My 28 Minutes with AOC

What constitutes "probable cause"? Does everyone on the country agree with what probable cause, or do we all just go with your opinion since you seem to think you are some sort of god that knows all.

How about Civil Forfeiture Laws, how do they fall under this?

Oh, and the definition you linked to relies totally on, wait for it.....rulings by the Supreme Court! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You make a good point.
I dont see how saying people should go by what is actually written and the actual intent of a document implies i think im sort of god. In fact, it doesnt at all. Thats pretty stupid. Work on your insulting.
ICE and HS do not run border security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection department is responsible for that.

Want to try again "son"?
ICE and HS do not run border security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection department is responsible for that.

Want to try again "son"?

Yawn. You're dismissed

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. ICE's stated mission is to protect the United States from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. Wikipedia
Founded: March 2003, United States
This from the same people in this very thread making fun of a woman for being a waitress

But of course you will not find any irony in that at all

If one person on the right says anything on any subject we are all responsible.

If you do nothing but defend the left, that means nothing.

You and Mac write the stupidest shit on the board
This from the same people in this very thread making fun of a woman for being a waitress

But of course you will not find any irony in that at all

There's nothing wrong with AOC being a waitress. She was probably good at that job (assuming no one asked her to use the garbage disposal). She's not good at being a legislator.
Absolutely no content, no topic or anything else

She's a fckn retard and you and evidently your butt buddy Mac follows the bartender. 9h wait Mac is non partisan..... roflmao

Pathetic old men
She is an intelligent successful women. She is articulate and representing her constituents; she writes and speaks in proper English - all of which you are lacking.
I dont see how saying people should go by what is actually written and the actual intent of a document implies i think im sort of god. In fact, it doesnt at all. Thats pretty stupid. Work on your insulting.

That was not the part that led me to that conclusion, it was the "well those 75 people are wrong" part that led to that statement
There's nothing wrong with AOC being a waitress. She was probably good at that job (assuming no one asked her to use the garbage disposal). She's not good at being a legislator.

Golfing Gator

Golfing Goiter noticed that one conservative brought up that she was a waitress and is hammering all of us with it as if anyone knows what the fuck he's talking about
That was not the part that led me to that conclusion, it was the "well those 75 people are wrong" part that led to that statement
That was before your point got across.
There is more to it than just reading. Not all cases. But there will be some. I wasnt considering everything.
I certainly dont think i am the way to enlightenment. As shown above.
That was before your point got across.
There is more to it than just reading. Not all cases. But there will be some. I wasnt considering everything.
I certainly dont think i am the way to enlightenment. As shown above.
Guess i just knee jerk sometimes because everyone always want their own political activists on the court and it isnt right. Detrimental, even.
She’s (apparently) female. Discussion of anything other than cooking, cleaning, laundry or dishes for more than 28 seconds would be a complete and utter waste of time.

Misogyny is hate. I wonder why you hate women, something in your past must have hurt you.
Well, that goes to our political "system" (ha), one that incentivizes shitty behavior and intellectual dishonesty.

I lost a lot of faith in our ability (or, more accurately, balls) to fix capitalism after the Meltdown. As long as political tribalism continues to pervert pretty much everything it touches, nothing is getting fixed.

So capitalism's unfixed flaws have given rise to people like AOC. But I'm doubtful there are enough people who want to go more in the opposite direction, and that may not change any time soon.

My frustration is that both ends of the spectrum have perfectly reasonable arguments, and all it would take is some honest communication and collaboration to start us down the right path. But it looks like we've lost those qualities.

STATEMENT: "My frustration is that both ends of the spectrum have perfectly reasonable arguments, and all it would take is some honest communication and collaboration to start us down the right path. But it looks like we've lost those qualities."

RESPONSE: I agree. The efforts of President Biden to come to sane a and pragmatic compromise is lost, and this is the reason:

You're full of shit. You ass hats tried to negate Trump's presidency before he had a chance to do shit, lying little bitch. Trump was your boogie man. AOC is a little girl, she can't be anyone's boogie man
Trump was elected with both houses. He had an easy path and couldn’t get alignment with his own party. Then he destroyed the economy leaving a shell that Biden is building back better. Trumps a fuckup. All the figures show that. Only way to think differently is to ignore the data applaud his insult comic routine.
The SC isnt supposed to vote based on personal views. Its about the Constitution, you silly fucker.
Tell the conservatives on abortion law ignorance the SC just played. You silly fucker.
I watched about 5 minutes.
And it was exactly what I thought it would be.
No specifics of any kind. All kinds of accusations, without a single example given.
Lot's of "do the right thing"... without defining what "it" is.

She is full of shit.
Misogyny is hate. I wonder why you hate women, something in your past must have hurt you.
I disagree. Misogyny is simply the expectation that women know, accept, and embrace their proper role in the world.

For a woman to have hurt me, I would have to give value to their opinion, interest, etc… I don’t do that. I have had several women attempt to insult or humiliate me over the years, but that didn’t work either.

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