My Salad Days, Chapter 1: Sex and Mischief

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I remember arriving at home that evening, after work. My perky wifey hops up to me and says “Hey there, babe! How was work today?’ Then she somehow noticed a stain on my right leg. “Oh, you must have went for Mexican for lunch, eh?” Looking down, I was not sure what the fuck she was talking about. I think I muttered “What?” Then wifey continued, “It looks like you spilled some cheese dip on your pants! Ha Ha Ha!! You are SOOOOOOO messy sometimes!! Well, get those things off so I an wash them for you!”

As she walked away I thought about the Mexican I had for lunch today. Her name is Maria and she just started working for me as an admin assistant. In a rush while doing her doggy style in the backseat of my truck during lunch, I pulled off my pants and left them laying on the seat while we fucked. This bitch is so damn hot that the first 2 ropes of jizz blasting out of my cock shot clear over her head and landed on my trousers laying on the seat! I did not even notice at the time. I was too focused on how huge my cock looked at the moment of truth! Now, I do not want to brag, but I have a beautiful cock! But I digress. I did not even notice the jizz stain after putting my pants back on after my little lunch encounter. I stopped in at a gas station afterward so Maria could go to the restroom and wash all the jizz out of her hair while I sat in my running truck smoking a cigarillo and listening to talk radio.

It is kind of funny to me that wifey noticed the jizz stain. She is always noticing things, but never puts 2 and 2 together. Or maybe she does but lives in denial? I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t care. It’s like that time I came home all beaten up and covered in shit. See, I had gotten into a little scuffle with a yuppie turd at a bar. We exchanged some words. Then I asked his girlfriend if she wanted to go out to the parking lot and get fucked by a real man. The yuppie and his faggot buddies jumped me. There were 4 of them altogether. They were wailing away on me….like women. It was pathetic. I felt a little sorry for them after I laid a brutal ass beating on them, then walked off with Yuppie Numero Uno’s girlfriend, leaving the yuppie fags lying there on the floor in their own filth.

So there I was, fucking this dumb chick named “Muffy” or “Buffy”, or some stupid shit. I was plowing her from behind like a feral beast, doggy style. Then, thinking that the night called for something special, I pulled out my banging stick and slid it up her wazoo. Now, normally chicks do one of two things here. Either they freak out or they let out a low but enthusiastic moan of pleasure. This was the latter. Then things went south.

This dumb bitch had been banging down drinks for hours. Now she started getting sick in mid stroke. She kind of bucked up on me at first, then I heard a horrific sound coming from deep inside her. Then the worst happened. Her bowels let forth a torrent of steaming, smelly diarrhea. It blasted me, coating me from below my bellybutton to just above my knees. I was fucking disgusted. I started yelling at the yuppie whoowah. “What the fuck is wrong with ya, you dumb slut?!?” But she was on the verge of passing out from too much booze. I figured I needed to get this over with fast, cuz I don’t want to be accused of fucking her while she is unconscious. I been down that road before. That is some expensive shit to get your ass out of. I shifted gears and emptied both my sacks up her shitty ass. Just then she falls over, passed out. “CLUNK!!”, her head hitting the starter I had sitting on the back seat. “You dumb broad!! You better not have gotten blood on my fucking starter!! I got to put that in my wife’s car in the morning!!”

So I get home around 4:30 a.m. Right when I walked into my house, there was wifey. “Hi babe!!! Where ya been? I was expecting you home from the gym around 8pm. I had dinner all ready for you. Is anything wrong?” I walked past wife and headed to the bedroom. I wanted to get into a hot shower immediately and get all the shit washed off my body. Of course, wifey followed me, just like a devoted puppy dog.

That is when she saw me in the light for the first time. I had some bruises and cuts on my face and neck. My clothes were ripped. I smelled like shit. Once I took off my clothes the wifey observed the dried feces covering me up. “OH MY!!!!”, she exclaimed. I got into the shower and shut the door.

The next morning my wifey said we needed to talk about my lifestyle choices. “Look, I am not trying to tell you what to do. But, you know, we have talked about starting a family. But I am afraid that at the rate you are going, you will not be with me much longer. You are going to get yourself killed!”

I thought to myself, “Oh sweet Jesus. Here is fucking comes.”

“You are going to have to stop giving so much of yourself, saving lives and helping the poor!!”, she said. Curiously, I looked her in the eyes. “Yeah!”, she said. “ I know what you have been doing!! Take last night, for example. At first I thought you had stood me up to hang out with your friends, get drunk, and ogle women. I am sorry, but I could not help it. I felt guilty for thinking such a thing of your, especially after the shape you were in when you got home. Obviously, you jumped into the pool at the raw sewage plant on the way home to save someone. And I love you for that. But what kind of life are we going to be able to have if you keep taking such risks?”

