My cat invited a bunny over and didn't tell me


Feb 14, 2011
Just found a slightly smelly bunny in an out of the way shelf. A shelf I don't think the cat can get to. So my best guess is Joe brought the bunny in while it was still mobile enough to crawl to a hiding place.

Poor bunny. If I knew he was over, I would have offered him a drink and found him a cool grassy spot to rest.
Cats. Bunnies. The topic makes me twitchy.

Started with my oldest girl cat. She apparently found the bunny nest. And started bringing in the babies. Without their heads, which were apparently very yummy. The first headless baby bunny one finds tends to be a shock. Picture me holding headless baby bunny, yelling at the cat "WHERE IS BUNNY'S HEAD!!!!? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH BABY BUNNY'S HEAD!!!!???". But then you get used to it.

Then I thought she was done, until one night, I'm awakened by ... the death scream of a baby bunny. I knew what it was. I didn't bother getting up, because I knew it was already too late. I checked out the carnage the next morning. You know how hard it is to get arterial spray off of flat white paint? If the CSI team ever comes around and sprays the luminol, I'm in a world of hurt. "I'm not a serial killer! It's bunny blood, dammit!".

Things calmed down for a couple years. My boy cat moves in. And one day, I find a half-grown bunny inside. It's not quite dead. They played with it for a while, and then left the twitching mutilated bunny as present for me. I had to take it outside and fetch my axe. And when I came back in to scold them, they gave me the look. "Hey monkey, what's that on your hands? Why, it looks like bunny blood. You're one of the bunnykiller gang now too, so you can't criticize."

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