My Current Dillema at an HBCU (last thread for a while, 3 is a good number)

Oct 4, 2014
(I misspelled dilemma in the title of the post... oh, well) Having given an initial post on empathic listening/reading, and a second post that explains a bit of why I think as I do, I would now like to express my current circumstances and dilemma of spirit. Perhaps some positive advice could be gleaned from the opinionated and helpful group of people on this forum.

I am a psychology student in graduate school at a HBCU (Historically black college/university). A number of the students in my classes are bright and promising counselors-in-training. At the same time, there are a number who have a great difficulty in even writing a paragraph, much less an actual paper. There used to be a GRE (Graduate Record Examination) requirement to be accepted; however, that was done away with, and the only requirement aside from 2 recommendation letters, is a GPA of 2.0 (C average) in undergraduate studies.This generates a lot more money for the university from financial aid allotment, but greatly lowers the overall classroom level of thought. There are positives to both sides. I just wish that the students on average were better educated in general.

For a number of my classes, students have been passed along regardless of their actual test scores, perhaps for their entire lives. A 'B' average (an '80') is required for passing each course in graduate school, and many of the test scores students have shown me range from the low 40's to the upper 60's. One of the theories that may influence the lack of applicability of their true scores, which is sociologically supported, is that tests are often culturally-biased; however, most of these tests are written by the black professors teaching the classes. In one class I scored a 97 on my final exam, and saw a 68 and a 54 on the score sheets of the two students closest to me. Somehow, I received a 'B' for the class and so did they. I don't know how that math worked out, but it certainly doesn’t seem to have been a fair evaluation.

Just the other evening, the students around me were actually passing around notes to one another during our midterm, which was disallowed and is tantamount to cheating, but the teacher did not notice, and it's not a healthy idea to 'whistle-blow' or 'snitch' in such a situation. The social atmosphere is already heavily biased against me since the philosophy of the campus is (perhaps understandably, if one watches the news or talks to any of their African-American brothers or sisters about their life experiences) very anti-white, especially anti-male, anti-white. Please remain aware that I am not being hateful towards those who hold prejudice or begrudge me for my ethnicity and gender. In fact, I understand why one would hold such opinions, but they are based on prejudice and not on who I actually am, and thus perpetuate prejudiced thought and behavior. It's almost as if it would be unhealthy for a student attending the university to NOT hold such an opinion, at least in view of other students - it is the overarching philosophy of the campus, often even shared by the professors. The fact that the school is labeled a HBCU is in itself a testament to the unfair and prejudiced history of the United States. I do not live on campus, but at my own home within the larger city, and for that I am glad, although if I was more involved in the campus living, such prejudice might also be alleviated. There is no way to know at this point.

In my first class at the university, “Counseling Diverse Populations,” for one of the class periods, the professor showed us a sociological experiment on prejudice performed by a white teacher on her white students from the 50s in which only blue-eyed students were able to participate in recess, got to go to the front of the lunch-line, etc. The next day in the experiment, the situation was reversed and only brown-eyed students gained these benefits. It is a good film and experiment and I’m glad our professor showed it to us; however, she assigned the black students in our class to subtly observe the white students and their reaction to the film. I seem to have been the only one to have picked up on this out of the 5 white students in the class. Encouraging and accentuating prejudice and discrimination is a bad idea in my opinion, but she made different assignments for different students in that case based on race, which is ultimately unethical. Many, many things throughout history have been unethical, but it does not justify being unethical oneself by referencing a past example. To me such behavior is vengeful and is destructive to positive evolution of race relations. The professor is career military and herself came of age in the 1960s in Mississippi, and so such a ‘fight fire with fire’ philosophy befits her approach. It seems that Martin Luther King’s approach towards a positive direction regarding race relations may have died to many African-Americans shortly after he did. He said, “Hate cannot drive out hate – only love can do that.” Could it be that like many other things, MLK’s philosophy has been rejected by so many African-Americans because it has become so accepted by so many white people?

