My Solution to Address North Korea Provocations


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

He is essentially holding the Korean Peninsula and Japan hostage. Any overt act could provoke him.

Unless China decisively intervenes against Kim, the United States will ultimately be forced to make a unilateral, unfortunate and necessary decision.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

Send in John Wick.

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


I took you seriously until I read this one...

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.
Here's my take...

1) I don't believe in "official notifications" in these kind of situations. Fuck that noise. Element of surprise baby!

2) You can't evacuate an entire nation. Best we can do is make some prearrangement for allies to take in refugees.

3) I think we use this as a proving ground for EMP weaponry. Fry the SOBs ability to launch anything more than a bottle rocket.

4) Hit him hard and fast with huge numbers and massive force. Get it over with quick.

5) The real problem is going to be the aftermath. What do we do with a country that has largely been brainwashed into believing this twerp is their God? How do we protect South Korea AND appease China? I honestly don't think we have a good answer here which is probably why we haven't already done something.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

A ground invasion in Asia is suicidal and even the dumbest of our generals know it. Been there, done that and lost.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


So what do you think NK is going to be doing for the year or more it will take for the preparations you list? You think they will wait until after the entire country of South Korea is evacuated before they attack? Yours is one of the more childish ideas I have heard, but it sounds exactly like something Trump would try.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


So, are you willing to go to war with China? Yes or no would do, but an explanation of why, would do better.
The US knows where every artillery installation in NK is.
These batteries are the real threat to SK at this time.
Massive carpet bombing of these installations from 50K feet elevation with no warning.
The half starved zombies maning the installations will never know what hit them.
Remember. These thousands of rocket launcher sites are only supplied with a dozen of so rockets each.
The energy/heat absorbed by the tubes is so great they must be cooled before another rocket can be fired. This can take hours with the old rocket technology the NKs have. After a few rockets are fired these tubes are pretty much useless.
Notice that these launchers are designed to fire one rocket from one tube.
Fire off twelve rockets at once and the launcher is glowing white from the heat.
MOAB the C&C centers in NK. We know where they are.
Drop a MOAB on the perverts head in the middle of the night.
In a week millions of starving NK zombies will be flooding into China.
China has done fuck all to help. Let them feed and water the zombies.
Some rockets will be launched but very few after the carpet bombing campaign is over.
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.

Yes. It's no surprise though. Previous administrations already knew that, and Trump could have known too, if he was smart enough to take advantage of the knowledge that the US already has. Unfortunately, he would prefer to listen to Alex Jones than to the US intelligence agencies.
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.
Yes. It's no surprise though. Previous administrations already knew that, and Trump could have known too, if he was smart enough to take advantage of the knowledge that the US already has. Unfortunately, he would prefer to listen to Alex Jones than to the US intelligence agencies.
Well, holy shit, I didn't know it. I've been assuming all along they'd step on NK's throat at some point when needed.
The most reasonable answer rests with China forcing North Korea to comply.

On the other hand, China does not want the West on the Yalu River with an anti-China unified Korea.
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The Chinese and Ruskies are holding meetings right now, without the US involved..So far they have proposed a moratorium on nuclear program in North Korea and no more large scale military maneuvers by the US and South Korea...In other words, the US is not allowed to have a say..Yet Trump says nothing, just Tweets about bullshit in the middle of the night...
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.
Yes. It's no surprise though. Previous administrations already knew that, and Trump could have known too, if he was smart enough to take advantage of the knowledge that the US already has. Unfortunately, he would prefer to listen to Alex Jones than to the US intelligence agencies.
Well, holy shit, I didn't know it. I've been assuming all along they'd step on NK's throat at some point when needed.

I can see where lots of people might think that. That's why it's so important to know the actual facts of the situation instead of what is spouted on AM radio.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.
The most reasonable answer rests with China forcing North Korea to comply.
Agreed, but I'd think that if they could, they would have by now...
Up to now China has been happy to have a dynasty of mentally ill perverts enslaving millions of half starved zombies between itself and SK.
When China began moving towards a capitalistic society the need for NK's social/political/economic/military buffer has lessened.
What China will NOT stand for is millions of mentally ill NK zombies wailing about their GOD being dead wandering around the countryside causing havoc for the rural chinese economy.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.

If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin

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