My opinion on double standards for sex count of men/women


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I heard some complain that a woman is considered a "slut" with a high sex count, but men are seen positive. Here is my opinion and how I view it.

There is a difference because women are the receivers and men are the givers, women are entered and men penetrate. Men are seen as conquerors women as the trophies. Women are seen to have given out, men are seen to have hunted it down. Men shoot their load, women absorb the liquid. Thats perfectly normal and also biologically true, men can make hundred babies or 200 babies with their sperm while women can have not more then 1 child in a year and maybe 15 in a life time if they are super working on it but its biologically impossible to have 200 children but men can. Men are also taller, and stronger generally, men have a penis women have a vagina. Its not the same to me. That being said I wouldnt think of men who have lots of sex with different women in a positive light, especially if they cucked other males, or seduced stupid women who loved them just to dump them, generally society sees them as defilers and players and almost like rapists, no one sees them as positive while women with a high sex count are seen as empowered and emancipated etc. Only a few would dare to call her slut in public. On TV shows its always the same there is a macho and he gets booed by the public and attacked, women are seen as victims.
generally society sees them as defilers and players and almost like rapists, no one sees them as positive while women with a high sex count are seen as empowered and emancipated etc.
in what world?

god damn you right wingers and your reverse everything, reverse racism, reverse sexism, whats next? reverse transphobia? Are you going to start complaining about cisgender discrimination?

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