Once again, I am being a bit long-winded, and am using this forum as a way to air out my spiritual dirty-laundry, also referred to as ‘unfinished business.’ I know the possibility for negative responses is very likely, but I’m taking the chance that one or more responses may help me to understand more fully how to assimilate and overcome the negatives of spirit that are often presented to me in my daily experiences, most often at my HBCU graduate school, and move past such thought processes to once again maintain a higher level vibration within my spiritual self so that I may also continue to raise the vibrational level of those around me and with whom I interact.
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My advice would be to buy a bible and read the new testament until you are saved. The "vibrations" you speak of - spirituality - is new age - occult based and you will never find peace outside of Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. That is what I get from reading your story.
Thank you for your kind concern, Jeremiah. You have a good, strong name. Vibrations are part of every living creatures' existence, Jeremiah, and therefore cannot be simply occult-based. Vibrations exist whether or not you believe in them. Jesus Christ is your ideal for maintaining your high vibrational level, and I am glad you have that. I love the personage/legend of Jesus, although I believe he felt very differently about himself than most Christians believe and preach that he did. He was a great teacher and revolutionary of spirit, and yet he never considered himself the Messiah. Having studied the Bible for a good deal of my life, as well as studying other religions and thoughts on the divine, and obtaining a theology degree I know it is unhealthy to close one's mind and spirit to other cultural beliefs based on fear or simply misunderstanding. Just wondering, Jeremiah, which is more important to your concept of Jesus, his life and his teachings which made him who he was, or the death and resurrection story that makes most Christians into who they believe themselves to be? The Bible cannot answer all questions, of course, but in your studies of that text, can you reference some verses for me that can solve the dilemma presented above in a practical, non-abstract manner? I prefer the gospels that share the words and life of Jesus and am not a fan of Paul and his disciples' prejudicial views on most matters. Nor am I a fan of the Old Testament, for the New Testament Gospels made those teachings obsolete in many ways. The Psalms and Song of Solomon have some beautiful poetry however that I admire greatly.
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After looking at your other posts and comments, Jeremiah, it seems you are "Trolling" in the name of the LORD, but a troll nonetheless. Was what you said really the only comment you had about all the messed up processes that occur at the HBCU I attend? It may be that my posts are on the wrong message board. My heart and spirit may be lacking in vitriol compared to what occurs on here. This is a place of anger, frustration, and judgment of others, not really a place to peacefully communicate concepts that need constructive evolution. It felt good to get all this out in print somewhere anyway. Peace be unto you, my brothers and sisters! I can un-bookmark this page now. It was good to visit, but it is not a place to stay. ;)
Why are you going to this school? Would be my first question
It is the only school in that region of the state that is allowed to have Counseling Psychology as a major. Even the students that love the school for other reasons that are mostly social complain constantly about the ineptitude of the school. Much of my learning is done beyond the simplistic classroom setting. I have to get the degree and certification there however. Some of the students and professors would definitely prefer the school be segregated, but progress has made that non-negotiable, and I for one am overall very glad for desegregation. If people only interact with "their people" as I hear it often referenced, then progress will not be made. That point of view makes a lot of sense to them though. If being around white people makes one feel hatred, then one would not want white people around, since they are the cause for that feeling of hatred to arise. It's a sad, sad conundrum where people justify hate and blame someone else for it. We can get past it though, eventually. We definitely do not need to go backward. :(
I dont think that is gonna happen. Its all gonna come to a head soon. St Louis will be ground zero. Both races are sick of each other to the point that its gonna get violent. I would not wanna be going to class that day. =)
I dont think that is gonna happen. Its all gonna come to a head soon. St Louis will be ground zero. Both races are sick of each other to the point that its gonna get violent. I would not wanna be going to class that day. =)
The black friends I have had throughout my life that lived in desegregated environments have had much less racial prejudice compared to my black friends that lived in mostly segregated areas. It's almost more of what philosophy you grow up with that forms your world view. Having been in circumstances throughout life where the various races co-existed and co-habitated (cub scouts and boy scouts, little league teams, well-balanced school environments, etc.), it always surprised me to hear the horrible racial prejudice that existed in the hearts and minds of those who grew up without that blessing and were vehemently taught racial prejudice instead. One constant was that the racially prejudiced whites or blacks I interacted with had parents of low education level - almost as if they had known more about life in general and alternative ways of thinking aside from the limited minds they had developed, that such thinking would have grown past such dichotomous ideals of reality. There is always more than this or that, black and white, up and down. Unfortunately, much of the greater American society structure encourages such thinking - black and white, republican and democrat, male and female ... If one ever learns to open their third eye, the truth of reality becomes much more diverse... and I have a persevering hope that people will grow beyond such simplistic dichotomy.
I dont think that is gonna happen. Its all gonna come to a head soon. St Louis will be ground zero. Both races are sick of each other to the point that its gonna get violent. I would not wanna be going to class that day. =)
Like most inbred racists, your hope for a race war would only climax in you pissing yourself in fear. I'm only sick of racist inbred white boys like you. The young lady I have for a god daughter is in no way part of your team.
I dont think that is gonna happen. Its all gonna come to a head soon. St Louis will be ground zero. Both races are sick of each other to the point that its gonna get violent. I would not wanna be going to class that day. =)
Like most inbred racists, your hope for a race war would only climax in you pissing yourself in fear. I'm only sick of racist inbred white boys like you. The young lady I have for a god daughter is in no way part of your team.

I think your hostile response is unwarranted. Predicting increased racial strife is not hoping for a race war, and engaging in vulgar name-calling merely undermines your contributions to this forum.
I dont think that is gonna happen. Its all gonna come to a head soon. St Louis will be ground zero. Both races are sick of each other to the point that its gonna get violent. I would not wanna be going to class that day. =)
Like most inbred racists, your hope for a race war would only climax in you pissing yourself in fear. I'm only sick of racist inbred white boys like you. The young lady I have for a god daughter is in no way part of your team.

I think your hostile response is unwarranted. Predicting increased racial strife is not hoping for a race war, and engaging in vulgar name-calling merely undermines your contributions to this forum.
Well he is a racist but your point is taken.

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