just another tax plan to benefit the wealthy and you are just too stupid to understand it.
Actually, I thought Ted Cruz had more substance than anyone else. I really like his tax plan: The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
especially abolishing the corrupt IRS. Cruz has more actual solutions on his web site that reach the level of common sense than anyone. I have been a Donald Trump fan but I may have to go with Ted.

Sounds like a great plan. Tax lower income people more and higher income people a lot less. Believe that revenue will magically increase when in fact it will fall short by between $1 trillion and $2 trillion per year. Bankrupt the US and smile. Great plan!

Fool! How much is 10% of $100K? Now, how much is 10% of $1,000,000? Didn't take simple arithmetic in grammar school? Why must you Liberals just flat out lie?

SMH! You are the reason this country is so fucked up. If you make $1 million per year, by God you ought to pay more in taxes than someone making $100,000 or $10,000 per year. What kind of stupid are you?

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