I thought to myself. Yeah, the raw sewage plant. Its out on Hwy 49, just south of the city limits. God, what a dumbass she is. A fleeting image then crossed my mind of watching wifey drown in the shit pools at the raw sewage plan. At this point you may be wondering why I am even married to this stupid woman.

To be completely honest, I was fucking this whoowah named Domino. She is in her early 50s but still tight and very sensual. She had a daughter with her hubby named “Mandy” But that goofy husband of hers started getting all paranoid, thinking that his honey was fucking around on him. And she was…with me. Suddenly, hubby was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He was not going to live more then 4-6 months. Preparing for his final days, he changed his will to give all of his estate to Mandy because of the suspected cheating. It was a substantial estate too, worth many millions of dollars. This infuriated Domino. So she devised a plan.

The game was that I would meet up with Mandy, whom I have never met before, then woo her into courtship. The unfortunate fact is that Mandy looks like a turd… A 350 pound turd, to be specific. Therefore, there would be zero competition for her affection. Plus, she was 30 now and had never even had a date. Thus, she was desperate. After only a couple of months of my seduction and charm we eloped.

The deal was that once Mandy inherited her daddy’s fortune, I would swindle it from her and then give it to Domino, who would in turn cut me in on a chunk of it. I know I could simply get Mandy out of the way and take all of the money. But money does not interest me as much as pussy. And at that time I was still wanting to be all up in Domino’s snoot. She knows it to, which is why she is not going to off me in the end.

So when this story started, I was still married to Mandy, fucking Domino 2-3 times weekly, and waiting for the old man to bite it. After one schlogg fest with Domino I was complaining to her about her fat daughter, Mandy. “My God!! She farts in the bed while I am trying to sleep! I wake up in terror thinking I am in a slaughter house!” So Domino just casually says, “Just wait until we have the money, then knock her off”. I was shocked. She IS Domino’s daughter, after all.

“She’s NOT really my daughter, you know?”, said Domino. Then she told me of how she sold off the real Mandy to Islamic groomers for some coke money back in the 1980s. Then, fearing that her hubby would not like the fact that she was back in the snow, she purchased a young child from another Muslim trafficker and called him Mandy. You would think that daddy would notice, but he did not. Truth be told, daddy only spent about 15 minutes total with Mandy from birth to age 16. So Domino’s caper worked flawlessly. “Kill her. I don’t give a fuck. But we have got to get the money first”, said Domino. I nodded, but something did not feel quite right. I could not quite put my finger on it.

Then I turned the tables on Domino. “Kill your hubby! Let’s just get this over with now instead of waiting. I mean, what if, God forbid, the cancer goes into remission!?!?!?. We’d be fucked!! He’s old. Just smother him with a pillow or something. Push him down a flight of stairs and tell the cops he tripped.” Domino considered this. “Yes. Yes, I will”, said Domino. Then a wide grin crossed her face and she leaned over and kissed me. One thing led to another, my cock found its way into her mouth, and soon we were banging again. Evil shit has a way of getting Domino turned on.

Both Hubby and Mandy were on holiday together, snow skiing. So Domino and I spent the night together in their bed. At exactly 3:36 a.m. I awoke with a start. That nagging feeling eating at me earlier when Domino told me about Mandy’s origins. Something did not sit right with me at the time. Now I know what that was that bothered me. I shook Domino awake.

Once she was good and awake I asked her again about how she purchased Mandy to replace the daughter she sold off for coke cash. I said, “Domino, you said you purchased a replacement child and called him Mandy. HIM. You said HIM. You said you called HIM Manday.” Domino casually replied, yeah, Mandy is a boy. Who cares? Hubby thinks it is his daughter and that is all that is really important. I was growing concerned.

My expression of horror betrayed my feelings to Domino. “Oh come now! You knew Mandy is a guy!” she said. I swore I did not. Then she asked me about sex. I told her that all we ever do is oral stuff, and I never do it on her. “She blows me. That’s it!!”, I pleaded. Domino then curtly said “Mandy says you fuck her.” I said, “Sure, up the ass!! I don’t want to get that dumb bitch pregnant!! I thought I was fucking a chick’s ass!!!!!” Domino sighed and rolled her eyes.

At this point I was ready to be done with the entire fucked up clan, Domino and Mandy. This is when I decided to make a change. I went to Hubby with a plot to get rid of both Domino and Mandy. Hubby was game. However, hubby also had some fetishes that played into the plan. They were not pleasant, I won’t lie to you. But that is a story for another time and another place.
I remember arriving at home that evening, after work.

This urge toward so called Creative Writing is the poor man's answer to Life Change or even second childhood .Certainly Mid Life Crisis .

I have lost count of all of you .
Enjoy, by all means , but do not dream . imho .
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This urge toward so called Creative Writing is the poor man's answer to Life Change or even second childhood .Certainly Mid Life Crisis .

I have lost count of all of you .
Enjoy, by all means , but do not dream . imho .
You may be taking this too seriously.

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