My high school textbook seems politically biased and factually incorrect.

Is this a bad textbook? Should it be replaced?

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Possibly in the sense of 2b, but that is not what you meant.

Tyrant Definition of TYRANT 1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b : a usurper of sovereignty 2 a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

because facts are facts.

you can draw whatever opinion you want to about those facts, but there can't be alternative facts.


i'd hope they're biased in favor of the truth. you should be biased in favor of facts, too.

i'm not trying to insult you. i'm pointing out that the idea that the textbooks are 'biased' is silly.

and facts don't always suit our political views.

or do you want to do the whole texas: let's make up our own history thing?



In other words

The bias of the books is the same as yours, and not based entirely on facts.

fdr was a tyrant, anyone that says otherwise is nothing less than a liar.

A yellow face got you put in "camp" along side people that had a wrong sounding last name.
He confiscated property
He confiscated wealth

Seems I'm fully correct.

ok, he was a "soft" tyrant, since he only killed black men by having experiments done on them.
Possibly in the sense of 2b, but that is not what you meant.

Tyrant Definition of TYRANT 1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b : a usurper of sovereignty 2 a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

In other words

The bias of the books is the same as yours, and not based entirely on facts.

fdr was a tyrant, anyone that says otherwise is nothing less than a liar.

A yellow face got you put in "camp" along side people that had a wrong sounding last name.
He confiscated property
He confiscated wealth

Seems I'm fully correct.

ok, he was a "soft" tyrant, since he only killed black men by having experiments done on them.

Do you believe the stuff you type?
Okay, on the first statement it was in a context which talks about all immigrants, not just legal ones, but that set aside, only 9.8% of Latino LEGAL immigrants have a college degree, and 29% of white immigrants. My textbook was just plain wrong saying that most immigrants are well-educated.

On the next statement, you are wrong about the 14th amendment protecting illegals, as it specifically states it only applies to "citizens" which undocumented people are not. Regardless, it presents that "fact" as though everybody should support certain policies, and has no place in our public schools. I'm assuming you don't support teaching creationism in our schools? This is the same sort of deal.

Also, could you please give me your opinion on the statement about Al-Queada and the Taliban that neglects to mention religion as their main motive?

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of a high school freshman taking apart two of the most arrogant liberal poseurs on the boards like cheap watches? :party:

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of neocon whackjobs actually believing this is a high school freshmen, then giving the sock a slap on the back for 'taking apart' two posters who are handing this 'kid' his/her arse on a plate...

go cry to a mod or taking your beating like a man.

well, like a liberal male
Possibly in the sense of 2b, but that is not what you meant.

Tyrant Definition of TYRANT 1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b : a usurper of sovereignty 2 a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

A yellow face got you put in "camp" along side people that had a wrong sounding last name.
He confiscated property
He confiscated wealth

Seems I'm fully correct.

ok, he was a "soft" tyrant, since he only killed black men by having experiments done on them.

Do you believe the stuff you type?

I'm historically correct.

So yeah.
FDR performed experiments on black patients? Let's see: was he a doctor, a nurse, a medical orderly?

He took peoples' wealth and property? Let's see: was he a full time, a part time, or an equal opportunity tyrant?

Two Thumbs, you and your buds have fail on this argument a dozen times already, but we can keep it up forever, because you fill the Catholic teach pedagogy that a bad example like you is a great example for observers to not emulate.
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A yellow face got you put in "camp" along side people that had a wrong sounding last name.
He confiscated property
He confiscated wealth

Seems I'm fully correct.

ok, he was a "soft" tyrant, since he only killed black men by having experiments done on them.

Do you believe the stuff you type?

I'm historically correct.

So yeah.

You're historically correct like OJ wasn't guilty, or Dumbya was a great president, or Joe McCarthy was a 'good' guy...:cool:
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Dr G, if they pulled this in college class, they would fail. You know as well as I they are in no position of authority to influence anybody or anything.
You have aligned yourselves with the Nazi and will always be wrong to use that term.

