My Kind of Democrat....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia. Where did this kind of Democrat go? Saw him this morning on 'Morning Joe,' and this Democrat said what our Leftie friends won't accept as the truth when it comes from Republicans.

Imagine if '08 saw the election of a candidate with executive experience...we'd have had a President who could solve problems, form coalitions, work with the other side. Instead, this blow-hard who claims he's the captain of the ship, but can't control the weather....

1. "Conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) criticized the president Monday for not showing enough leadership on the Simpson-Bowles deficit plan.

2. “Let me tell you right now what I can’t understand. We only have one topic on the table that everyone sort of agrees with, and it should be the template, which is Bowles-Simpson,” said Manchin on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “Why doesn’t our leadership, why doesn’t our president, why don’t our leaders in the Senate take this template and put it together in bill form?”

3. “It’s not the leadership that I’m used to,” said the West Virginia senator. “As governor, I’d wear you out, I’d find you.”

4. “I’m pretty independent, as you know. I want this president to succeed. If you’re an American, you want your president to do well,” he said.

5. Manchin also railed against the dysfunction in the Senate, pointing out that the U.S. Senate hadn’t passed a budget in three years.

6. “I don’t have an excuse. There’s no excuse. I would have been impeached as governor,” he said.

7. As one of the dwindling number of conservative Democrats,..."
Joe Manchin: Where?s White House leadership? - Tim Mak -

Remember this ad?

[ame=]Dead Aim - Joe Manchin for West Virginia TV Ad - YouTube[/ame]
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“Why doesn’t our leadership, why doesn’t our president, why don’t our leaders in the Senate take this template and put it together in bill form?”

Given that the House budget chair voted against Simpson-Bowles when he served on their commission, I can't imagine what the answer to this question could be.
“Why doesn’t our leadership, why doesn’t our president, why don’t our leaders in the Senate take this template and put it together in bill form?”

Given that the House budget chair voted against Simpson-Bowles when he served on their commission, I can't imagine what the answer to this question could be.

Let me answer that for you by giving a bit more of this morning's Manchin-Scarborough interview.

Manchin explained how suprised he was that when he came to the Senate, and asked how much they were spending....$3.7 trillion, and how much they had (revenue)...$2.2 trillion. As an experienced governor, he looked for cuts....there were none. In fact, he revealed that discussions ended with who they could blame for the problem, rather than solving it.

So, he suggested using Simpson-Bowles as a starting point, and asked Reid to help take parts of the plan that could get bipartisan support, and write a bill....
...Reid had no interest.

Manchin talked of Obama's lack of concern, saying that he could have lent support to the 'Supercommittee'...and gotten at least one Democrat to bend....
...instead, Obama was content to allow it to fail.
That's when he suggested that if President: “As governor, I’d wear you out, I’d find you.”

If we had this kind of Democrat as President rather than a self-absorbed ideologue, the country would likely be in a very different position.

I thought Manchin was great!
No doubt, you won't.
Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia. Where did this kind of Democrat go? Saw him this morning on 'Morning Joe,' and this Democrat said what our Leftie friends won't accept as the truth when it comes from Republicans.

Imagine if '08 saw the election of a candidate with executive experience...we'd have had a President who could solve problems, form coalitions, work with the other side. Instead, this blow-hard who claims he's the captain of the ship, but can't control the weather....

1. "Conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) criticized the president Monday for not showing enough leadership on the Simpson-Bowles deficit plan.

2. “Let me tell you right now what I can’t understand. We only have one topic on the table that everyone sort of agrees with, and it should be the template, which is Bowles-Simpson,” said Manchin on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “Why doesn’t our leadership, why doesn’t our president, why don’t our leaders in the Senate take this template and put it together in bill form?”

3. “It’s not the leadership that I’m used to,” said the West Virginia senator. “As governor, I’d wear you out, I’d find you.”

4. “I’m pretty independent, as you know. I want this president to succeed. If you’re an American, you want your president to do well,” he said.

5. Manchin also railed against the dysfunction in the Senate, pointing out that the U.S. Senate hadn’t passed a budget in three years.

6. “I don’t have an excuse. There’s no excuse. I would have been impeached as governor,” he said.

7. As one of the dwindling number of conservative Democrats,..."
Joe Manchin: Where?s White House leadership? - Tim Mak -

Remember this ad?

Dead Aim - Joe Manchin for West Virginia TV Ad - YouTube

A Dinosaur Like Zell Miller, and Joe Liberman...
Manchin also believes in making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servant. He reduced the size of government in West Virginia by using attrition(not replacing employees when they retire) as the tool to do so... It took WV from a yearly deficit to surpluses just in the length of his time in Office.

he knows what people on the far right don't seem to... You don't need to slash and burn to achieve results.
Manchin also believes in making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servant. He reduced the size of government in West Virginia by using attrition(not replacing employees when they retire) as the tool to do so... It took WV from a yearly deficit to surpluses just in the length of his time in Office.

he knows what people on the far right don't seem to... You don't need to slash and burn to achieve results.

