My Baby Girl Is ALL Grown Up....Sure Miss Her......

My little girl Chelsea turns 27 did that happen? Stop the world and let me off.... because that can't be possible. I could not have asked for a more incredible daughter. She taught me more about unconditional love than I could ever teach her. She showed me what love was about and how to place someone else above my own well being. When I held her in my arms for the very first time? I wept tears and all my feelings of not being worthy of being loved disappeared in the blink of an eye. I looked down at that little face and realized that she was the most important thing that ever happened to me...from that point on I knew that looking out for her was all that mattered. My bestest friend Jim was there the whole time with me....he saw my transformation...Love ya, rock.

I did the majority of the 2 AM feedings when she was teeny tiny....and did so with great joy. I had this Michael McDonald tape with this song on it and would play it while I held her.....her tiny little hand would wrap around my pinky finger and the tears would flow. This song is for her.....imagine me holding her and knowing what I just shared then you will know what I was feeling. Chelsea? You "showed me"........

Michael Mcdonald - You Show Me

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Yep; they leave home far too soon.

My youngest is 23, married and heading off to Melbourne to do a Degree after doing a diploma. She's taking the youngest grand-daughter with her and her hubby of course. Sigh; two hour flight.



I remember watching my daughter leaving for Texas Tech with all her belongings packed in her little car and wanting to run down the road screaming "WAIT!!!! You can't leave!!!!! What the hell? Get back here!!!!" but knowing that she had left to make her own way. I watched her learn to walk, followed her around to make sure she didn't fall on something and had to be there to catch can only do that for so long. Man oh man am I ever missing that little/grown up girl.
Thank you, Toro, for giving me a cyber "high five" for this post...........we may not agree on much but you are a good man and you have the ability to see past differences.
You have to let them go. Some parents are intrusive in their kids life's.
USMB our very own Dale Smith, proud of him :)

This is very cool Dale, because sometimes I always think I am taking to dumb asses on here..that doesn't show the real side of them...

You are very kind...I am an open book and I am what I say I am.......the ABCs of me......

Not really I love the real deal on these borads no fakes, no pretenders ...the real deal you can't mess with...

Like I said I know how you back me up.and I appreciate it pal, I really do
My little girl Chelsea turns 27 did that happen? Stop the world and let me off.... because that can't be possible. I could not have asked for a more incredible daughter. She taught me more about unconditional love than I could ever teach her. She showed me what love was about and how to place someone else above my own well being. When I held her in my arms for the very first time? I wept tears and all my feelings of not being worthy of being loved disappeared in the blink of an eye. I looked down at that little face and realized that she was the most important thing that ever happened to me...from that point on I knew that looking out for her was all that mattered. My bestest friend Jim was there the whole time with me....he saw my transformation...Love ya, rock.

I did the majority of the 2 AM feedings when she was teeny tiny....and did so with great joy. I had this Michael McDonald tape with this song on it and would play it while I held her.....her tiny little hand would wrap around my pinky finger and the tears would flow. This song is for her.....imagine me holding her and knowing what I just shared then you will know what I was feeling. Chelsea? You "showed me"........

Michael Mcdonald - You Show Me

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She's lovely, Dale.

One day you're changing their diaper, the next day they're asking for the car keys, the next day they're out and on their own.

Pretty amazing.
Those words EVERY DAD shudders at when said by their little girl:................."Hey da-ad...." know what's coming; just not the amount.

The good news is you wouldn't miss it for quids!!!

My little girl Chelsea turns 27 did that happen? Stop the world and let me off.... because that can't be possible. I could not have asked for a more incredible daughter. She taught me more about unconditional love than I could ever teach her. She showed me what love was about and how to place someone else above my own well being. When I held her in my arms for the very first time? I wept tears and all my feelings of not being worthy of being loved disappeared in the blink of an eye. I looked down at that little face and realized that she was the most important thing that ever happened to me...from that point on I knew that looking out for her was all that mattered. My bestest friend Jim was there the whole time with me....he saw my transformation...Love ya, rock.

I did the majority of the 2 AM feedings when she was teeny tiny....and did so with great joy. I had this Michael McDonald tape with this song on it and would play it while I held her.....her tiny little hand would wrap around my pinky finger and the tears would flow. This song is for her.....imagine me holding her and knowing what I just shared then you will know what I was feeling. Chelsea? You "showed me"........

Michael Mcdonald - You Show Me

View attachment 171064 View attachment 171064
Dayamn Dale, you really are a human........ :D

Well gentlemen...I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow. Boob squish time. Wish they would do gonadograms so these male docs knew what it feels like. :(

Night, guys!

Sorry for the convos. Guess I am dreading going to bed cuz I will toss and turn worrying about tomorrow.
I know what it feels like, Gracie . I had one . I had one Dec 15 and will have another Feb 13 plus a biopsy.
This song I had sung when I was 16 at school I was successful maybe not i good as you but I had practice my English


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