That is incorrect, you ignorant fool. FDR threw innocent Americans (some of the very best and bravest, as it turns out) into concentration camps. That is what they were, that is what he called them, and that is a fact of history no matter how much it upsets you. You can't talk your way around it. Semantics is not on your side any more than the facts are. Now, get ahold of your little emotions and face reality.
You have aligned yourselves with the Nazi and will always be wrong to use that term.

That is incorrect, you ignorant fool. FDR threw innocent Americans (some of the very best and bravest, as it turns out) into concentration camps. That is what they were, that is what he called them, and that is a fact of history no matter how much it upsets you. You can't talk your way around it. Semantics is not on your side any more than the facts are. Now, get ahold of your little emotions and face reality.

They were not concentration camps....I've visited Dachau - that was a concentration camp. These were internment camps. Huge difference.

you have to remember, that in 1942 the VAST majority of other Americans agreed with the govt...probably most of your ancestors. And going from what Iv'e seen on these boards over the past 6 years, ALL conservatives would have agreed, too...

we can all Monday morning quarterback on this..
You have aligned yourselves with the Nazi and will always be wrong to use that term.

That is incorrect, you ignorant fool. FDR threw innocent Americans (some of the very best and bravest, as it turns out) into concentration camps. That is what they were, that is what he called them, and that is a fact of history no matter how much it upsets you. You can't talk your way around it. Semantics is not on your side any more than the facts are. Now, get ahold of your little emotions and face reality.

They were not concentration camps......

They were - by definition - concentration camps. That's why FDR called them concentration camps. The English language does not change in response to your discomfort.
Human geography?
People getting maps tatooed on themselves now?

Lol. No, Human Geography is the study of human interaction withe the environment, at least according to my biased textbook. I wouldn't know if I'd trust that definition, though!
Human geography?
People getting maps tatooed on themselves now?

Lol. No, Human Geography is the study of human interaction withe the environment, at least according to my biased textbook. I wouldn't know if I'd trust that definition, though!

No, they're correct. An example would be . . . Switzerland's famous neutrality, made possible by the fact that their country is ringed in by the Alps. Another example would be the much-decried fact that Americans are so much less likely to visit other countries than Europeans, which is due to the tandem facts that 1) we're separated by oceans and a lot of territory from most other countries, where Europeans need only a train ride of a few hours to cross a border, and 2) our own country is so very large and diverse in itself.
That is incorrect, you ignorant fool. FDR threw innocent Americans (some of the very best and bravest, as it turns out) into concentration camps. That is what they were, that is what he called them, and that is a fact of history no matter how much it upsets you. You can't talk your way around it. Semantics is not on your side any more than the facts are. Now, get ahold of your little emotions and face reality.

They were not concentration camps......

They were - by definition - concentration camps. That's why FDR called them concentration camps. The English language does not change in response to your discomfort.

It's safe to say that the term "Concentration camp" has entered the vernacular to mean those camps run by Nazi's to inter Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies etc.

Don't believe me? Do a little experiment. Go outside and ask the first 100 passers by what is the first thing that comes into their minds when you say 'concentration camp'..

Write down how many say things like Nazis, Jews and Holocaust. Write down how many talk about Japanese in the US during WWII...
Human geography?
People getting maps tatooed on themselves now?

Lol. No, Human Geography is the study of human interaction withe the environment, at least according to my biased textbook. I wouldn't know if I'd trust that definition, though!

No, they're correct. An example would be . . . Switzerland's famous neutrality, made possible by the fact that their country is ringed in by the Alps. Another example would be the much-decried fact that Americans are so much less likely to visit other countries than Europeans, which is due to the tandem facts that 1) we're separated by oceans and a lot of territory from most other countries, where Europeans need only a train ride of a few hours to cross a border, and 2) our own country is so very large and diverse in itself.

More drivel. Switzerland is not 'ringed' by the Alps. The southern part, and a fraction of the west has the Alps. Hardly a fact.....
They were not concentration camps......

They were - by definition - concentration camps. That's why FDR called them concentration camps. The English language does not change in response to your discomfort.

