My final Vegas rock concert is tonight

i once went to a Peppers concert like 10 years ago when i was 24, i slept through it all after someone put something in my drink lol ahh, simpler times
Red Hot Chili Peppers

Better you than me. I could not go if I wanted. I just checked ticket prices and front row center seats are selling for $400!

Are people insane?! I bet you paid about $150-$200 for your ticket. That is just plain crazy. No concert is worth that.

In my day before Ticketmaster when you could buy tickets directly, I got the same seat to far better bands (the best ever) than RHCP for $6.50.

Adjusted for inflation, that same $400 ticket now ought to be selling for about $36.50 today.

$400 is 10X, 11X the rate of inflation!

I refuse to be gouged.
Better you than me. I could not go if I wanted. I just checked ticket prices and front row center seats are selling for $400!

Are people insane?! I bet you paid about $150-$200 for your ticket. That is just plain crazy. No concert is worth that.

In my day before Ticketmaster when you could buy tickets directly, I got the same seat to far better bands (the best ever) than RHCP for $6.50.

Adjusted for inflation, that same $400 ticket now ought to be selling for about $36.50 today.

$400 is 10X, 11X the rate of inflation!

I refuse to be gouged.
I only paid $150
Are people insane?! I bet you paid about $150-$200 for your ticket. That is just plain crazy. No concert is worth that.
What's crazy is people are paying insane ticket prices to go see bands that haven't had a hit in 30 years! They are going to listen to songs that remind them of their childhood, I get that, but paying hundreds to listen to new songs by John Mellencamp that don't even make the radio is so stupid. Mellencamp did have a successful career though, but that was long ago.
That puts you way back in the rear of Allegiant Stadium in the rafter far from the stage. In the 70s, that same ticket would have cost $4.50, about $48.00 today, or a THIRD what you are paying!
I got it early
I nave floor B3
What's crazy is people are paying insane ticket prices to go see bands that haven't had a hit in 30 years!

Point well taken. I was never a big RHCP fan but I do have their Blood Sugar Sex Magic CD and after Q is done seeing them live tonight, if he could somehow hear them on my stereo, he would feel very ripped off--- I can guarantee that my sound system puts out way better and louder music than he will hear live.

I think most places are setting an upper limit now of 90-something dB as the loudest their music gets anywhere inside (to supposedly protect your hearing), which is a joke.

I can play Flea at 135 dB where his every bass note tickles up and down your spine as it massages your inner organs.
That's not bad, it puts you on the floor stage center but it starts at least 40 rows from the stage! I never sat so far back in my life except once to see Black Sabbath. Bring binoculars.
How was BS ??
How was BS ??

Worst concert was ever to. Seat was in peanut heaven, couldn't even recognize the band, sound was feeble, and the overhead lighting was on through the whole concert, so bright that I could have sat there and read a book, and everyone sat like a zombie, no one even lit up, and the band seemed anemic and uninspired.

Once again, I can have a far more intense experience staying home and putting one of their LPs on for free.
Worst concert was ever to. Seat was in peanut heaven, couldn't even recognize the band, sound was feeble, and the overhead lighting was on through the whole concert, so bright that I could have sat there and read a book, and everyone sat like a zombie, no one even lit up, and the band seemed anemic and uninspired.

Once again, I can have a far more intense experience staying home and putting one of their LPs on for free.
Very alternative California type of crowd
Worst concert was ever to. Seat was in peanut heaven, couldn't even recognize the band, sound was feeble, and the overhead lighting was on through the whole concert, so bright that I could have sat there and read a book, and everyone sat like a zombie, no one even lit up, and the band seemed anemic and uninspired.

Once again, I can have a far more intense experience staying home and putting one of their LPs on for free.
I am 40 rows back
Can’t see S