My idea of small government


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
My idea of small government is one that allows the little guy that makes up 95% of society to have the most freedom possible. Period.
1. The ability to compete in the market place
2. The Ability to form a small business without being bought out and destroyed by the corporations.
2a. Yes, one of the main functions of my small government would in fact be anti-trust and keeping it fair for the little guy. Freedom isn't being controlled by the few but the many.
3. The freedom to invent and create. But I'd limit copy right to 5-10 years depending on what to allow maximum freedom for the little guy.
4. I'd legalize all drugs
5. I'd allows transgender people to buy their stuff in the stores and celebrate it as a part of a free society.
6. I'd be find with gays being able to be gay and even having their own schools, t.v networks, etc.
7. I'd get government out of dictating speech and what is immoral. People are going to have sex? WHY SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT BE IN YOUR BUSINESS? No book bans, cuss censors or shit.

Seriously, if you want to have sex, do drugs and wear dresses that is on you.
My idea of small government is one that allows the little guy that makes up 95% of society to have the most freedom possible. Period.
1. The ability to compete in the market place
2. The Ability to form a small business without being bought out and destroyed by the corporations.
2a. Yes, one of the main functions of my small government would in fact be anti-trust and keeping it fair for the little guy. Freedom isn't being controlled by the few but the many.
3. The freedom to invent and create. But I'd limit copy right to 5-10 years depending on what to allow maximum freedom for the little guy.
4. I'd legalize all drugs
5. I'd allows transgender people to buy their stuff in the stores and celebrate it as a part of a free society.
6. I'd be find with gays being able to be gay and even having their own schools, t.v networks, etc.
7. I'd get government out of dictating speech and what is immoral. People are going to have sex? WHY SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT BE IN YOUR BUSINESS? No book bans, cuss censors or shit.

Seriously, if you want to have sex, do drugs and wear dresses that is on you.
Right from the start, your #2 contradicts your #1. Would you like some help in getting your thoughts arranged?
That pretty much is who I was thinking of as being in the "phony libertarian" category.
Yeah, back when the tea-party was a thing I went to the first meeting and it was very well attended and on track with Tea Party principles.

I did not go back for two weeks (deer season) but when I did it had been completely compromised by weed smelling Paul-Bots.....Fuck that noise, I never went back.

Damn shame that the whole Ron Paul movement was torn asunder by the "legal weed" bunch. It was such a small part of the Ron Paul message.
Lets discuss your points. Some are good while others are outrageous.
My idea of small government is one that allows the little guy that makes up 95% of society to have the most freedom possible. Period.

Do you mean you are going to penalize small business since they are currently at 99.9?

1. The ability to compete in the market place

Now, that should be up for discussion except I never had a problem of competing in the market place. The Internet helps a bunch for those of that know how to use if for marketing and sales. It could be better locally though. The Town Daddies have a lot to say on who will be successful and who won't unless there is a lot of money involved.

2. The Ability to form a small business without being bought out and destroyed by the corporations.

You don't have to be bought out by a corporation. It's your choice. Though sometimes it's the way to go when your business becomes more profitable that way. Offer me a 4.5 million for a less than 1 million and I would sell it to anyone at that point. Money talks.

2a. Yes, one of the main functions of my small government would in fact be anti-trust and keeping it fair for the little guy. Freedom isn't being controlled by the few but the many.

Yes, there just isn't enough of the Sherman and other Acts being used today. Our Politicos are bought and paid for and there is just too much graft in our court system.

3. The freedom to invent and create. But I'd limit copy right to 5-10 years depending on what to allow maximum freedom for the little guy.

Many countries have a 25 year max which I find to be very fair for both Copyrights and Patents.

4. I'd legalize all drugs

You really lost me on that one. Legalizing Heroine? I don't friggin thing so. Now if you had said "Regulate" we would have to have a discussion on how that would go.

5. I'd allows transgender people to buy their stuff in the stores and celebrate it as a part of a free society.
6. I'd be find with gays being able to be gay and even having their own schools, t.v networks, etc.
Long before Colorado passed the Gay Marriage, I supported Civil Contracts which is the same thing except there is no mention of religion in it like Marriage has.

7. I'd get government out of dictating speech and what is immoral. People are going to have sex? WHY SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT BE IN YOUR BUSINESS? No book bans, cuss censors or shit.
Up to a point but when it gets unhealthy for the masses then we have to change some things from Rights to Privileges.

Seriously, if you want to have sex, do drugs and wear dresses that is on you.

For the most part, I agree as long it's healthy for the masses.
My idea of small government is one that allows the little guy that makes up 95% of society to have the most freedom possible. Period.
1. The ability to compete in the market place
2. The Ability to form a small business without being bought out and destroyed by the corporations.
2a. Yes, one of the main functions of my small government would in fact be anti-trust and keeping it fair for the little guy. Freedom isn't being controlled by the few but the many.
3. The freedom to invent and create. But I'd limit copy right to 5-10 years depending on what to allow maximum freedom for the little guy.
4. I'd legalize all drugs
5. I'd allows transgender people to buy their stuff in the stores and celebrate it as a part of a free society.
6. I'd be find with gays being able to be gay and even having their own schools, t.v networks, etc.
7. I'd get government out of dictating speech and what is immoral. People are going to have sex? WHY SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT BE IN YOUR BUSINESS? No book bans, cuss censors or shit.

Seriously, if you want to have sex, do drugs and wear dresses that is on you.
Probably closer to my stance than most Jess, but you'll find it just as hard to sell here as i have

best wishes

Had to get the home O tranny BS in there? SMH! Something that barely exists is not my concern till you shove LGTBQ nonsense down young Childrens throats, Then you should be held accountable or worse.
My idea of small government is one that allows the little guy that makes up 95% of society to have the most freedom possible. Period.
1. The ability to compete in the market place
2. The Ability to form a small business without being bought out and destroyed by the corporations.
2a. Yes, one of the main functions of my small government would in fact be anti-trust and keeping it fair for the little guy. Freedom isn't being controlled by the few but the many.
3. The freedom to invent and create. But I'd limit copy right to 5-10 years depending on what to allow maximum freedom for the little guy.
4. I'd legalize all drugs
5. I'd allows transgender people to buy their stuff in the stores and celebrate it as a part of a free society.
6. I'd be find with gays being able to be gay and even having their own schools, t.v networks, etc.
7. I'd get government out of dictating speech and what is immoral. People are going to have sex? WHY SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT BE IN YOUR BUSINESS? No book bans, cuss censors or shit.

Seriously, if you want to have sex, do drugs and wear dresses that is on you.
thats the opposite of small government because it requires force,,

stay away from the children or suffer,,
We could round up all of her tranny LBGTQ mentally ill polesmokeing fudgepacking tuna hustler butt-pirates and deposit them on an empty island.

then we could shrink the GOVT, the courts, the mental houses, psychiatric care…..lawyers. WINNING.

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