"...making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servants..."

Now that is interesting. He looks better and better.

In Ohio, the recent election was a conservative victory, albeit not a Republican one, in that the public service unions kept bargaining rights, and approved a proposal to prohibit people from being required to buy health insurance as part of the national healthcare.

Interesting to learn that Manchin also supported people's rights in West Virginia.

Imagine if Newt or Mitt chose Manchin as VP....
Manchin also believes in making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servant. He reduced the size of government in West Virginia by using attrition(not replacing employees when they retire) as the tool to do so... It took WV from a yearly deficit to surpluses just in the length of his time in Office.

he knows what people on the far right don't seem to... You don't need to slash and burn to achieve results.

This is where it pays not to be married to a party. This man has common sense and I would vote for him in a heartbeat. :eusa_clap:
Bowles-Simpson had tax increases and big defense cuts in it.

Why waste time talking to the GOP about a plan of that nature? What's the 'leadership' involved in wasting time trying to move an immovable force?
Manchin also believes in making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servant. He reduced the size of government in West Virginia by using attrition(not replacing employees when they retire) as the tool to do so... It took WV from a yearly deficit to surpluses just in the length of his time in Office.

he knows what people on the far right don't seem to... You don't need to slash and burn to achieve results.

"Slash and burn?" Your DimoRAT turds in Congress can't even find 1/3 of 1% to cut out of the annual budget.
Manchin also believes in making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servant. He reduced the size of government in West Virginia by using attrition(not replacing employees when they retire) as the tool to do so... It took WV from a yearly deficit to surpluses just in the length of his time in Office.

he knows what people on the far right don't seem to... You don't need to slash and burn to achieve results.

"Slash and burn?" Your DimoRAT turds in Congress can't even find 1/3 of 1% to cut out of the annual budget.

STFU, you asshat. You are as partisan as they come. Sure... there are issues where I am too... but you take the cake. You're just like the people you criticize the most... Rdean, Truthmatters, etc.... it's just you're on the opposite end of the political spectrum...
Manchin also believes in making government smaller without destroying the lives of the Public Servant. He reduced the size of government in West Virginia by using attrition(not replacing employees when they retire) as the tool to do so... It took WV from a yearly deficit to surpluses just in the length of his time in Office.

he knows what people on the far right don't seem to... You don't need to slash and burn to achieve results.

"Slash and burn?" Your DimoRAT turds in Congress can't even find 1/3 of 1% to cut out of the annual budget.

What budget? You mean the one the democrats haven't passed in almost 1,000 days now?
Bowles-Simpson had tax increases and big defense cuts in it.

Why waste time talking to the GOP about a plan of that nature? What's the 'leadership' involved in wasting time trying to move an immovable force?

You're right. Any plan with tax increases in it is dead on arrival.
Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia. Where did this kind of Democrat go? Saw him this morning on 'Morning Joe,' and this Democrat said what our Leftie friends won't accept as the truth when it comes from Republicans.

Imagine if '08 saw the election of a candidate with executive experience...we'd have had a President who could solve problems, form coalitions, work with the other side. Instead, this blow-hard who claims he's the captain of the ship, but can't control the weather....

1. "Conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) criticized the president Monday for not showing enough leadership on the Simpson-Bowles deficit plan.

2. “Let me tell you right now what I can’t understand. We only have one topic on the table that everyone sort of agrees with, and it should be the template, which is Bowles-Simpson,” said Manchin on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “Why doesn’t our leadership, why doesn’t our president, why don’t our leaders in the Senate take this template and put it together in bill form?”

3. “It’s not the leadership that I’m used to,” said the West Virginia senator. “As governor, I’d wear you out, I’d find you.”

4. “I’m pretty independent, as you know. I want this president to succeed. If you’re an American, you want your president to do well,” he said.

5. Manchin also railed against the dysfunction in the Senate, pointing out that the U.S. Senate hadn’t passed a budget in three years.

6. “I don’t have an excuse. There’s no excuse. I would have been impeached as governor,” he said.

7. As one of the dwindling number of conservative Democrats,..."
Joe Manchin: Where?s White House leadership? - Tim Mak -

Remember this ad?

Dead Aim - Joe Manchin for West Virginia TV Ad - YouTube

You, ma'am, are a uniter. In the spirit of Christmas, I thank you for one thread that reaches across the aisle and pats a good guy on the back for his intelligence, imagination and leadership. :)
Bowles-Simpson had tax increases and big defense cuts in it.

Why waste time talking to the GOP about a plan of that nature? What's the 'leadership' involved in wasting time trying to move an immovable force?

You're right. Any plan with tax increases in it is dead on arrival.


In a rare moment of lucidity, this rightwing nut confirms my point.

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