My doggies!


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
Actually, this is only one of my dogs. My soulmate, Greta.

Getting used to uploading pictures.


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Took me a minute there to understand what you were saying, Douger. LOL

Yeah, the bad guy would think he's dealing with a hound dog until it had him down!
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Oooh. A red dobie! Reminds me of the one I had so long ago. I named her Copper.

Copper!! Excellent name.

I have two, they are half-sisters. Greta and Hannah. I'm having a little trouble getting pictures to upload.

I have five dogs. The two dobies, two min pins and one Chinese shar pei. The dobies were "on purpose," I got them as puppies, the other three dogs are rescues.
Oh, stop. I can't stand animal cruelty, okay? I'm not going to do something that is cruel.

My pup was running around playing the day she got her ears cropped. I would never have had my second dobie's ears cropped if it weren't for that. The second pup was just as tolerant of the procedure.
You missed the point.I didn't say it was cruel. I said it makes the dog less visible to the scum that wants to fuck you over.
i love dobies....

here is mine....

he is eating one of the cats:


my son got him for me for my birthday.....son says the only purpose that thor has is to watch me...the dog is never more than 3 ft from me....


he is a blue.....the others have always been blacks/reds
Greta guards the Christmas presents. :clap2: Literally. No one is allowed near unless she says so! : )


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Oh, stop. I can't stand animal cruelty, okay? I'm not going to do something that is cruel.

My pup was running around playing the day she got her ears cropped. I would never have had my second dobie's ears cropped if it weren't for that. The second pup was just as tolerant of the procedure.
You missed the point.I didn't say it was cruel. I said it makes the dog less visible to the scum that wants to fuck you over.

Yeah, sorry, I was misunderstanding you. People get on my case about it sometimes.
and you should have mentioned you had dobies right off......i need to hit you with some rep but i have to wait for a few or spread some about....brb
that is one large female? how much does she weigh in at.....and i have no room to talk..thor tops 100 lbs...

Greta is about 75 lbs.
That's a good sized girl for a Dobe. The idiots in the AKC bring females in at 50 lbs tops.
Cute, but they can not ( work). :cool:

I thought the breed standard for dobies was something like 66-90 pounds.

Both my dobies are about 75 pounds. Half-sisters, 8 months apart. I got Greta, fell in love and decided to get another puppy, Hannah.
i have only known one dobie owner who was a total dick....he is a lawyer...still amazes me...he dolts on his two dobies....he is still a dick but maybe lawyers just cant help it...i have had 3 dobies in 30 years...the 2nd one....was found half starved in a barn used by crooks.....he was near death....beaten...kicked....had 3 types of mange.....but when the vet went to put him down...he licked her hand....and saved his life....the vets was willing to donate all kinds of stuff for his skin...some drip they use on cattle..but needed someone to take him in...most people dont understand the breed and sure the hell dont know how to rescue one....i have failed at one rescue attempt with a female.....that still haunts me...that is why son purchased thor...but i do love the breed....

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