Must See —- Leftists are Nuts

I don't know if the PC/Identity Politics zealots are nuts. Look what they have accomplished over the last couple of generations.

People from coast to coast are afraid to say the "wrong thing". They know they could lose everything if the wrong person hears them say the wrong word. You can't wear things that might " offend" certain people. You may be forced out of freakin' restaurants, fer fuck's sake, as silly as that is. Americans are completely intimidated, having to bow to this madness because of what has happened to the culture.

This is what the zealots wanted, and they have it. They were very patient, they kept pounding away, and here we are. That's not nuts.
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So...........Areva Martin is not the media expert that she thought she was. I have never heard of her.
LOL. That reminded me of the old Southwest Airlines commercials - "wanna get away?"

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