My debate with a hindu roma woman


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
She claims to practices ancient pagan beliefs of the roma from hinduism and is hotile to christianity, Im a christian and this is our debate.

This fresco is still existent on a wall in the Monastery at Strungari in Romania. It makes it rather clear what the Orthodox Christians really think of us, at least those of us who keep the old beliefs -- I very nearly exploded with anger when I saw it:

Im orthodox christian but thats because its dominated by white people, but it has nothing to do with the faith per se. Christianity the religion doesnt make racial divisions, and also lilke Michael said every faith can be misused by the wrong people. You admittet that your fellow hindus hate you too because you are dalit, and muslims see roma the same way christians used to see them, that they are vagabonds and godless so its not only christians but all gadje, i even know a somali muslim who said "roma are shameless people with no honour and no god" because some roma beggars pretended to be muslims to begg infront of the masjid. I dont think if a roma is sincere in his beliefs the other christians will reject him, only racists, but racism is not part of christianity. Christianity is also not a white mans religion, jesus was a jew from middle east. Also I saw that those evangelicals are mostly roma themselfes which I support. That the church community is mostly roma and that the pastor is roma, its different then in orthodox church where the priest is gadje and all the important people are gadje. You yourself said your fellow hindus hate you because you are dalit, how can you judge christianity then? Hinduism is also very racist based on caste system and dalits convert to buddhism and christianity many missionaries converted dalits to christianity.

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