My Apologies to the Freedom Caucus; the did not Cave to Ryan, HE DID!

What Paul Ryan Has That Kevin McCarthy And John Boehner Don’t

If he is elected speaker, Ryan may still struggle to hold the Republican caucus together, but his voting record suggests that he does have a few things going for him that neither Boehner nor McCarthy had.

For one thing, he is more conservative, putting him closer to the 30 or so members of the Freedom Caucus who want to take a harder line in negotiations with Democrats. The group was instrumental in making Boehner’s life miserable and the speakership unattractive to McCarthy.

We can see how conservative they are by looking at their voting records in Congress. Specifically, we can look at the first dimension of their DW-Nominate scores, an algorithm that rates members of Congress on a liberal-conservative scale based on their legislative votes (where 1 is the most conservative and -1 is most liberal). The average Freedom Caucus member scores a 0.65. That’s far more conservative than the average House Republican’s score of 0.49.

Ryan’s ideological score of 0.56 puts him halfway between the average Republican and the average Freedom Caucus member. His score is more conservative than either Boehner’s 0.52 or McCarthy’s 0.46. To put those scores in perspective, Ryan is in the 36th percentile for conservatism among the Republican caucus, while Boehner is in the 46th percentile and McCarthy is in the 56th percentile.

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OMG, Paul Ryan CAVED! He agreed to let his demands go unendorsed and to not push amnesty for illegals till the next President takes office!

The Freedom Caucus called Paul Ryan’s bluff. He’s doomed.

My faith in humanity has been restored; human being can show some courage and determination without being mentally warped sociopaths.
So after the election we need to dump him for a REAL conservative.

Really, it was his demands that freaked me out. He would have been a virtual Dictator running the House with an iron hand, making all appointments and having no chance of being removed. That is simply disgusting for an American to even contemplate. Apparently though he was just starting with a solid bargaining position and bargained down from there, which is almost unheard of for a Republican. One could take that as a hopeful sign.

Other than that, if he keeps his word, he isnt that bad, a big improvement on Boner, fer sher.

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