My buddy confronted by cops


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
This is how you handle the police state

[ame=]Stopped for Open Carry in Eugene Oregon - YouTube[/ame]
My God. It's legal to carry a wep and these two douche bag cops detain the guy?

Seig fucking Heil.

Glad I don't live in that Nazi State. Who's in charge out there? A Democrat?
Unbelievable. Nice thing about Virginia. We can open carry, concealed weps permits are $50 for five years, and no one gives a shit.
sorry nc.....i dont know why i have beer on the mind at 8 am ....yall are discussing open carry guns....the video dude got on my nerves and i turned it off....again sorry....i just jumped the gun
I thought the cop was real niced to him.

Why do you people think the cops may be concerned about a guy walking arround with a gun when MOST people dont?

Guns kill people.

In this world where people are shot in mass by some nuttter every time you turn arround it is WISE of these cops to stop and talk to some guy walking arround with a gun displayed.

If he looked muslim and had a packpack on while carrying this gun you would be insensed that the cops just let him walk away.

If you open carry a gun dont be so stupid as to think people don not see you as a threat.

Remember just how scared you guys got at two skinny black guys standing there while one held a nightstick.

You still want that guy in prison for carrying a nightstick yet its fine for you to walk arround packing in the open and everyone is supposed to think you no threat to anyone.

People dont think you friend is less of a threat just because he is white.
if you walk arround town with an axe at the ready do you think people will notice you?

These fools want to get attention.

They want people to fear them.

If a those two skinny black guys were walking arround the down town of your home (one carrying a nightstick) would the cops stop them?

You bet they would , and you would be mad at them if they didnt
I thought the cop was real niced to him.

Why do you people think the cops may be concerned about a guy walking arround with a gun when MOST people dont?

Guns kill people.

In this world where people are shot in mass by some nuttter every time you turn arround it is WISE of these cops to stop and talk to some guy walking arround with a gun displayed.

If he looked muslim and had a packpack on while carrying this gun you would be insensed that the cops just let him walk away.

If you open carry a gun dont be so stupid as to think people don not see you as a threat.

Remember just how scared you guys got at two skinny black guys standing there while one held a nightstick.

You still want that guy in prison for carrying a nightstick yet its fine for you to walk arround packing in the open and everyone is supposed to think you no threat to anyone.

People dont think you friend is less of a threat just because he is white.

People kill people stupid.

The LAW in Oregon - it's OK to carry a weapon.

These police officers had no business hassling a law abiding citizen.

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