My proposal for cracking down on illegal immigration.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
IMO, any crackdown on illegal immigration has to have 3 main prongs:

1. Build the wall: But don't just build a giant wall. Build a smart wall. Include underground sensors that can detect tunneling. Use drones with thermal imaging to patrol the border at night. Maybe even put down landmines on our side of the wall. Etc. Technology has come a long way, and we can probably rely more on technology than just a concrete barrier to efficiently stop the influx of illegal immigrants.

2. Crackdown hard on employers who knowingly or negligently hire illegal immigrants: Strengthen the e-verify requirement/process. For any employers who fail to use e-verify or use it and hire illegals anyway, seize those employers' assets under criminal forfeiture laws, auction off those assets, and use the proceeds to further fund the war on illegal immigration.

3. Remove all incentives for illegal immigrants to come here illegally: Cut off all government benefits for illegal immigrants. If there is any path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, they should have to wait in line behind every would-be legal immigrant who is currently in queue for a green card or visa. They should have to pay back taxes, a fine, and admit that they committed a crime. For those illegal immigrants who qualify, give priority on a merit-based system based on things such as financial ability to provide for themselves, education (with highest priority for doctors, engineers, etc.), fluency in English, etc. Obviously, any serious criminals (rapists, murderers, gang members, etc.) should be disqualified from even being considered for a path to citizenship. For the illegal immigrants who make the cut, make them apply for a temporary work visa with a moral character requirement to remain in good standing to renew the visa every year or few years. Lastly, they should not be allowed to hold dual citizenship. I don't care if they're from Asia, Central America, South America, Canada, Europe, Africa, or anywhere else. If they want a path to citizenship as an illegal immigrant, they should have to give up their citizenship to all countries other than America when it comes time to being naturalized.
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Add 1 more element; eliminate the 14th amendment mis-reading so that the US, like just about every other modern country on earth, has a jus sanguinis citizenship, where a child cannot be granted citizenship solely for being born on US soil, but must come from US citizens parents.

This should have been fixed decades ago, and is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that Ann Coulter's claims in her fantastic book "Adios America!" about the national democratic party are correct - that once the majority white population stopped voting for them in 1950s, they INTENTIONALLY began to flood the US with impoverished foreigners whose votes could be captured by purchasing them with welfare and handout - EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers warned the country not to do.

I am absolutely certain that if the Founding Fathers were alive today, they would have had many members of the current and past national democratic party leadership executed for treason for their hideous, despicable, open borders agenda.
YOU were "granted" citizenship solely for being born on US soil.
Add 1 more element; eliminate the 14th amendment mis-reading so that the US, like just about every other modern country on earth, has a jus sanguinis citizenship, where a child cannot be granted citizenship solely for being born on US soil, but must come from US citizens parents.

This should have been fixed decades ago, and is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that Ann Coulter's claims in her fantastic book "Adios America!" about the national democratic party are correct - that once the majority white population stopped voting for them in 1950s, they INTENTIONALLY began to flood the US with impoverished foreigners whose votes could be captured by purchasing them with welfare and handout - EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers warned the country not to do.

I am absolutely certain that if the Founding Fathers were alive today, they would have had many members of the current and past national democratic party leadership executed for treason for their hideous, despicable, open borders agenda.

Good point. I would support this.
IMO, any crackdown on illegal immigration has to have 3 main prongs:

1. Build the wall: But don't just build a giant wall. Build a smart wall. Include underground sensors that can detect tunneling. Use drones with thermal imaging to patrol the border at night. Maybe even put down landmines on our side of the wall. Etc. Technology has come a long way, and we can probably rely more on technology than just a concrete barrier to efficiently stop the influx of illegal immigrants.

2. Crackdown hard on employers who knowingly or negligently hire illegal immigrants: Strengthen the e-verify requirement/process. For any employers who fail to use e-verify or use it and hire illegals anyway, seize those employers' assets under criminal forfeiture laws, auction off those assets, and use the proceeds to further fund the war on illegal immigration.

3. Remove all incentives for illegal immigrants to come here illegally: Cut off all government benefits for illegal immigrants. If there is any path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, they should have to wait in line behind every would-be legal immigrant who is currently in queue for a green card or visa. They should have to pay back taxes, a fine, and admit that they committed a crime. For those illegal immigrants who qualify, give priority on a merit-based system based on things such as financial ability to provide for themselves, education (with highest priority for doctors, engineers, etc.), fluency in English, etc. Obviously, any serious criminals (rapists, murderers, gang members, etc.) should be disqualified from even being considered for a path to citizenship. For the illegal immigrants who make the cut, make them apply for a temporary work visa with a moral character requirement to remain in good standing to renew the visa every year or few years. Lastly, they should not be allowed to hold dual citizenship. I don't care if they're from Asia, Central America, South America, Canada, Europe, Africa, or anywhere else. If they want a path to citizenship as an illegal immigrant, they should have to give up their citizenship to all countries other than America when it comes time to being naturalized.
why does the right wing allege any subscription to Capitalism, when all they have, is socialism on a national basis.

a market friendly visa would generate revenue via Capitalism, not socialism.
There is nothing we shouldn't do to secure our borders and stem the flow of illegal aliens into our country...

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