It's safe to say that the term "Concentration camp" has entered the vernacular to mean those camps run by Nazi's to inter Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies etc.

Don't believe me? Do a little experiment. Go outside and ask the first 100 passers by what is the first thing that comes into their minds when you say 'concentration camp'..

Write down how many say things like Nazis, Jews and Holocaust. Write down how many talk about Japanese in the US during WWII...

What the term 'concentration camp' means is not limited to what the Nazis did. FDR threw over 100,000 innocent Americans into concentration camps. That is a fact.

There are prisons in the US where inmates can go online, watch cable TV, exercise all day, study towards a college degree, or even work to earn money for themselves. There are prisons in other parts of the world where inmates are beaten, starved, and killed. This does not mean that those places in the US are not 'prisons.' They are, because words mean something.

As for 'the man on the street,' go outside and ask 100 people to locate Burkina Faso on a map. Does the inevitable result mean that Burkina Faso doesn't exist, or that we must call it something other than a 'country'?

Try to think a little more carefully.
The "fact" as Unkotare uses it is historically and culturally inaccurate.

His insistence is meaningless.
They were - by definition - concentration camps. That's why FDR called them concentration camps. The English language does not change in response to your discomfort.

It's safe to say that the term "Concentration camp" has entered the vernacular to mean those camps run by Nazi's to inter Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies etc.

Don't believe me? Do a little experiment. Go outside and ask the first 100 passers by what is the first thing that comes into their minds when you say 'concentration camp'..

Write down how many say things like Nazis, Jews and Holocaust. Write down how many talk about Japanese in the US during WWII...

What the term 'concentration camp' means is not limited to what the Nazis did. FDR threw over 100,000 innocent Americans into concentration camps. That is a fact.

There are prisons in the US where inmates can go online, watch cable TV, exercise all day, study towards a college degree, or even work to earn money for themselves. There are prisons in other parts of the world where inmates are beaten, starved, and killed. This does not mean that those places in the US are not 'prisons.' They are, because words mean something.

As for 'the man on the street,' go outside and ask 100 people to locate Burkina Faso on a map. Does the inevitable result mean that Burkina Faso doesn't exist, or that we must call it something other than a 'country'?

Try to think a little more carefully.
Do you believe the stuff you type?

I'm historically correct.

So yeah.

You're historically correct like OJ wasn't guilty, or Dumbya was a great president, or Joe McCarthy was a 'good' guy...:cool:

Well gee, these people agree with me that you're an idiot;

FDR’s Heinous Crimes

On April 5, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the confiscation of gold from US citizens, in one of the most heinous acts of mass-robbery imagineable. Below is the text of Roosevelt’s order.

Abandoned the gold standard, forbade the private ownership of gold in almost all cases, nullified all contractual promises — public or private, past or future — to pay in gold.

Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933. It provided for acreage and production controls, restrictive marketing agreements, and regulatory licensing of processors and dealers “to eliminate unfair practices and charges.” It authorized new lending, taxed processors of agricultural commodities, and rewarded farmers who cut back production.

And that’s not even including World War II. After ruining the US, FDR turned to bigger and better things: ruining the world. He was determined to get into the second world war. He knew about Pearl Harbor and did nothing. He became close friends with history’s largest mass-murderer, Joseph Stalin (who was responsible for more murders than Hitler). Stalin was a suitable friend for FDR. Completing his legacy, FDR insured that half of Europe would be in economic ruin for more than half a century after his death via his agreements with Stalin and Churchill at Yalta.

OOOHHHH SNAP!! PBS says you're an idiot!! Keep an eye out for Big Birds pecker

Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT HISTORY

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which permitted the military to circumvent the constitutional safeguards of American citizens in the name of national defense.

The order set into motion the exclusion from certain areas, and the evacuation and mass incarceration of 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry living on the West Coast, most of whom were U.S. citizens or legal permanent resident aliens.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[1] (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study or Public Health Service syphilis study) was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in poor, rural black men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.[1]

In other words asshole, fdr was a fucking traitor that should have been given the chair.

Lie all you want, historical facts don't change

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