My opinion as to why I.s.i.6 is still active today.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2016
I believe that a very MAIN part of why I.s.i.6 is still active today is because I.s.i.6 is monetarily funded. Monetarily funded entities fall under the category of 'enterprises', and the global rule for enterprises is that it cannot be taken 'out' by Government entities. Since private enterprises fall under global capitalism, and I.s.i.6 is a global capitalistic 'business' of sorts which is being funded by private and public monies, it cannot be run under by any other 'business' such as government. To try to take down a business of sorts breaks international rules of protecting private ventures which receive fundings. I.s.i.6 probably has an account with banks and other ventures, while having a separate joined account to which they raise monies for their 'business.' I.s.i.6 may be selling their 'terror' and as long as people are buying their merchandise and as long as they are able to make a 'living', the business of I.s.i.6 will continue. However, if it begins losing its' monies, other investors will be sought after.

The same thing applies to all other 'world' terrorist organizations such as Al Qaida.
So to which higher ups must any Government answer to if they should break any International rules? Not to mention that there have already been countless breaches of International Laws up to today with no consequence paid.
And to believe that any National Government is a Complete Union is a false belief. The Government, although an entity to protect and serve the people is One Idea, the Government employees many individual persons with their own agendas and ideas. And even within each political party, there are factions. Talking 'out' an agenda so that the agenda is no longer alive happens everyday in politics, even within its' own political party. So who within Government has any 'say' to authorize anything if each member of the Government is separate from one another? Since it takes many hands to carry out a matter, the hands which carry out a specific 'agenda' are the ones who 'agree' with the agenda and those who do not 'carry' out the agenda are those individuals that disagree with the agenda in question. No one can really 'FORCE' anyone to do something they do NOT want to do, even within the work environment. Forced labor is also punishable by law. Forced labor is a form of human trafficking. Each job should have come with job requirements and duties and if a person is asked to go outside of his or her job duties and requirements, the employee has the right to refuse and still not suffer consequences. Another aspect of Government is that they must oblige your religious beliefs and practice. If you should need a certain day off for religious purposes and if they hired you with the knowledge that you do practice a certain faith, they must oblige your day of request for personal worship and religious practicing. This may be why many Muslims in America are being granted permission to 'have' certain days to practice their faith without being penalized by their employer and all this is just by their knowledge of what the Law of America says about these sorts of things. Another thing.. If LGBT Organization personally brought the same sex marriage issue all the way up to the Supreme Court of the U.S. to have same sex marriage rights introduced into marriage laws after many failed attempts in the Federal Courts, the same applies to any person who should desire to take any case 'all the way up to the Supreme Court' since this is a right for every American. Although the Supreme Court should stand in lines with the Original Constitution, they too have shown to use their own interpretations of how the Constitution should be received.

I am not sure why grown men and women in positions of authority in the United States seem so nonchalant about important issues, but they have become such that even parents to children in grade schools have lost interest in their own children's welfares. These men and women in authority seats would be likely candidates to be diagnosed by mental health psychiatrists as clinically depressed with emotional disorders. Their lack of interest, their lack of concern, their lack of optimism, their melancholy, their submissive role, their gloom, etc. would all line up as if they had an attack of 'depression' that many Americans had suffered through and were prescribed antidepressants for. And when non clinically depressed people, who claim to be someone but in actuality are not, support their poor choices, it confuses the patient as well as the rest of the population which brings the whole system down even further since no one is being allowed to address the issue of mental/emotional depression of the person in question.

Just because a person has obtained a seat of authority does not mean that the seat makes the person any more super human than when they were in high school. All humans are susceptible to sicknesses.
The term 'denial' is also a term used by many associations that deal with addictions. I cannot, with absolute certainty, say that the U.S. is doing well in 2016. But for me to not have the facts and still try to vindicate my opinion of how the U.S. is faring, even if my opinion disagrees with the figure facts, would be a form of denial on my part.
Most people who are 'truly' happy in their lives, do not get into trouble that many 'unhappy' people get into. Drug uses, alcohol uses, crimes, abortions, domestic violence/abuse, sexual promiscuity, over indulging, narcissism, reckless driving, being disrespectful, grumbling about job environments as an employee, road rage, and many others that is seen, is USUALLY not being carried out by those who are 'truly' happy in their lives. But today, it is difficult to be 'truly' happy since all the above mentioned is occurring everyday on the outside of the 'happy' home life. But it was not so a few decades ago. Being in a 'happy' home life environment does not depend on what the Government can do for you, although Government should ALWAYS provide safe and good measures for the people. The 'good happy' family is such because they know how to keep their homes in good working running order. And that is why a person's personal home life can be a measure of how that person will be in any seat of any authority. Also remember... there is no such thing as 'true good' in the world standing alone and to believe and hope for such a thing is to believe for a lie to give you 'true happiness.' And as most people know, lies will be found out and all who partook in the lies will have to pick up what they lost because of the lie they trusted on. So if any person tells you something that a psychiatrist should know about, then perhaps the person should really see a psychiatrist instead of having his or her lies listened to by non-professionals. Knowing the truth is much better than not being presented the truth.
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